Discuss new movie here

errrrrrr i just watched it got back on steam and its gone wtf! i wanna c it again
It wont let me go onto the movies in steam, damn them lol
aint on steam yet. hmmmmm aww well i believe ya if u say u seen it. i can wait 10mins for steam to work it's self out
it is gone from mine too, but i can still watch it if i go to the folder.
I haven't posted in here yet

so whats the vid like for those who have seen it? any things you've noticed since the e3 cam vid?
i have all my bink vids in my documents so i can watch all when i like (that are out)

someone said valve is restoring release?? man that would be out! cause some have seen it
haha yes you did. you said something about how someone posted this at the steam board. and something about it aint out CHECK STEAM BEFORE YOU POST or something. then the comment dissapeared much like the steam video. :cheese:
its pretty cool video, i still wish the AA and AF was on, cause those jaggies look horrid.
huh. that one combine soldier up in the perch (what is that thing? looks like it has a sail on it) launches a flare. i never noticed that in the e3 video.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Yeah it's pretty cool. Something is wrong about the flare though.

I was just about to say the same thing about the flare.
now we get chance to look at the symbol on the back of the rebels shirts

any ideas on meaning?


  • c17.jpg
    53.2 KB · Views: 578
Awsome combat sounds , when the firing gets further away it sounds like really impressive pops. Great enviroment.
a couple other things i never noticed before:

1. the red translucent rotaty walls of the barricade. pretty cool. camouflage or something?

2. barney's armband says C17:14 on it. presumably that's City 17 something or other (although the C kind of looks like a G). i can't quite make out the resistance fighter's logo, but it looks like there's a C17 there too.

3. the music is cool.

4. the flare has a box around it. what's that about? presumably that flare is what calls the gunship. i wonder if that happens a lot.

5. does the MP7 beep when it gets low on ammo?
gotta love the shiny roads.... nice bumpmapping/shinnyness
C-17 .. force labor is what it speaks to me.

Identification as forced laborores of City-17 , uniforms. Possibilities.
I noticed something just now. After Gordon throws a grenade and picks up another one, he pulls the pin out even though he isn't going to throw it. Then he just puts it away. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Originally posted by antimatter
I noticed something just now. After Gordon throws a grenade and picks up another one, he pulls the pin out even though he isn't going to throw it. Then he just puts it away. Correct me if I'm wrong.

no, your right m8 you can see that to on traptown i think they will fix that too, well i hope so:bounce:
Originally posted by mannyfresh027
it says C17[insert excessive space here]

it means city 17

First of all , all of that space in a statement that doesnt need any pause other than dots , is annoying and uneeded. Second , there is little reason for the resistance to voluntarily call themselves city 17 after the thing they are fighting againts IMO.

Also Barneys armband comes off of a combine , so thats what combine uniforms say. Interesting if they are numbered.
Originally posted by mannyfresh027
it says C17

it means city 17


i was talking about its relevance, why is it an armstrap and printed on the back, and whats the logo mean
I think the box around the flare was do to the area around the flare not being fully transparent. And did anyone else notice that some stuff seemed to just "pop" into the scene when Gordon got closer than five feet from it? Also, the combine who flies back and hits the car makes no noise at all on landing. And the car does not move when he lands on it. Just some minor problems I saw, overall great video!
how do i download this?? Ive double clicked on barricade but it loads the movie straight away making ti jerky :(
The grenade pin thing means almost nothing to me... I couldn't care less if they take that out. It also might not matter because it looks like the nades are impact, not timed. We can just assume he puts the pin back in or something...
The flair is seriously weird. First thing I noticed in the video that look wrong.

On a side note the guy controlling gordan cant aim for shit.
And when the guy gets killed by the turret he falls differently than the e3 gamespy vid.
Is it my system or is the frame rate pretty nasty in this video. No wonder the guy playing Gordon couldn't aim that well.

(While i'm being picky, it would be nice to see the bodies flop around a bit more after they've fallen. They drop from huge heights and more or less stop dead at the moment).
The ragdoll effects are awesome! I loved seeing the guy fly though the air after getting popped by the grenade. The shadows look a little funky on the character models, but the character animations are terrific.

The sound engine is also quite extraordinary. When you move into the building, I love how the weapons in the distance have a muffled sound that reverberates slightly.

Everything about this game just feels so right!
can any1 please tell me how to dload this properly as its jerky as ****

ok that MOVIE RULED!!

tell ya what i loved the most and i dunno why, is when barney says at the start "remember when we thought Black Mesa was bad" and then jus turns around and starts shooting....CLASSIC I SAY CLASSIC
i hope they will release the next movie tommorow :cheers:
I'll bet the other people who Gordon and Barney were fighting with were escaped prisoners since they were wearing uniforms and they were fighting Combine Soldiers, who have been described as "City 17 police force".
i cant wait for valve releasing unreleased movies, they would release unrealesed movies when they finish with the e3 scenes