Learning to love the B.G.

Good point...funny avatar.

The point is an interesting one though, perhaps demonstrated by the way the thread went, someone came in from the Ministry of Truth and set the thread on the way to self destruction, nipped that debate in the bud :borg:
Sgt_Shellback you didnt answer my question:

would you have fired upon the unarmed student protestors at Kent State?
CptStern said:
Sgt_Shellback you didnt answer my question:

would you have fired upon the unarmed student protestors at Kent State?

I answered your question. Even though it has nothing to do with 1984
Rupertvdb said:
once again, what are you talking about? What part of that suggests i would accept being threatened? I simply pointed out you have a disregard for free speech...

Plus you forgot to clarify what you meant.

Than we both agree... If you were being threatend by some hippy wack job you might slap him... Me too.

Clarifying - 1984 is about big Govt. Citizens with no rights... Such as the right to bear arms which is usually the first to go when Govt. wants to tightly control it's people.
Sprafa said:
You shouldn't be like that. :burp:
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.
- Edward Abbey

Do you propose to do that with spoons?
Sgt_Shellback said:
Than we both agree... If you were being threatend by some hippy wack job you might slap him... Me too.

Clarifying - 1984 is about big Govt. Citizens with no rights... Such as the right to bear arms which is usually the first to go when Govt. wants to tightly control it's people.

Have you ever heard of false sense of security?
Sprafa said:
Patriotism has been the single #1 excuse for totalitarian governments. Stalin called WW2 the Great Patriotic War. Patriotism has nothing to do with nationalism.


Look up patriotism and nationalism in a dictionary and see how the definitions are practically the same.

In Microsoft Encarta World English Dictionary 2001 - Patriotism is given as a defnintion for Nationalism.
Hey all,

Just another friendly reminder from Orwell:

George Orwell said:
Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.

I was bored so I made the following image to illustrate the point:


edit: in case anyone's wondering where they heard that ("there's a bit of revisionist history going on here"), it was Dr. Condoleeza Rice (National Security Advisor).

To really spell out the meaning here: these people have no need to "revise" history. History is what the majority finally agrees happened in some place, at some time. They directly control perception of any given event, before you can get the real story, or any story for that matter.
Sgt_Shellback said:
I answered your question. Even though it has nothing to do with 1984


that statement about shooting hippies? You would have shot the students? they were unarmed and posed no threat ..I call that murder
CptStern said:

that statement about shooting hippies? You would have shot the students? they were unarmed and posed no threat ..I call that murder

I call that murder to. You'll do better trolling in other waters Skipper.
Sgt_Shellback said:
I call that murder to. You'll do better trolling in other waters Skipper.

I'm not trolling, it was a legitamate question that you opened yourself to. You provided a vague response so I'm left to conclude you supported their decision
CptStern said:
I'm not trolling, it was a legitamate question that you opened yourself to. You provided a vague response so I'm left to conclude you supported their decision

Really? You've been taught that if you don't understand something you can make it up as you go... LOL
Sgt_Shellback said:
Really? You've been taught that if you don't understand something you can make it up as you go... LOL

really? I have a whole litany of questions that you've refused to answer ...facts Shellback not faith
that was a really good article which put everything i have thought about the book and modern life in 1 well written place

by the way sgt_shellback (and anyone else who supports citizens "right" to bear arms) the only reason u feel the way u do is because u have been indoctrinated since birth. obviously u will disagree, but every person in every other country can see exactly what is going on.

if u banned guns in the US today, a generation down the line people would think the notion of every person in the country being allowed to have guns is ridiculous

also it is a really odd point that u make, saying that if the country did turn into a big brother state u would need the guns to defend yourselves. do u honestly believe that if the military wanted to kill u, that u could stop them with your guns? i don't think so...