Recent content by Wsh

  1. Wsh

    TFC Source!!!
  2. Wsh


    Not honestly wanting to bash this thread or anything but this thread is really, really retarded: Says the guy who started this thread with a screenshot to brag about his own skills... Not the worst ego I've met, but makes it in the top 20.
  3. Wsh

    Keep it interesting! (tips)

    I've read some people say it gets boring quickly. Because of the overused SMG, because of the overused grav gun etc.. Many people are used to the basic wargame where you move around slowly and carefully, firing directly at others. It's only natural that players from non-DM games feel a little...
  4. Wsh

    Anyone else disappointed with multiplayer?

    I'm far from disappointed. It's hilarious. It owns especially lan parties if you make your own maps.
  5. Wsh

    HL2DM Server Hosts PLEASE Read!

    Not going to happen. That would require the server to send all data from all physical things to all clients which would quadruplesuperuberuple the bandwidth usage for the server and clients. Plus it would cause just about everything moving to lag, for example deaths, because your game client...
  6. Wsh

    Funny Faces

    Head spinning fun: Alyx zombie Reminds me of the Doom3 spider things. Don't They seem much bigger? (they aren't, the head is just tilted so that it makes the illusion ;]) <- kill me now ;p
  7. Wsh

    Half Life 2 Deathmatch (Alpha Released)

    In the "new models" the animations still don't work so it's feels as retarded anyway ;p
  8. Wsh

    stuck at the top of the citadel

    dont waste time shooting the flying things. just shoot at the bubble / the devices around the bubble. and this should be in the spoilers forum not here
  9. Wsh

    Stuck in prison, where to set up the 3 turrets

    I did this: Left from the room with the turrets there's a small room/cell. Take 2 of the turrets to the back corners of that room and take the third there too but keep the third turret in your hand! Go to the left front corner facing the "door" so that you are in the left front corner in the...
  10. Wsh

    Important: About "MP mods" and trojans

    The amount of these trojans on various forums is starting to get scary (there are no warning stickies or anything) so I just had to make a thread of these as a little warning (so I can sleep in peace :S) Spread the word(the warning)! A HL2 modification will never need a separate executable...
  11. Wsh

    hl² send me to desktop

    Like glennst, I too was able to play, even finished the game, before this started happening. It started right after last steam update, and I have tried that fix several times and it doesn't fix it for me.
  12. Wsh

    Dont read unless u wanna know ending

    lol at norway in eastern europe And no it's not for english speaking people, that's what the localizations are for. It's purely for gameplay reasons. It would just feel silly if you had to read everything in subtitles.
  13. Wsh

    Half-Life 2 Release Party on IRC - Right Now!

    Pfft a +moderated party ;p comeon since when are parties supposed to be 'clean' ;p (there's always some weird dudes who break your furniture and steal your laptops) At least take it off when it gets nearer the Time!
  14. Wsh

    can you get HL2 SDK without steam preorder?

    I would also like to get my hands on it =[
  15. Wsh

    Valve, Whats the status for TFC:Source?

    TFC:S probably was scraped but TF2 for sure is not scrapped. It's likely that they just don't want another 'sold' deathmatch game to interfere with the possible success of TF2. That's why there isn't HLDM2(HLDM:S) or TFC:S.