Recent content by wibblemonster

  1. wibblemonster

    Weekly Status Updates

    news popups are cool, its nice to see valve still so involved in the community, unlike some other developers...
  2. wibblemonster

    Fusion Pack Source v1.0 Released

    removed it from my my pc.. piece of crap didn't work after 3 attempts to install it. I'll just wait for Valve to release the new player models F*** Fusion
  3. wibblemonster

    Fusion Pack Source v1.0 Released

    doesnt work for me.. do you have to be logged out of steam for this to work? hellllllpppp
  4. wibblemonster

    Best Eyecandy You've Seen In HL2

    after watching the E3 04 vids so many times, finally being able to stroll round the trainstation was worth the wait, must have spent 30 mins in their just picking up stuff & lobbing it... truly awe inspiring, then I stepped out into the plaza & it really hit me how good this game is. a...
  5. wibblemonster

    Merry Christmas!

    merry christmas all :) have a great one!
  6. wibblemonster

    Half-Life 2: Cookies Edition

    ginger snap biscuits in the uk dear boy... hehe really cool thing to do.. now, where id I put my welder...
  7. wibblemonster

    Coming Soon: Prodigy

    all looks good, I hope they do de_train at some point
  8. wibblemonster

    Ravenholm Done Quick

    good run.. :)
  9. wibblemonster

    Shotgun not good enough?

    Shotty is a tad too weak, I have pumped several rounds into enemies at close range & not killed them. On the other hand the Magnum really needs nerfing (but not too much) I just think a close quarters blast from the shotty should equal instant death, armour or no armour.
  10. wibblemonster

    AMDZone Examines HL2DM

    good article, padded out with a lot of screenshots tho.. DM for me has been laggy as fcuk.. even on low ping servers
  11. wibblemonster

    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Released

    valve rule!!
  12. wibblemonster

    Valve wins in Vivendi lawsuit

    now that is fcuking funny.. and sooo true :cheers:
  13. wibblemonster

    Valve wins in Vivendi lawsuit

    vivendi really suck da c0ck.. lol well done valve
  14. wibblemonster

    Screw the gravity gun.... give me fire!

    wow, thats really cool.. I've been setting combine on fire & watchin them run.. feel the joy! LOL
  15. wibblemonster

    Half-Life 2 Update

    would be nice if it was hldm.. good to see valve keeping the community happy