Blade Runner short film


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Short film pays gorgeous tribute to Blade Runner, using only handheld digital cameras

It's amazing what you can do with digital cameras and CG effects nowadays — just check out this short film called XXIT, which channels Blade Runner on a tiny budget. Shot entirely using the new Canon EOS C300 camera, this film manages to create a brilliant future cityscape, with lots of great Syd Mead touches.
I liked the first 3min. I'm really excited about Blade Runner 2 though. Will it fail or will it be great? Only 1 way to find out. Either way it sure will look fantastic! ;)
Comments made me facepalm. Complaining about the lighting? Really?

It looked fine. One thing I liked was that they didn't use any weird color filters that are so popular in movies and TV shows nowadays. For example, the green/blue shadows and orange tinted light type of filter.
watched it last night. lol it's terrible. nicole sheridan is a terrible actress. it looked like blade runner the tv show; blade runner without the film noir squeezed through a Firefly filter and sprinkled with liberal amounts of suckage
Yeah when she stepped out i was like THE **** BITCH YOU LOST

Havent finished it yet though i still need to eat.