Incoming Source - Dimension


Aug 3, 2005
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I have been in a few talks recently with some other companies, one being Dimension Studios [ ] who, as I am sure many of you already know, we have worked with in the past. They developed the beautiful map, vt_shadow which can currently be downloaded for Counter-Strike: Source in a varying form.

Today marks the public announcement of Dimension Studios becoming the 'Official 2nd-party Map Developers' for Incoming Source.
What does this mean?
Well, for you, the players, it basically means more content and maps for you to play Incoming Source on.

What does it mean for us?
We get to work alongside some very creative talent and collaborate and make some amazing thigns that we are going to be proud to release and show-off in the near future.
For now, look at vt_shadow which is currently in the private beta of Incoming Source:

Link to Dimension Studios:

Interview: Dimension Studios + David "Praz" Prassel:

Q: Hello, David. I think the best way to start is to ask you for a brief introduction of the Incoming Source team, and the game itself.

A: The Incoming Source development team consists of a bunch of various roles that all tie into (what will be) the main and final package.
The team consists of modelers, animators, mappers, programmers, texture artists, concept artists and other roles that all help build what makes the game what it currently is and will be when its in the players hands.

The idea behind the game has a very well-crafted and developed story, although you won’t get the ‘whole grasp’ of it as we are only currently working on the multiplayer aspect of the game. The single-player script has been in development and near completion for some time, but the basic storyline (to give you an idea and immerse you with just enough knowledge):

It was Earths last days. What was once a living, breathing, and very ambitious world is now on its last breath. The year is 2172. Earth has run its course with resources, leaving little to none.

There are three major powers in the world at this time. The NAF (North America Faction) which owns the majority of the lands, as well as the EUF (European United Faction) as well as the Government in the Far East. During these times the three major powers have formed treaties and agreements and act as one large world power. Resources have become so bare that the Government has taken it upon themselves to ration out the foods to the citizens. In order to do this they established the City of Cera located off the coast of Africa as the major city. Forcing major businesses and companies to re-located into Cera causing many of the workers to move there as well. They had also established reasonably priced housing in Cera in order to move the poor in. Doing so made it easier to ration out food, water, and clothing at a faster pace. But doing so also caused problems. People of Cera had formed rebel alliance groups. These groups became well-trained as well as very organized. Their families were dieing of starvation, dehydration as well as illnesses from malnutrition. The Rebels were only fighting to survive. Having all of the companies, businesses and government offices located in Cera made it very easy for the Rebel Alliances to do bombings as well as raids. This caused the Government to begin the Carrier Project as well as the more extreme, Phoenix Project.

Civil War lasted for 5 years on Earth. Many died, resources were lost. This put the Government in a terrible dilemma. In the year 2174 the Government began researching and searching for a suitable environment to ?start over?. After 10 years of looking they had found exactly what they were hoping for in the Dawn Galaxy. They code named the planet ?Orion?. In the next 5 years they began getting ready for a landing on Orion.

While scientists were studying Orion they saw signs of life. It had puzzled them as it was a very rare breed of life, beasts. In the year 2192 the first batch of scientists and military soldiers had landed on Orion and began setting up communication bases in order to contact Earth. They set up communication towers, bunkers, and bases in order to conduct their tests. Every week more scientists and marines arrived.

They studied the planet and began tests on the environment. Once realizing that the planet was suitable, and surprisingly nearly an exact copy of Earth, the Government had to make people aware of the situation. This had caused more rebel outbreaks since the poor would have a hard time affording living there, or even affording to get there.
Civil war continued for another 4 years.

The year is 2220. The Carrier Project has been completed and the Phoenix Project will be done within the next 10 years. The first batch of Carrier Marines were sent to Orion in order to preserve the safety of the Scientists.

The year is 2232. The Phoenix Project is being finalized and the first batches of Phoenix Warriors are sent through out the City of Cera to maintain peace and order. Over the course of 2232 to 2240 only one Phoenix Warrior died in a war in Cera.

