Jonathan, of the Civil Protection



To Whom it May Concern: This peice of fan fiction does include the occasional swear word, just like Half Life 2. It also is not recommended for those who have not started the game, because while it doesn't include 'spoilers' it introduces a character from Half Life 2. In other words, BEWARE! One more thing: I'm not a professional writer, but I like to think that my writing isn't terrible. If you disagree, please notify me otherwise. In fact, no matter what you think of this, I encourage you to comment anyway. Without further ado, here it is:

Jonathan, of the Civil Protection


The Blue Café
Washington, DC
The United States of America
October 31, 1995
9:47 am

Agent Five sipped his coffee and read the day’s headlines: Canada’s Referendum–Quebec Votes No. Clinton Stalls on Security. Serial Rapist Apprehended in Michigan. Keeping Safe on Halloween. Nothing suspicious; no news of distortions in space-time or a strange cloud hanging over southern New Mexico. And that was exactly how it should be. The government’s scientific secrets were secure, and Agent Five would call the NSA on the pay-phone outside. But reading newspapers was not his mission, although it was a very small part of it. His mission was something much more important and far more sinister. More aliens had appeared in the Chihuahuan Desert, at random locations but all of them died quickly of the heat. Strange carcasses had been found by tourists, and a man had gone missing–except that his shadow remained on the sand for days afterward. Strange events seemed scripted–almost as if the conclusion to this mess had already been decided. Agent Five had witnessed all of this; the government trusted him with its darkest paranormal secret–that the aliens were coming, and nothing, nothing in the world could stop them. Nothing, in the world…

National Security Agency
Fort Meade, Maryland
The United States of America
July 17, 1995
3:51 am

The G-man answered in his hesitant, lilting voice, with its alien inflection, “The Combine, Mr. Huntington, do not appreciate Earth’s imminent crisis as well as you might imagine. Concern for Earth is limited among their ranks, and few believe that the war with Xen could possibly reach this universe.” Mr. Huntington, head of the NSA paranormal division, lit a cigarette and sat down, looking defeated.
“G-man, we are running out of options. We cannot shut down Black Mesa, as Dr. Breen, you tell me, is orchestrating communications with this Combine, and he needs the portals to the hellhole called Xen. You tell me that is too late to shut down the whole thing and forget about interdimensional war, alien invaders, and any other peice of sci-fi bullshit you care to alert us to”, Huntington was standing up again, his cigarette forgotten, “Come on G-man, America has a War on Terror, a War on Drugs, even a war with Saddam that everybody forgets about, but a war with goddamned aliens from another dimension? And now, you tell me, you can’t shut down a little physics experiment in the middle of the ****ing Navajo Desert and save the world-”, the irate Mr. Huntington took a breath, “Because some chemistry teacher is having a chat with Nazis in the seventh ****ing dimension!”
“Well summarized. Yes, that is exactly what I have been repeating to your government for several years. The Combine will take over Earth in less than half of a day against even the very best defense that your leaders can prepare. This is when I will intervene. I will already have found a suitable candidate to first destroy the invader’s center of power, and then who will do my employer’s bidding in the war against both the Xen and The Combine. Trust me, once I rid this puny world of Xen, The Combine will have little interest in this insignificant and unrewarding planet. The will turn their attention to more important battlefields and you can forget about other dimensions, physics experiments, and all the other petty troubles that you attribute to me. At least, until I see fit to warn Earth of another crisis. But, Mr. Huntington, for now events are already in motion: The Nihilanth is rallying his forces, and for a while, Black Mesa will be the focus of the world. It will be very confusing for a time. All, however, will be revealed within the course of... well, one day I do hope that you will understand.” And with that, The G-man faded into a silhouette and then disappeared entirely, leaving a lonely and confused civil servant in his wake.

Chapter 1: The Words of 867

Train 57892
Near City 16
Region J-7
December 14, 2010

Jonathan gripped his suitcase tightly and eyed up the other passengers on the train. Some looked ashamed, some looked hopeful, some showed no expression. The seat was uncomfortable, but it was better than the floor. The floor was where the girls sat, because they were too weak to fight the men for a seat. Jonathan was one of the hopeful passengers. The Combine had been good to his family. They were allowed an apartment in one of the safe tenements; his father had worked in a factory making guns and so he brought home food most nights. One day though, his father brought home a gun for the family and hid it under the bed. The next day the Civil Protection showed up the door and had a long and angry conversation with his father. His father started crying, pleading, begging, but the cops came in anyway and made Jonathan stand up and take off his clothes. They looked at his body through their masks and seemed to approve of his figure. They growled some words to each other that Jonathan hadn’t understood. His father told him to put his clothes back on, and the Civil Protection led him out of the apartment, down the street and onto this train. He did not struggle because he saw what the blue electric batons could do to a man’s skull. He was fourteen years old, and he was going to join the Civil Protection.

