Recent content by Uni-Ball

  1. U

    Post all your ideas here for CSS

    The only 3 things i want are: 1. Super cool animations for everything (so climbing a ladder and shooting from a ladder look cool and "realistic" ) 2. New Character Models or customizing a model with patches and maybe different colored gear kinda like dress up lol. 3.Wider selection of weapons...
  2. U

    WTF!? April fools joke?

    Increased movement while jumping said it all...
  3. U

    ka_dangerzone2 - the source engine version (complete remake)

    wow some one needs their midol
  4. U


    mini-gun = terrible new weapon, and i thought the RPG and Grenade launchers were the worst idea....
  5. U

    Wouldn't you like a minigame to play while you're in spec mode?

    it would be cool to have a pac man variant. I can see it now. CTS are the ghosts and the T has to get all the bombs lol
  6. U

    surfing the best thing that happened to css since sliced bread

    surf egypt is definantely my favorite
  7. U

    The G-Man's employer

    ill tell you why it isnt the best ending ever, by that point in the game yu were like, man this is easy and im just owning everything when are they going to throw a REAL challenge at me. Well never, and yay for vague half assed endings w00t, lets bring no closure to a story like Halo2 which so...
  8. U

    Scout Vs Awp

    wow dude its pretty obvious who he meant. Yeah i agree with the AWP being alot more accurate
  9. U

    Did you know...

    really thats crazy
  10. U

    Thoughts on Counter-Strike: Source?

    css is fine, sure there is SOME hitbox lag, but its not that bad at all.Its not like in the beta stages were you could spray at someone and they would take no damage and you died ...somehow.
  11. U

    Did you know...

    hmmmmmm thanks man this is good
  12. U

    Reload- Cover Me!

    lol its a cool idea but people spam that stuff way to much, i blame the kiddies
  13. U

    Scout Vs Awp

    awp baby.
  14. U

    Four CS:S fy-themed maps release

    i love float dream its so sweet blowing people off lol
  15. U

    I have hacker demo, and steam id!

    lol you know what sucks, bieng part of a hacker war... like when ***** and japs are on the same server. OMg gets gay really fast