Recent content by ZeroPointGun

  1. ZeroPointGun

    A Photo A Day Thread

    I love this thread.
  2. ZeroPointGun

    Who is G-Man ?

  3. ZeroPointGun

    New Guitar! (It's sex)

    When I saw the first picture of this guitar, I thought "OMG THAT'S HIDEOUS", then I saw your home pictures and realized it was sex.
  4. ZeroPointGun

    The Strider's BRAIN!

    Incorrectamundo senor. You can see the lights out of the shade too. =D
  5. ZeroPointGun

    Good News Everyone!

    And what about Mister McFarlane? He's quite the good V.A too.
  6. ZeroPointGun

    Mafia 2: Beautiful demo footage

    For one, I thought you meant my other sentence and two, my sentence is only missing a comma. Thank you, come again. EDIT: The above sentence is proof that you are not fit to give advice on grammar.
  7. ZeroPointGun

    Mafia 2: Beautiful demo footage

    You must be joking.
  8. ZeroPointGun

    Much prefer this to HL2.

    HL2>EP2>EP1. Imo. Man, Half Life 2 was one of the greatest games ever, how you could possibly think an episode is better than it, I have no idea.
  9. ZeroPointGun

    Zombies With Labcoats at HL2

  10. ZeroPointGun

    the best city building games?

    You mean like Sim City 300 type stuff?
  11. ZeroPointGun

    Mafia 2: Beautiful demo footage

    Good thing "censored" is a word or that mocking post of yours may have actually succeeded. Pity.
  12. ZeroPointGun

    Mafia 2: Beautiful demo footage

    I do not want to play a censored Mafia game in any form of the word.
  13. ZeroPointGun

    Looking for a movie.

    I don't know if I saw the entire thing...or even anything more than a mere trailer. Never got my juices flowing.
  14. ZeroPointGun

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    Haha. You don't like Alan's acting too much I take? I always thought he played the part rather well actually. Then again, that may be because he is my favorite character.