The train lurched to a halt. Jonathan nearly fell out of his seat. Four Combine soldiers climbed on through the side door and took a cursory glance at the pitiful humans on board. Seemingly at random they chose men and women and led them outside. Some of them whimpered, some cried, and some tried to escape, but all of them were grouped outside (Jonathan watched through the window) and they all whispered about stalkers. Stalkers! Stalkers! Human Slaves! The soldiers made the people climb onto a Combine industrial train that had pulled up alongside. One woman started to run, and made it perhaps ten steps before the Combine soldier gunned her down. The Overwatch then stepped onto the industrial train and the whole scene slipped away as Jonathan’s train began to move again.

At their destination, a plain grey train station, four Civil Protection officers led the citizens onto the platform and through a gate in a fence. They marched past a giant screen on which the Human Administrator, Doctor Breen, answering questions from compliant citizens. This was the first time Jonathan had seen him, and something in his atmosphere gave him the chills. All of the citizens followed the CPs down a corridor into a bright room where they were allowed to sit at tables and eat plain grey food that was already laid out for them on plain grey plates. One man muttered that he couldn’t tell where the food ended and where the plate began. A civil protection officer marched over, picked him up by his collar threw him against the wall. There was a loud crunch as the blue-clothed citizen hit the concrete bricks and then silence as he fell into a broken heap at the bottom. “Compliance is imperative!” The message rang out from one of the four identical Metro Cops. After that, nobody said a word.

After eating, all of the men and women were allowed to use the bathroom. It was dank and filthy and a half-decomposed headcrab lay in the corner. There were no toilets, only a large pit. After releaving themselves, the citizens were escorted to their bunks, where they had to sit (“No sleeping!” barked the Civil Protection officer.) Another cop walked in and joined the other four in front of all the bunks, and he took off his mask. His face was father-like and gentle, and it reminded Jonathan of the Santa Claus at the mall, in his very youngest years before the portal storms. When the man spoke, however, his voice came out in clipped and harsh tones.
“Good evening, Citizens. My name is Staff Sergeant 867. You will refer to me as Staff Sergeant or Sir. Before I continue, I shall tell you that you are commended by Earth’s Administration for showing leadership among your fellow Citizens and complying with Civil Protection.” Jonathan looked for the man who had spoken out during their meal, but he was gone, leaving one empty bunk.
“Now, in turn, shall you become minor leaders among our most excellent race of humanity. You are joining Civil Protection, and in doing your duty to your superiors you do a duty to every human on this Earth, by protecting them from whatever harmful and degenerate actions they may take to inflict damage upon themselves and other citizens. And for this great service to society, you will be fed well, clothed well in armor, and you shall be entrusted with a weapon with which you may defend yourself, your comrades, and other compliant citizens. For ten weeks you shall learn how do your duty in our training facility, where you shall be treated well providing that you follow orders and are compliant throughout the entire training process. Should you act rebellious, instigate discord, or fail to comply in any capacity, swiftly and inescapably shall the consequences fall upon your person. And in the same way should you act harmoniously with your comrades-in-arms and other citizens, follow orders and comply at all times, you shall live a good life under the protection of Earth’s Administration. Perhaps, should you be recognized by your superiors as having extraordinary talent you will be assigned to much loftier position such as mine, exalted far above the station of the average citizen. Now, before you rest, I have one more message to inform you of: that you have chosen, or been chosen, to join Civil Protection and therefore there is absolutely no reason for you to desire to return to any other lowly status among your former fellow citizens. From now on until the day you are delivered unto God shall you protect and guide humanity through its inevitable progress and accelerated evolution that is presented in our joining the extraordinarily generous and exalted people, the Combine.” The staff sergeant paused in his passionate monologue, took a breath, and continued in a quieter tone, “Now, with these words, I leave you to rest yourselves until the morning, at which time you shall be transferred to the training facility. I bid you all good night, and I hope that I find you well-rested, compliant, and ready to do your duty on the morrow.” The sergeant nodded to his inferiors, and three left with him through the concrete doorframe. One officer remained in the room to tell them that they could now lie down and go to sleep. Jonathan closed his eyes and struggled to find a comfortable position on the hard mattress. He eventually fell into a deep, dreamless sleep and did not wake for several hours.
So everyone! Jonathan's story is now open to criticism! Bring on the flamers! Just kidding. Please comment, though. That's all I ask.
Wow, my first name is Jonathan how ironic is that? Anyway, nice fan-fic so far. Let's see how it develops.
Thanks JDark. The second chapter is nearly done but I'm witholding it for a little while to give people time to read the first.
Here is chapter two.

