Recent content by Xoriat

  1. X

    New Headcrab For Ep.3?

    That closeup of the poison headcrab gives me the willies... Ewww...little hairs all over it. Blech.
  2. X

    Under the Radar - Stuck in the house

    No, the area outside the inn is small, surrounded by force fields. Once the attack tapers off, Alyx comments that the voice is talking about them. Then, the soldiers go away and the Hunters can be heard running around outside. They are on the side where the windows are boarded up. The final...
  3. X

    Under the Radar - Stuck in the house

    Bah! My last save was the previous chapter...*sigh* I guess I have some work to do...
  4. X

    Things to see and do in HL2 (Document)

    Maybe lock the thread if you don't want it necro'ed? Just a thought. Oh, and I am a newbie playing HL2 for the first time. So sue me. :P
  5. X

    Things to see and do in HL2 (Document)

    In Episode 2, there is a G-Man sighting on the bridge where you first get the car. Once Freeman, Alyx and the Vortigon (who I swear is voiced by Tony Todd of Candyman and Star Trek fame...) enter the overlook, Alyx comments that she sees a car on the bridge. If you look out the left windows, the...
  6. X

    Under the Radar - Stuck in the house

    In the chapter Under the Radar, Alyx and me are in the house where the Combine and Hunters ambush us. This is the part where we're in the car and force fields suddenly appear around us. According to the walkthroughs, a group of Hunters and soldiers are supposed to enter the house for the final...