Recent content by The Brew Master

  1. The Brew Master

    No bots in new update!!!!!?????

    for the people who say that Valve didn't involve bots in CSS your idiots,there are bots built into CSS they just dont work.So pretty much for people like me who have dial up we still dont have bots until the people at Valve get off their asses and fix the problem. :sleep:
  2. The Brew Master

    HL2 Weapons/Items/Enemies/Chapters *Spoiler*

    wasn't the prowler renamed as the stalker?
  3. The Brew Master

    How many of you are cutting class like me to play HL2?

    hmm....i'd probably skip it if it wasnt a tuesday since tuesdays have shorter school days for me and we have sports on tuesdays which is surfing,so i'll probably skip surfing if the weathers shit.
  4. The Brew Master

    The HL2 Crossbow

    because its a crossbow,crossbows shoot bolts not arrows,bolts dont have points at the end.
  5. The Brew Master

    Linear Gameplay?

    i thought Fable was a pretty cool game,not what it was hyped up to be but it was still great,Im sure none of you mentioned this game cause most of you think Xbox is the devil.Fable was a mix of linear and non-linear,you would be stuck to the plot of the story and always follow the path as you...
  6. The Brew Master

    I laugh at everyone...

    yeah there are a few people who have gone crazy over this,but i mean come on...its just a game.
  7. The Brew Master

    Half Life 2 XBox

    if the only thing you look for in a game is GFX then your seriously ****ed in the head mate.
  8. The Brew Master

    Retail owners can NEVER play DoD:S or HL:S?

    and you would have to wait till Xmas for the CE edition,why?
  9. The Brew Master

    Half Life 2 XBox

    thats why im keeping my Xbox.
  10. The Brew Master

    Wheres the publicity?

    seriously though,you people are complaining about all the Halo 2 fan boys and trying to get them to be interested and get them to buy HL2 and really your just as bad as them cause they think Halo 2 is "god" and they want you to be interested and buy Halo 2 and probably the reason consoler gamers...
  11. The Brew Master

    half-life 2 vs, halo 2

    im seriously gonna gut the next dumbass n00b who makes a Vs thread with a spork and then sand paper them to death.
  12. The Brew Master

    Anyone here good with flash?......

    wow your complaining about Halo 2 fan boys being idiots so you wanna make a flash of Gordon killing Master Cheif? so whos the fan boy now?
  13. The Brew Master

    Damn i can't belive hl2 is gettin owned..

    charming......Halo 2 probably got a higher score cause it has a bigger fan base with more people wanting to play it but in the end who cares? its just a game and with you making such a big fuss out of it im sure your the one popping your pipples while trying to get your dog pregnent,so why dont...
  14. The Brew Master

    Where is HL2 at in terms of production?

    No problem.
  15. The Brew Master

    HL2 Rated "15+" by the OFLC

    no it doesnt get banned automatically its just games like ManHunt that exceed the requirements of a particular rating and it most likely went over a MA 18+ but that whats they had to give it since thats the highest rateing you can get for a movie/game and so on and ManHunt wasnt automatically...