Chapter 2: Gruel for Cooperative Citizens

Transfer Facility 12
Train Station 17
City 17
Region J-7
December 15, 2010

Jonathan woke in the morning to a loud growl of a CP officer at the door to the dormitory. The Citizens wasted no time stretching, yawning, or wiping their eyes. The very atmosphere of the facility alluded to the impression that haste and compliance were important in all facets of life in the Civil Protection.

Jonathan jumped off his bunk and lined up, single file, with the other citizens who followed the officer back into the lavatory. Someone had removed the dead headcrab, and this time they were allowed to use the open shower. There were only five faucets for twenty-three citizens, and so Jonathan shared the precious water with two other men and one girl who looked to be only a few years older than he was. Embarrassment due to gender differences had evaporated after the Combine placed the suppression fields and prevented procreation. The water was cold and was turned off after two minutes, but it felt good to be slightly cleaner. All of the citizens then dried themselves with a few rough hemp towels and donned light brown outfits that replaced their old blue ones, which had already been recycled. The brown signified their new, slightly higher station as Civil Protection in Training. Jonathan was somewhat proud to wear it. Their morning meal was not grey mush but real gruel, with flakes of oat and something bitter and crunchy (For extra protein, announced one of the officers, in an almost kindly fashion).

After the meal, all of the citizens cleaned their plates in the showers and placed them back on the table. They were then sent to collect their suitcases in the dormitory, and then followed the four officers back through the train station and out onto the city square, where Jonathan got another glimpse of the Administrator. This time he was reading a passage from the Bible about loving God and yielding to him at all times. God, he said, is not only the god of humanity but of all the dimensions, of the Combine too, and that we do his bidding when we cooperate with the Combine. Jonathan wondered if God was also the heavenly father of the Xen monsters, the tortured zombies and the deadly poison headcrabs. It was a thought that he did not share aloud.

It was cold in the Eastern European climate, and the thin linen that the citizens wore did little to protect its wearer from wind or cold. Snow lay on the cobblestones, and more began to fall lightly from the sky. The citizens were led one by one through the buzzing blue force fields, and their picture was taken by a blinking robotic camera. On the other side of the security, all twenty-three citizens were loaded onto a Combine transport bus driven by a blue-clothes citizen who wore an expression of perpetual fear. A single CP stood at the front of the bus and guarded the driver and the passengers with a wary eye. He was not in a direct position of control, and therefore had charged up his blue baton in case any interloper chose to make his move. The other three Metro Cops were joined by one more of their grey comrades, and split off to drive two Combine vehicles, in front and behind the bus.

Everyone knew that in riding this bus they were in danger. Rebels had often attacked the transport bus, or as they called it, The Handcart to Hell. It was always full of prospective Civil Protection; it was an easy target and it always took the same route in each city. The amount of security and the route itself never changed, which pointed to the frustrating stubbornness the Overwatch insisted upon. There were no windows and very little light inside the vehicle, and talking was unquestionably prohibited. The atmosphere was tense and the single CP officer seemed as high-strung as a cat in a dog pound.

