12 Hours

knock yourself out and slip into a coma.....till dod is out anyway.... :)
it will be 6AM where i am.. ima skip breakfast and try and get in some source action before school :D
It's 11:30pm in Aus with release at 8am I don't know how I'm going to sleep! I want it now! 8hrs 20 min to go!!!
hating this '3pm PDT' crap. what its that in GMT??? ie when is it released in the UK?

*dodges bitch slap*

kind of confused at the moment :E

edit: figured out 10pm GMT tonight...nevermind
11pm here - is 5:23pm right now - 5:37 mins to go wooowooo *cracks open a tin*
lol love how people say 'its **:** here' and then not say where they are.
4 more hours, 6:00 pm for me. That would be spectacular, except I have to finish a project for class, and its gunna take all night.
unless they release the server files (which they should have done a long time ago) there wont be any servers to play on, unless you want to play on someones 10 player cable hosted server... (no thanks)
I dont know much about servers or how to run them, but I doubt valve would be dumb enough to let that happen.

Now a valve employee will probably read this and go "OH SHIT, we forgot about the servers!!!"

duhhhhhhhhhhh. i can see the chair flying back as the guy runs screaming down the corridors 'we forgot the server files!!!!!!!!! re-schedule the release to 2006!!!!'
ĐynastҰ said:
i can see the chair flying back as the guy runs screaming down the corridors 'we forgot the server files!!!!!!!!! re-schedule the release to 2006!!!!'
HAHAHAHAHA funniest thing I read all day :LOL::LOL::LOL:
funny thing is, I am not joking, a little more than 2 hours to go and they still have not released dedicated server files. I am beginning to wonder about valve, like someone fell asleep at the wheel.
ROFL, my friend is such an ass, i was sleeping and he just switched every clock in the room including my comp. Started shaking me "DUDE, 5 MORE MINUTES!!!"