All is Made Good Again


Space Core
Mar 27, 2014
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You may remember that a PS4 exclusive re-mastering of Grim Fandango was announced at E3. Well, Double Fine recently changed the plan: console exclusive for the PS4 with PC, Linux, and Mac getting a release at the same time. Rejoice, the one other person who cared!

Thank god! I thought that Double Fine was going grazy.
Good change of plan. Would've been extremely silly to ignore the platform that the original was developed for, especially since it's genre isn't as popular as 15 years ago.
I wouldn't say they "changed their plans", given that it's more than likely the plan was to re-release it on PC in the first place. Non-traditional console games shown at E3 as a "platform exclusive" are usually available on PC or other supporting platforms, it's merely a marketing ploy for console manufacturers to wage their "console war".
True... "Changed the plan" probably wasn't the best choice of phrasing on my part. Perhaps "did what we were 85% sure they were going to do."
This is fantastic news! Especially for folks like me who shamefully did not play the original.