Recent content by willis

  1. W

    how socialism works

    Ah man. I had something typed and then my cookie ran out of time! Sigh.. oh well. Anyways, the UK is not doing too well these days. What I've been reading from the liberall BBC, is that there are some problems with the way the labour party is ruling and that most people are sick of the last 30...
  2. W

    how socialism works

    Has anyone of you actually read about these ideas on Wikipedia, a dictionary, or some other source, other than the news media? Have you then made any attempt at an analytical argument against socialism or communism? It's stunning to me, that we've progressed so far in our economy in the United...
  3. W

    I'm close to tears... RIP bvasgm

    I never knew him, but I feel bad. I'll pray for his family.
  4. W

    Long list of texture/reference sites

    Nice list guys, thanks.
  5. W

    Source Prefabs

    Does anyone know of any? I know this is an old post, but really, mapping in Source makes everything difficult enough, it would be nice to have some pre-made items. Well, here's to wishing...