2240. The citizens of Orion notice strange marks in the sky over Orion. Blue streaks of light during the day time with loud sounds that would howl. They couldn?t figure out what they were, but a team of scientists were ordered to stop working on Orion and focus on the mysterious streaks of light.

2241. One of the Military Communication bases located in the Tera region in the snow covered mountains loses signal.

2242. The War starts.

Q: From what I understand Incoming Source is getting close to the first release. Is there an estimated date for that?

A: No official release date has been released to the public as of yet.

Q: What are you planning after the official release?

A: A definite increase in the purchasing of Advil products. The work will only get harder and more intense after the first initial beta release of Incoming Source. We will be releasing new updates that fix both bugs and patch various things up. On top of this we will be continually adding new content, such as new weapons, maps, vehicles, game modes, and more, to keep the game fresh and alive.

Q: How do the Dinosaur props that can be found on the Incoming site fit into the game?

A: They were originally planned on being included in the first public release of Incoming Source but have since been pushed back (along with Flyable Vehicles) to a post release. We chose to do this in order to focus on the more important aspects of the game, such as the actual core game play. We figured players will have time to get used to that and later we can add the icing to the cake, so to speak, such as the features that are just added on to the actual core game play.

Q: One of the most common problems of free mods and game dev. teams is often lack of commitment which often leads the projects to “die”. Incoming Source has been in production for over 5 years, and for the past year, I have observed you post new media almost on a weekly basis. What is your secret for keeping your project “alive” for over 5 years?

A: I would have to say complete mental insanity. My time in the past has allowed me to focus most of my available time on the game, which I am fortunate for, allowing me to do organization and hiring and core game play and game assets. Although lately my time has been drop-kicking me in the head due to personal problems and real-life situations. Although that seems to be clearing up rather shortly.

Q: Incoming Source is a very large team. How do you organize the work process of the team? Is everybody assigned their own, individual project, or is the work done in collaboration of members? Is there a form of hierarchy among members?

A: I usually ‘attempt’ to try and do all of the organization and work-distribution by myself as I know precisely what I want for the game and how I want it done. In most cases, each member has their own project. Over the course of my time while working on mods / games I see this as the best and easiest method to getting work done instead of having files sent between various members to be completed.

There is definitely a ‘form’ of hierarchy, where in most positions there is a ‘Lead’ title. It is usually given to the modeler that has both great talent and puts a lot of work into the mod. They help organize the work and help if any is needed in their ‘work department’.

Q: What is the purpose of the merger between Dimension Studios and the Incoming team?

A: We have worked with you [ Dimension Studios ] previously (see vt_shadow) and we were very happy with both the quality and the communication between the two teams. We are very excited to see the new maps and content that is created between the two companies and we are also very excited to offer fans even more ‘new’ content for the game.

Q: How will the final copy of Incoming Source be distributed? Will it be available through Steam?

A: No details on this topic have been announced to the public yet.

Conceptual Images created for the merger:

Incoming Source - - - Hiring:

We are currently looking for people capable of modeling as well as UV-Unwrapping models. We have skinners able to texture the content, but if you can texture as well, that is a most-definite plus.

We are also currently looking for model skinners. The models will consist of: Props / Weapons / Vehicles / Players / and other various 3D objects.

We are currently looking for animators for our Player models as well as someone able to rig our remaining vehicles (2) and get them ingame.

^^Read above.

Sound Artists:
We are in great need in this department. I have formed a list of audio files needed that I think are necessary to the first public release of Incoming Source Beta 1.0.0. It ranges from:
Game mode sounds / Weapon Sounds / Object Sounds / Vehicle Sounds / other.
Its a hefty list, but its nothing huge and out of the ordinary.

Ingame Media - Updated $phong shader:
I'm still confused as **** over the story + altair (or are they phoenix now?) + random planets that resemble earth + present day weapons in the future + dinosaurs... But tt doesn't really matter for MP.