is it me or is the DoD community even worse than CS ugh...

May 22, 2003
Reaction score
DoD is TK'ers paradise, since there is no built in preventive measures against tks and the continual respawn and spawn points being safe haven from enemy fire, just makes it too easy for them to tk the entire team as long as they want to...

also is there any command simular to the old vote kick command? I don't get why valve removed this...

oh and also I read somewhere, but I don't remember where how to get the info from status to show up in demos you do you do this?
The problem is, all the CS:S and CS kiddies who never played DOD are crowding into DOD:S and basically being dipshits. Hopefully they'll get tired of superior gaming and go back to CS, and things should improve.

Also, WIDOW_X East server is the best server out there :p [WWX] Ennui is in there pwnin' it up fairly constantly.
yah i have been in servers with a bunch of TKrs. its getting very annoying. i agree that it is much much worse then CS
I dont play in FF servers for one reason...

MGs :(

THe tkers awp :(
It's just as bad as the CS community.

Just find a good server.
Ennui said:
Also, WIDOW_X East server is the best server out there :p [WWX] Ennui is in there pwnin' it up fairly constantly.

32 Person or I would have joined you by now! :frown:

Mr-Fusion said:
It's just as bad as the CS community.

Just find a good server.

No it isn't, not anywhere near it, it's just that all the CS noobs are playing this now because it's new, like Ennui said, it's only a matter of time.
I heard a rumour on the noob network that they all thought it was CS2.
I tested having FF on today in my DODS server, due to demand from a lot of poeple actually. Not my personal choice but if it gets people to stay ill do it. I put in manimod cuz it has a nice punishment system, but it can be abused by people who run over a teamates perfectly good nade and get blown to shit, then slay that person who just threw a nade. So i am really strict and will kick if i see a single person abusing. its not officially staying on my server, but im very strict on it.

All you HL2.Net'rs are all welcome, say "hi im from" when u see me :)
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
also is there any command simular to the old vote kick command? I don't get why valve removed this...

Isn't that an admin mod?
Yeah, the trouble I found is that when they aren't tking, they're laying down on my nade, ooo so fun to watch your body fly.
I don't get the fun in ruining the game, it was made for a specific reason and if played a specific way it's most fun. I mean, how long can you keep tking people before it gets boring? I am already bored on the 3rd shot. But to have a coordinated team effort- I can stay for hours.
No its the CS people playing DoD that makes it bad. I have had generally no problems since starting play via DoD 1.3
I played on an Swedish server (and for some kind of reason the majority of Swedish players are just a bunch of incompetent and 5 year old turds) some hours ago and some guys with 1337 p0w3rs just shouted "OMG im ranked 3 on the seeerver!! OMG LOL! .. Shut up n00b, i g0t m0r3 1337 p0w3rs than y0u! im ranked first!! LOL!" all the time ... bah. :hmph:

Thank god for the EVE: Online community where players helps newcomers, and acts mature.
Also, WIDOW_X East server is the best server out there [WWX] Ennui is in there pwnin' it up fairly constantly.

Thats the one i play on haha, I think I saw Ennui, but i didnt make the connection to this forums Ennui...

Im actually going in now, so gg