Escape From City 17 - Part Two


Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score

And here's part one if you've forgotten what happened after two years.
"I got you a gift"

"Oh yeah, one of those shitty pistols that the Civil Protection ALWAYS drop with something in Sharpie scribbled on it. Yeah thanks, really unique."

But seriously nice production value. Some stuff was awkward looking though, namely the zombies.
The sound effects seemed kind of weird to me, but I don't know if that's because they actually were awkwardly implemented or if it was just me for being so used to hearing them in-game.
Had me right up until she flashback-pwned the headcrab after it'd been chewing on her head for several minutes.

Good effects and acting though, for the most part.
The CG was ****ing top notch, really excellent work there. The costumes... not so much. The CP looked a bit weird, like in the first one, the dark helmet one looked fine though. But the headcrab and zombies... oh boy. Major scaling issues going all over the place. The hands made me lol, and the huge ass sniper rifle was hilariously impractical. Acting was pretty good, but the dialog was really hard to hear because of how quiet it was compared the the "ambient" noise.
i guess you cant win them all. these guys are clearly more concerned with the visual effects than any semblance of interesting story. that wouldnt matter in something like a 3-minute Freddie Wong video, but when it stretches 15 minutes it makes it a bit boring.

but still, cool stuff, i love amateur films like this :)
Had me right up until she flashback-pwned the headcrab after it'd been chewing on her head for several minutes.

This. I was expecting her to die when she shot the thing; even if it somehow managed to come off, her head should have been nommed to bits.
Why would they even bother with this after all these years? No one even plays the game anymore.
said Monkey, angrily logging out of
Said Bad^Hat, ignoring the fact that the top headlines on are about Counterstrike: GO and DOTA 2.
CG was excellent but that one scene where they shouted "YAYYYY!!!!" and hugged after killing the Strider was really awkward.
CG was excellent but that one scene where they shouted "YAYYYY!!!!" and hugged after killing the Strider was really awkward.

Even though one spoke Russian and one spoke English, they both spoke the international language of love.

Funny, my phone tried to autocorrect my incorrect spelling of "language" to "labia". How eloqoently relevant.