24/7 Lost Brotherhood | Custom Maps

When I saw the thread title I thought this was going to be about TF2: Brotherhood of Arms.

What's your map rotation look like? Y'all got Snowbridge? Nobody plays Snowbridge anymore. It saddens me.
I won't be playing - Since I'm UK and will just get horrid lag. I'll stick to good ol' Uberium :)
When I get the chance to play Team Fortress 2, I'll check your server out ;)
Our rotation is... how could you put this, lucking, we only have 3 or so maps and it usally only stays on one map the whole time, they are all clan member made maps.

cp_orange_n8_test ( testing before it goes final )

I was looking around and found cp_snowbridge thallus 2, if that is the map you are talking about, i read on there that it does not have spawn protection and needs health and ammo packs to placed around, So I might just go ahead and edit the map with those modifications and run it on our server, see how people like it.

We have a lot of people that connect from the UK to our server and get 80~110 ping, I don't know if that is to much for you thow.

Ill see you there shem :p