Gaming laptop purchase advice


Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hey I'm gonna be purchasing a laptop for taking to LAN events in the next few months.. It'll also be used for tasks like web surfing and multimedia aswell so would like it to be decent..

The games I wanna play are stuff like cs:s, tf2, l4d, ut3 etc

I was looking at the asus g71.. Any good?

Edit: what about the g50? Maybe a custom one would be cheaper..
Edit2: my budget is upto £900.. But can stretch over that if need be..
I was looking at the asus g71.. Any good?
Seems veeeeery expensive for what you get. £2000-ish? For that money you should expect to at least be getting a 9800m series GPU or higher. It looks like most of the price comes from the quad-core, which is of negligible advantage particularly for the games you have in mind.

I'd recommend posting on this forum asking for recommendations. Include as many parameters for your preference as you can, like size, budget, brands you've looked at and liked, etc...

Personally I'd recommend a Sager/Clevo. Just looking at the Sager forums on notebookreview right now, one guy is talking about having purchased the 15" Sager NP8662 for $1500 (about £900-ish), with these specs: dual core P8600 Processor, 7200 RPM 320 GB HD, 4 GB Ram, GTX 260m. That's under 1/2 the price of the Asus g71, and it would blow it away for gaming.

Only problem is, you wouldn't find it for that price from a British or European retailer - a trip to, or delivery from, America would probably be required.

EDIT: g50 is much more reasonable in price but you're still compromising a little with that 9700m. Would probably run Source games at max though.
Sounds much more palatable than some of the prices I saw when I googled it. IMO I'd still feel a little hard done by if I spent that much and didn't at least get a 9800m GTS under the bonnet. What is gypping you most is ripoff Britain itself, I think, but as british deals go that sounds like a pretty decent one.
Just saw the Asus G51 with a gtx 260m processor is coming out.. think i can wait a little bit longer :)