Recent content by Vi-Pe

  1. Vi-Pe

    The Unseen History of Portal (Valve News Network)

    Well he has learned from his mistakes and that video was okay.
  2. Vi-Pe

    Half-Life Animator Doug Wood is Retiring

    Well, it was fun while it lasted I guess. Future of Half-Life gets darker and darker...
  3. Vi-Pe

    Steam Help Website Leak Mentions HL3

    There there, I know it's hard. But isn't it supposed to be Half-Life 3, not Half Life 3? (Dat smelly smell that smells.)
  4. Vi-Pe

    CS:GO on Source 2 ?

    You clearly dont know what Source 2 is.
  5. Vi-Pe

    Dota 2 "The Reborn Update" Release "In the Coming Weeks"

    Did't talk about porting there.
  6. Vi-Pe

    Dota 2 "The Reborn Update" Release "In the Coming Weeks"

    TF2 just needs some fixing, but I think they are at that point where it is not profitable. CSGO should just adapt some features from DotA 2.
  7. Vi-Pe

    Dota 2 "The Reborn Update" Release "In the Coming Weeks" It was said when they visited valve about the competitive matchmaking stuff. (and btw using google is pretty easy.)
  8. Vi-Pe

    Dota 2 "The Reborn Update" Release "In the Coming Weeks"

    Well not TF2, Valve already mentioned that TF2's source 2 port isn't even considered atm. And I doubt CSGO will get one that soon if ever.
  9. Vi-Pe

    Dota 2 "10v10" Custom Gamemode Released

    The custom games are broken as h*ll... 2/50 lobbies are working. And those two are full of russians(who disconnect)...
  10. Vi-Pe

    Smach Zero (formerly Steamboy) pre-release price and date

    It seems interesting, I'm looking forward to this!
  11. Vi-Pe

    FunHaus' Thoughts On Half Life 3 Current Status

    Yes, that is true, but they used to be part Machinima (Inside Gaming) but they quit and made Funhaus which is part of Rooster Teeth. Their channel is amazing but these "anonymous source" news should be taken with notice.
  12. Vi-Pe

    CS:GO on Source 2 ?

    But would it mess up the physics because of the rubikon? Or they can probably make it use the old physics engine?
  13. Vi-Pe

    More HL3 Bullshit [Fixed Title]

    First, I do agree what you say about these "leaks" on some level (and most other things). The thing is how you say it. It looks like you hate most of the people and want them to f*** off. It just doesnt look like you were actually lead content creator... Aand Second, I know you dont have...
  14. Vi-Pe

    More HL3 Bullshit [Fixed Title]

    I was thinking the same thing because of him when I joined. Try to ingnore him because he has some issues I guess. :D And I dont understand why other staff members allow him to do that, because he is a freaking content creator?
  15. Vi-Pe

    More HL3 Bullshit [Fixed Title]

    Wow, did your dad beat you when you were little? Because looks like it.