Recent content by Zaz

  1. Z

    Is Half-Life Scary to you?

    Yeah, a bit.
  2. Z

    When do you expect VALVe to break their ridiulously long silence on Episode Three?

    In the year 2525. If man is still alive, of course.
  3. Z

    Dr Chaos and his impenetrable floating command centre

    What if it gets infested?
  4. Z

    Barack Obama is the Antichrist

    Don't alot of Fundies think the antichrist will be Jewish?
  5. Z

    What's your favorite Half Life...

    HALF LIFE! FULL LIFE CONSEQUENCES! TEH ADVENTARES FO JOHN FREEMAN, SAVIER OV HUMENS! And Peter Chimerias Half Life fanfiction too, it's great.
  6. Z

    Vote for Gordon Freeman as all time greatest video game hero!

    Hell yeah, always bet on Duke. :thumbs: Besides, who'd want to vote for a nerd anyway?
  7. Z

    We need to return to segregated buses

    Wow, just wow.
  8. Z

    Kids attacked by a Monster, kill it with rocks

    Apparantly, Gollum crawled outta Mount Doom and put on a few pounds. Poor guy.
  9. Z

    RIP Reading Rainbow

    Damn, I think the kid in me just died.
  10. Z

    Patrick Swayze is dead!

    Yeah, he isn't all that great but hey, a person's a person. We'll miss him.
  11. Z

    Gordon Freeman vs. Solid Snake

    At least Snake can talk. His victory is assured if this be a rap battle or a yo mama joke contest.
  12. Z

    Ideas for next GTA game, what do you want?

    GTA: Rapture.
  13. Z

    A Good (and Faithful) Half-Life Movie...Is It Possible?

    No it's not possible, because who would want to see a mute guy go around killing aliens and people while scientists and guards stand around being useless? Half Life 2 has a better chance of being a movie, but that's because it actually has characters other than Gman and Gordon.
  14. Z

    Scribblenauts (DS)

    No, we still gotta wait 3 days for it to come out :(. I am so going to spawn a Dragon God and make him fight Zombie God once I get my hands on this.
  15. Z

    Scribblenauts (DS) Here's a list of all 22,802 words in the game. Spoilerish.