Recent content by underdog250

  1. underdog250

    Portal to Black Mesa -- (Official Trailer)

    Haha, I'm actually pretty excited. I love the Doom style POV shot. I think this will do pretty well as a parody verses a serious short.
  2. underdog250

    HL: Portal to Black Mesa (Half-Life Fan Film)

    Yeah, I think since it's a parody and they're not taking them selves too seriously it will be pretty funny actually. A lot of the Half-Life fan films seem to be too serious and not involve any characters from any of the games.
  3. underdog250

    episode 2: how to delete citadel file?

    "Just avoid looking at it." The same thing can be said about my ugly physics teacher.
  4. underdog250

    HL: Portal to Black Mesa (Half-Life Fan Film)

    So I found this on the Steam Forums. Seems interesting enough. I like the fact that they're doing a live action film at Black Mesa which I've always wanted to see someone do justice to is ever since the dreaded Half-Life:Uplink came out. Supposed to be out late next month I guess.
  5. underdog250

    Episode 3 on the Consoles

    Yeah, I'm sure it will be on the 360 eventually but for now it's going to be stand alone.
  6. underdog250

    New Super 8 Trailer

    It's Cloverfield II..only more cute and pocket sized.
  7. underdog250

    Brand new portal 2 preview! 8+ mins!

    Yeah, I found it informative. There were a view screen clips I haven't seen yet of the game. Can't wait until April!!!