Finally, the convoy reached its destination happily without incident, and the doors at the front of the Handcart opened with a pneumatic hiss. The Civil Protection in Training (CPT), as the Metro cop referred to them, clambered down a short ladder and onto a huge asphalt parking lot, filled with thousands of transports, combat vehicles, and even a few of what looked to Jonathan like organic tanks. The citizens collected their suitcases from a compartment under vehicle. Jonathan then looked up and observed the southern wing of the great Combine citadel, the Civil Protection headquarters. A disembodied, unemotional female voice rang out over the concrete plain, “Transport Vehicle 2389 has arrived in Section V-16. All CPT should report immediately to Training Facility Block 9 with their commanding officers for integration.” The word ‘integration’ sent a chill down Jonathan’s adolescent spine and his innate sense of dread tingled. The feeling died away quickly, as all five Civil Protection along with the twenty-three CPT marched across the parking lot on a pedestrian boulevard. Helicopters, gun ships and transport ships zoomed overhead. Halfway to the citadel, they ran into a checkpoint monitored with stationary turrets and three Overwatch soldiers who addressed the Civil Protection. “Halt, Citizen. All CPT must yield their possessions to the correct Overwatch officer.” To this, the CP growled out “Affirmative. Who is the correct Overwatch officer, sir?”
“I am the correct Overwatch officer, therefore all belongings must be rendered to me,” the soldier growled back. The exasperated CP let out a barely audible sigh, and made the CPT line up and hand over their suitcases, which were dropped down a chute than ran into the ground. Jonathan never saw his belongings again.
The group of CP and CPT continued across the asphalt until they stood at the massive entrance to the Citadel. Stalkers, Overwatch, Civil Protection, and lumbering organic tanks took part in a constant parade in and out of the building, while helicopters and synths continued to fly overhead. The pedestrian walkway ran above the bustle of soldiers and below the roar of Combine aviation, and the party continued into a massive hall. Jonathan was awed by the huge numbers of Combine and Metro Cops, humbled by this huge organization and empowered by the knowledge that he had joined it. For an average citizen who for all of his fourteen years had been treated like scum by these people, it was a strange but alluring pleasure to join them and become slightly more powerful. The walkway turned to left out of the great hall and ended at the edge of a manufactured canyon. Metal pods ran above the canyon suspended from a bar that ran from a long way to right to an unforeseeable location to the left. “Line up. Single file. Step into a pod as it opens for you. Good luck.” The last words out of the anonymous officer’s mask were said in an almost sentimental manner. The five metro cops then marched off back along the walkway. Jonathan stepped into the pod that was presented to him, and the world went black.
Come on! Nearly twenty people have read this and ONE person thought to comment ONCE. I'm noting posting the next chapter until I hear from some of you guys!
Thank you. Yeah, Jonathan's a popular name. Have I thanked you yet for posting? Really, thank you very much. Oh, and before I forget, I'd like to thank you big time for replying. ;)

Thanks Jintor. I'll post the third chapter in a few minutes here...
Chapter 3: A Very Special Word

South Wing of the Combine Citadel
City 17
Region J-7
December 15, 2010

Jonathan shook with newfound fear as his pod coasted through the shining grey cavernous halls and endless spaces that was the Combine citadel. Soldiers and war machines were everywhere, accompanied by an army of pitiful human stalkers. He saw thousands of other pods moving along on in front of him. Light shined through the large openings that the synth flew out of, and bathed the dreary citadel with bright winter sunlight. Snow blew in as well, and Jonathan remained bitterly cold.

Fear was unanimous among all of the citizens of the new Earth. Fear of mindless Xen fauna, of the brutal manifestations of Combine trans-human experiments, of their own kind. Jonathan had been afraid when he was forced to join Civil Protection the day before, but he had muffled his fear with quiet observation and hope that being part of this new worldwide Gestapo would change his life, that he could stop living in constant fear. Moreover, he knew exactly what the CP organization was; a mechanism set up by brutal invaders to terrorize and subdue his own race. He accepted this with the quiet, whole-hearted acceptance that youth often exhibit.

But now he was terrified. He had no idea what the Combine would see fit to do to him to make him a loyal servant. Would they change his brain? Probably. Would they control his actions should he ever see the need to defend himself? Most definitely. He had seen Civil Protection fighting with unseen resistance fighters when he was nine. He looked out of his apartment window as the two officers stood resolutely, stupidly, in the line of fire, shooting their pistols slowly. It was as if they had to conserve ammunition. Both of them had died quickly, gunned down with shots to the head. On the other hand, they had lived better than the average citizen had: they had enough food, they would not become stalkers, they would not be the random prey of sadistic Overwatch, and they carried weapons to fight off xenofauna. He had considered this as he flopped around uncomfortably on his bunk last night.

Jonathan snapped back to reality as a bright light flooded the pod. A burning sensation, accompanied by an electrical buzz, began at the tops of his ears and then moved down through his torso and ended blissfully at his feet. The pod then lurched ahead through a tight corridor and then diverged from the main rail into a small side room. The pod was disconnected gently from the rail and laid down horizontally on a table. It opened up with a hiss to reveal a stark white room with what seemed to be surgical instruments hanging on the wall. Above him a mask descended towards his face, and Jonathan found himself immobilized. The mask landed on his nose and mouth and he full into a deep sleep. The last thing he remembered was a strong smell of an acrid chemical that he breathed in. It seemed to burn his lungs.

