HL2 E3 Demo Riddles - Let's solve this!

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Riddle me this... Riddle me that...

Here follows a breakdown of the very last cryptic scene of the Half-Life 2 e3 demo. Let's solve this thing people!

1) P and a 9, or P and a G, or two heads, or just arb deco, one blue the other green
2) Red halo thingy with, possibly, a skull figure at the top? (that could just be coincedince or my mind playing tricks, likely the latter)
3) Blue equations... (anybody know what they relate to? perhaps half-life equations?)
4) Blue picture of the G-Man (but his face seems a bit non-human... hmmm)
5) Green picture of a man with somebody standing behind him.
6) Blue human figure, standing (female?)
7) Green, uh, stuff
8) Green figure of a male, possibly the G-Man or a scientist?
9) Blue figure of a horse on a pillar (like those found in City 17)
10) Red halo thingy, again
11) Red Writing - hard to make out - but here's what I could sorta make out:
• ...under observation. ...
• ...cidence of seizure and muscular ...
• ...titration of 30ml sample. sustained alpha activity...
• ...Freeman, Gordon. Increased activity in ...
• ...no response. Subject to availability and urgency...
• ...unknown vector at this time. Recurements/Requirements of...
• ...beyond current threshold for ... ? ... suppression...

12) Blue equations, again
13) Green figure of a person, not the same as 8, though
14) Blue picture of G-man, same as 4
15) Green stuff
16) Green picture of a man with a figure behind him (same as 5)
17) There appears what seems to be a strider in green for a brief moment
18) Blue figure of a person/being
19) Blue equations, yet again
20) Green little stuff (same as 7)
21) Green picture of man with someone/thing behind him (same as 5 and 16)
22) Green person, could be the freaky G-man again.
23) Red halo thingy
24) The G-Man himself says: "Well, well. Isn't this just like... 'old times'?"

Now you would probably notice a lot of green, blue and red going on, which in my logic seems to hint at combining everything into one to form a picture, or something.

And of course I don't like the way G-Man says "old times"... makes me wonder if he's being sarcastic... as in maybe the time you think you're at isn't really the time you're at... but that's purely guess work...

Anyway... let's hear what YOU have to say.
No-one is ever going to work anything out from that........
I'll post pictures tomorrow, hopefully.

It took me long enough to go through the whole thing and disect it. (especially the piece with the writing...)

BTW: Eric Johnson (from Valve) has posted in a forum at VERC Collective and asked whether anybody had solved it yet... so there must be a purpose for all of those little clues...

AND: Yeah, those 6/9 things look kinda like Hydra's, but I wasn't too sure...
Thanks Prince... In one of your thread's post the Schrodinger Wave Equation has been pointed out as the equation...


If indeed it is, it could mean that each little "clue" is merely a feature/character/part of the game... like random images form the game...

Although, that text part... and why would somebody from Valve make a query as to whether anybody had figured it out...

Can anybody confirm that the equation is indeed the Schrodinger Wave Equation?
I think that some math genious stated that it wasn't the schrodinger wave equation....but I know shit about maths so you need somebody else to confirm this.
wait till the higher quality video is released.. we won't get any further untill that point.
My thoughts exactly worldspawn. And we should be seeing that today... although somebody at valve did say that they'd changed it... he said that all we'd see now is some paintings fly past or something?

Are they releasing all 8 parts of the E3 movie or just one a day?
From all the written text I can see posted it sounds like for a while Gordan has had catatonia.

That would explain where he's been since HL1, since
"Individuals, once 'taken', remained i'll for months or years, occasionally recovering spontaneously as after a febrile illness or an epileptic seizure, but more often persisting in their condition....."

and from dictionary.com

n 1: extreme tonus; muscular rigidity; a common symptom in catatonic schizophrenia 2: a form of schizophrenia characterized by a tendency to remain in a fixed stuporous state for long periods; the catatonia may give way to short periods of extreme excitement [syn: catatonic schizophrenia, catatonic type schizophrenia]"
Oh... well... perhaps the whole end bit is really nothing important/secretive after all... or maybe there's too much cryptic info in there than they'd like to admit... :)
Alot of colors Green, Red and Blue.. maybe its hinting towards the Multiplayer.. considering that Red and Blue are default colors for TF and CTF , and now introducing Green.. maybe we will no longer be subject to 2 teams in multiplayer.. seems the next logical step is to add a third team.. Green team, Blue Team and Red Team. CTF and TF will be more fun if you could choose a different flag or base to take out then just one colors.
taz your nuts.. maybe they just made the sprites colored so the teleport/tunnel sequence didn't only have white things flying by.. but who knows?
For the last damned time May I tell you folks its friggin artwork, they just put the stuff their to look cool and add style, its meaningless
EDIT- and the stuff about the coma, i mean woopy doo, that is something you figure out what like second sentance of readin' the back of the box when it comes out... its not honestly that important
Actually TFC does have more than 2 teams; there are textures and models for a Green and Yellow team. Just no one ever seems to use more than two, probably because of balnce issues and max player issues. I have seen some maps that use Green and Yellow in place of Red and Blue though.
somebody is going to solve this pretty soon, and they're just going to be sitting in their chair crapping their pants when they know what it means ;P
Ok now I understand, I would get some pics up but i dont know how to save pics from a video.
What if gordon really is a schizo.. G-man could be a figment of his imagination.. telling him what to do and such.. hmm
I couldnt make out that red writing how did you manage too?
his name was tyler durden. his name WAS TYLER DURDEN.
OK. This stuff doesn't mean anything but only because it's incomplete. I have read an email from Gabe (I think) in one of the posts. He says that it isn't just random stuff put up there. It does have meaning behind it, it's just too incomplete for anyone to "solve" There's no mystery to solve because you don't have enough information.
find and use Hypersnap DX to save pics from videos. works in games too!

I'm going with (and i havent seen it myself) that the non-human form behind the g-man suggests that the g-man has to parts to his character. Seems like he's the original combine, created before the lambda desaster who has 'seen the light' and is fighting to save earth. explains why he's been looking for a champion to fight the aliens, and also explains his lack of social graces
1. who gives a shit

2. Too much free time

3. Outdoors, check into that.
THUGENSTEIN > world? ok, i can accept that, but...

THUGENSTE1N's knob < everyone else's
First of all, i do believe it has a message, because in another post in the 'official' thread Gabe replied to an e-mail "it's there for a reason"

Now i'm thinking about it.... all that stuff mentioned... schizofrenia... amnezia... 'G'-man....
(G, first letter of Gordon doh! :D)

That would be one helluva "WOW WTF"-thing to discover in HL2 and a nice touch to the story by Valve if it were so.
As i see it, the end of the movie when G-man says "just like.. old times" ... well he's referring to himself when he was at *current* gordon's age, instead of referring to black mesa.

Any comments on this one? i think i'm on to something.
Originally posted by Interl@ce
Now i'm thinking about it.... schizofrenia... amnezia... 'G'-man....
(G, first letter of Gordon doh! :D)

That would be one helluva "WOW WTF"-thing to discover in HL2 and a nice touch to the story by Valve if it were so.
As i see it, the end of the movie when G-man says "just like old times" ... well he's referring to himself when he was at *current* gordon's age, instead of referring to black mesa.

Any comments on this one? i think i'm on to something.
Highly unlikely.
yeah but isn't it like 'the last thing' you'd expect? and also a big surprise to all half-life fans if it were possible? I mean it's just a big wild crazy guess of mine but somehow somewhere a little corner of my brain tells me it might be something.
well can't anyone speculate??

[EDIT] 20 hours later: guess not :dozey: [/EDIT]