Favorite movie soundtrack

yea yea that's it...i never saw the movie...i just copied what javert wrote

friend owns the DVD so i convinced myself not to rent it and waste money...but then i never see him so i'm lazy or something...
well, it's a pretty good movie. i'm not sure it deserves all the acclaim it got. maybe it does.. it's not a very comfortable movie to watch, but if you feel like you need to be more depressed, give it a spin.
Is there two different songs in that trailer? Or just one? Because at the very end when they start showing the final battle the song changes, thought it might be a 2nd song. Anyone know?
don't forget the good, the bad and the ugly lol.

and if the resident evil movie theme tune is what i think it is then thats ****ing cool.
the star wars sound track ;) ..
and the one i like most: the sound track of the german film "das boot"
Well I don't usually notice sound tracks or whatever. But the music for Kill Bill was really cool :)
requiem for a dream: hands down best movie ever made, and the best soundtrack ever produced.