Recent content by uNCLEsAM098

  1. U

    We are going to be down for essential maintenance

    $20 says this is a hidden Episode 3 announcement... Must go deeper...
  2. U

    TF2 Blog: Secret Project, Skyrim Steam Workshop & Meet the Pyro Coming

    Meet the Pyro confirmed for 2014
  3. U

    A very merry Christmas giveaway!

    A snowballs chance in hell, but why not. Thanks all :)
  4. U Quiz - Win A Copy of Red Orchestra 2

    I'm pretty darn sure I got the last one right :) I used to have the game.
  5. U

    Portal 2 Released!

  6. U

    Portal 2: Lab Rat Comic Unveiled PILLS HERE!
  7. U

    Left 4 Dead 2 Demo Details Arrive

    Umm... not true Eejit. L4D1 did the exact same thing with their demo.