Recent content by theymightbegreen

  1. T

    Paul Grey (Slipknot bassist) dies.

    Stop trying to be funny. You're not funny, you're not cool, so stop telling shitty jokes at other people's expense. "hey someone has died... i dont care LOL reply#1 HAHAHAH YOURE FUNNY reply#2 YOURE COOL LOL reply#3 OMG HAHAHA" etc.
  2. T

    Freeman 14th Picture Confirmed Fake by Gabe

    "However we do still do look forward to the Portal 2 related surprise!" you moron, it's not going to be portal 2. and it isn't going to be episode 3. why the hell would they cancle portal 2 at e3 for a portal 2 surprise? THINK! it's half-life 3. it's obvious.... come on.
  3. T

    [Rumour] EP3 at E3

    How do you know that?