Recent content by Wildboyz

  1. W

    Why does steam have to keep validating hl2?

    checking for pirated hl2 versions :f
  2. W

    Hottest video game women

    angelina jolie as laura croft how didn't come in your minds?
  3. W

    Why can't you people answer ! I need a driver for an ati gfx

    looking for the best driver for radeon 9600xt I wonder if someone can help me please
  4. W

    what are the best drivers i could possibly use for my radeon 9600xt

    what are the best drivers i could possibly use for my radeon 9600xt
  5. W

    NO HL3 or other 3d games

    I have an honest question! Are americans retarded? seriously. They eat junk, they know it is junk, but still they continue eating it. Then they bitch about it, because they gained 2 tons, as if it was the fault of whatever company they bought the food from.. and then they sue the...
  6. W

    NO HL3 or other 3d games

    I should slap the **** out of you, you paranoid bastard.
  7. W

    whats wrong with me

    You keep telling that to yourself ;)
  8. W

    Do I need to play HL1 to appreciate HL2?

    hl1 is so damn long :/ im sure he wont play hl1 before hl2 he'll get sick of hl1 at some point
  9. W

    who will win in a batle beetwen Gordon Freeman Vs MC Hammer?

    dude you forgot when he says it's hammer time, it is hammer time. so... IT'S HAMMER TIME! ta na na na , na na , na na, cant touch this.
  10. W

    Does the G-MAN work for the Illuminati?

    that's seriously ****ed up :/
  11. W


    i just finished half-life like the 20th time.. and I noticed the G-man said he was relieving gordon from his weapons because they were government belongings "I took the liberty of relieving you from your weapons, most of them were government property" So the g-man might be a government...
  12. W

    Movie like =/ I just preordered hl2 retail

    What is your problem? Being a total asshole is what you live for? I'm simply asking if they have any news about this, and no I don't need an hl2 chat room address, rectum face
  13. W

    Movie like =/ I just preordered hl2 retail

    why cant valve add other payment methods :/ i'll probably get to play it in two weeks
  14. W

    why do I keep seeing negative info about hl2 recently?

    its kinda hard not listening to people's opinions after all we judge the game by the reviews dont we? :/