Recent content by The Mild Gatsby

  1. The Mild Gatsby

    Much prefer this to HL2.

    I love the end of Episode One. I found it to be very satisfying. You actually get to save some people, after all the time you spend wandering around watching the precious remnants of humanity get mown down by Striders.
  2. The Mild Gatsby

    Be a Sniper Today! TF2 music video!

    Great production. Sing louder, coward!
  3. The Mild Gatsby

    My Soldier Update (or Rim-Fire is practicing drawing)

    Heheh, critzshreck. You've given this a lot of thought. Loot that I've spotted: Scout's dog tags, HWG cartridge belt, demoman's grenade belt
  4. The Mild Gatsby

    What would Earth be like post-Combine?

    The industrial age has been squashed. So much has been lost that humanity will never recover. We used up all the easy resources prior to the invasion, and the Combine have directly and indirectly seen to the leveling of our infrastructure. We can't pick coal, oil, and gold off the ground. The...
  5. The Mild Gatsby

    WTF is wrong with Dr. Breen?

    Great post. "No! You need me..."
  6. The Mild Gatsby

    Why does everyone hate steam?

    Yeah, the fools. They are supposed to post a new thread, and then get told to search for the thread that you didn't want them to bump. Wait...what have I done? Rolling with it. Steam is alright, even if it is just another government conspiracy to get me to pay taxes. You think you're...
  7. The Mild Gatsby

    L4d2 or hl2:3

    To hell with Episode Three. I want Episode Four, first.
  8. The Mild Gatsby

    Adrian shepiard

    Don't mock Shepherd. The man is a public servant. Do you talk about your mailmen like this? What if they had guns that grabbed people and ate them? Yeah, that's what I thought.
  9. The Mild Gatsby

    Magnusson= hillarious

    "We call it the Magnusson device...not my chosen name you understand, but it seemed to please the personnel." Yeah, right, you ham.
  10. The Mild Gatsby

    Anticipation levels?

    I didn't get excited until I saw the "Into the Pixel" concept art. Looking forward to seeing the final product.
  11. The Mild Gatsby

    Adrian shepiard

    I have this terrible sinking feeling that if ever a Half-Life movie is to be made, it will be just like this. :p
  12. The Mild Gatsby


    Amazing...I never imagined that such things could be.
  13. The Mild Gatsby

    What do you think will happen after Episode Three?

    The Combine won't retreat, they are cut off. Furthermore, how do you think these evil weasels conquered the Earth so quickly? They probably have city-sized synthetic spiders and dozens of moon-sized...pufferfish...synths. You'd better hope another portal doesn't get opened.
  14. The Mild Gatsby

    If YOU were in Half-Life...

    I was being sarcastic. I know perfectly well that most of us are too soft to survive. Civil Protection is far too optimistic a fate for me. I'll be happy to make it through this with all my parts.
  15. The Mild Gatsby

    If YOU were in Half-Life...

    I am confident that ten years of random, obscene brutality, "surpression," and standing in line to consume the reprocessed organs of the dead will bring out the best in all these people.