Jonathan, feeling strangely removed from his physical form, guessed that he was under anesthetic. If he strained, he could metallic and organic noises. He felt no pain, in fact he felt no physical sensation at all–but he some sort of operation was going on. After the operation, feeling no physical pain was a sensation that he would live with for the rest of his life.

Many people said that the Civil Protection takes your soul when you join it. Jonathan convinced himself otherwise; after all, he believed in no religion but the need of self-preservation. Jonathan was a smart fourteen year old. He said very little, but when he did, his statements were well calculated and precise. He knew how to stay out of trouble, and when trouble was forced upon him, he managed well. Most of all, he understood survival in a world where survival was the most difficult task anyone had to face.

Physically he was inconspicuous; the Overwatch weeded out the largest in society in a secret effort to reduce Humanity’s physical strength; and so he was safe in that respect. His hair was long, but he would fix that soon; the Administration hated any sign of individuality in a person. Individuality bred leaders; and leaders challenged Doctor Breen’s totalitarian politics.

Jonathan continued to remain in this strange unfeeling state as a machine was adjusting his brain and his body.

Suddenly, Jonathan began to feel. Incredible pain washed over him, knives stabbing his abdomen and his head. Red waves of agony ripped through his consciousness, physical and emotional, leaving no room for thought. Then, suddenly, the pain subsided in a rush. His sight began to return, first in faint reflections of mauve, like looking behind his eyelids. Then blue, yellow and red swam in hypnotic spirals, accompanied by strange an uncomfortable rushes of sensation. Jonathan realized that he was hyperventilating, and unsuccessfully tried to calm himself. The sea of color faded away and he suddenly found himself back in control of his body. Weakly, he tried to open his eyes. The effort was tiring. He saw a grey ceiling (no surprise there) and he was wearing some heavy, soft clothing. His head rested on something plastic. It struck him then; he was wearing his armor and the back of his helmet, and that meant that he was no longer a normal citizen. He was permanently distinguished; it was impossible to remove his armor; he had new skin. He fell asleep again.

Jonathan awoke to the sound of a voice. It sounded recorded, mechanical and it spoke without inflection. He found himself stronger and able to open his eyes, but the world was either pitch black or something obstructed his view. He suspected the latter. The voice began in a cool tone, “Welcome to your Overwatch C-44 Light Armor. It has been modified to fit normal human form, and is specialized to your particular figure. Your suit allows for physical growth in all respects. You are registered as Civil Protection in Training RT9-4334 ‘Jonathan’. Now, observe.”

The screen in front of his eyes vanished, and he saw the grey ceiling again. Except that now he saw it in sharper clarity, he saw the small details, the tiny scratches in its surface. Jonathan moved his head, and felt new and electrified response in his movements. He sat up quickly, again marveling at his strength, power and energy he felt in his body. He swiveled his head and took in his surroundings. Around him on metal bunks rested hundreds of other Civil Protection. Some were moving, some were walking around, and some were still comatose. Jonathan stood up on his bunk and jumped to the floor, several feet below. He had never felt more powerful in his life. He reached a hand toward the front of his helmet and stroked a gloved finger along its ridged surface. He drew in a sharp breath of air through his mask and reveled in the threatening crackle that it emitted. Jonathan let out a long string of curses through his speaker, and enjoyed hearing his high-pitched, mid-pubescent voice rendered a deep, gravelly bark. He felt powerful, and he felt ready to subdue, to maim, to…

For an instant, however, a fleeting moment, he recalled fear and he remembered morality and compassion. For an instant, he marveled at the intensity of his unexplained, undirected hatred and he lamented for the loss of his conscience. For an instant he remembered, and then all of this was gone.

A word was tugging at him for recognition in the back of his mind. A word, a very important term, an essential expression. Then he found it in the depths of his brain, and he whispered it in a low hiss through his mouthpiece: ‘kill’. And Jonathan smiled, because he liked its sound.
Now, I hope you enjoy chewing on that! And take your time, because chapter four might be a little while in coming. And gee, shucks, guess with all your free time you'll just HAVE to tell me what you think of my fan fic!