My fan fiction

Nov 22, 2004
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Well, I wrote this like an year ago on Word, and I just decided to post it somewhere(here). It's just a short story I made which is supposed to take place around the same time HL1 begins. It's pretty crappy, all around, and VERY badly written, but heck, I'll just post for the hell of it goes(UGH, jsut reading how crappy it is, I'm scared posting it will stain my inexistent reputation):

Half-Life: The Terror Continues

Dick Jackson was a scientist working in the New Grounds Research Facility, a hidden research facility in the undergrounds of New Mexico. Dick awoke in his dormitory and saw his best friend from the base, Jim Olsen, groggy, sitting in his bed.
“Big day today, Jim!” said Dick. “Mr. Duffries wanted us both in the test lab. It’s a secret test that only a select few can know about.”
They left the dorm and took the elevator to the next floor. On the edge, there was a tram stop. New Grounds was very big and there were trams near the dorms that would take the workers to their respective areas of work. They hopped on the tram and went to Sector X, where all the confidential stuff happened. Upon arriving, they saw two guards, in their black uniforms, black bullet proof vests, black caps, and sub-machine guns. They let Dick and Jim in. There were 10 or so scientists standing there, in between them George Frankley, Dick’s idol and role-model for a scientist, and in front of them was Dr. Duffries.
“Attention! Attention!” said Duffries. “We received contact from our state neighbor and associate research facility, the Black Mesa Research Facility, and they said they had just recently started researching teleportation. They told us a little something about it and now, we too are researching it. We informed some of the leaders of the science teams with high clearance, and they are running some tests elsewhere in the base. So, we selected the most trusting, discretionary, experienced and skillful scientists to assist with our first teleportation tests over here in Sector X. We have started a machine and opened a small portal, now we are trying to enhance it and soon we will start opening another portal to a nearby room and we will connect the portals so we can…” Suddenly, the portal grew bigger and many horrendous creatures started coming out of it.
Amidst the shouts, one of the scientists yelled:
“The machines are malfunctioning! “
And suddenly many portals opened and more of the creatures started appearing. As they came out, one of them started slashing Frankley to bits. Everyone started to scream even louder. The “things” started attacking the scientists. The two guards at the door entered and started shooting. One of the things started charging up a green ray and was facing Dick. He jumped out of the way and the ray hit a control panel. The explosion sent him flying against the wall and he fainted. When he woke up, he saw a slaughterhouse that used to be a test lab. Debris was everywhere. None of those things were there. Duffries was sitting against the wall, bleeding badly. He said:
“It all went wrong. We accidentally opened many portals to a planet named Xen which was under research by the Black Mesa. Now the lab is infested. Please contact them as soon as you can, anyway possible! We need help and we won’t be finding any in the deserts of New Mexico! Black Mesa can do something about it. Please…”
He then died. Dick turned and saw Jim dead, in two pieces. He started to sweat and got nervous and sad. As he left the test lab, he saw one of the security guards, he was black, tall and had a well-developed build. The other guard lay dead by the alive guard. He said:
“I tried to help him, but the injuries were too serious.” “Listen, we are among the few survivors. These alien freaks are teleporting in the whole base. In order to get out, we might as well work as a team to reach the surface and who knows, maybe we can contact Black Mesa or somehow send them a signal?” ”With my sub-machinegun, I won’t be needing these, you can have them, by the way, my name is Jay Reed” He handed Dick a pair of .38s and Dick said:
“Nice to meet you. I’m Dick Jackson.”

They went down the wrecked, yet empty hallway, always very cautious, guns in hands. Jay taught Dick how to man a handgun and Dick was a fast learner. They opened an electronically locked door with Jay’s code and got some supplies, ammunition, basically, but Jay also got a first aid kit and put a bandage around his arm, that was cut open by one of the aliens. After leaving the supplies room, they heard a teleporting sound and as they turned, they saw the shocker. Dick shot it in the chest and it staggered backwards and started charging the green ray. Dick pumped three bullets into the thing’s chest and it fell down, dead, a sickening green blood coming out of his bullet holes. They went on and found a boarded up passage. Jay shouted:
“Hey! Is anyone there! We are survivors!”
After a few moments, an old scientist walked over and pried the boards off with a crowbar. He said:
“Greetings, I’m doctor Wooding.” They went down a hall and on the end of it, there was an open path and a locked door. There were many scientists there, some of them sitting in the corners, some of them walking around nervously. There was one security guard, but he lay against the wall, wounded quite badly. Wooding said:
“We would love to leave this stuffy hall, but the door we need to go through is locked from the inside, and there’s no other way out. We could take the vent to go there, but I heard some noises coming from inside and we’re all too scared to go. Jay said:
“Ok, I’ll go.”
Wooding said:
“Thank you, when you reach the room, please unlock the door so we can get out of this place. Here, you’ll need this to smash the vent’s grating.”
He handed Jay his crowbar.
“No problem. Actually, there is a problem, but it’s not that. There is an electric power source in that path, but it’s gone malfunctional and is sending electrical discharges, and I’m afraid some of us might be killed by those discharges if you take too long to reach the room, so we need to somehow shut that power off, but if we get in there, not only might we be killed by some aliens in there or the electric discharges will kill us.”
But Dick said, after hesitating a little:
“I can do that”
Jay bashed the vent open, and crawled into the duct, while Dick loaded his gun and walked through the electric room . There were many cables on the floor, he found a shocker in the hall leading to the main generator and killed it with a shot in it’s big single red eye. He moved on to the main generator chamber. There used to be a door leading to it, but it had been smashed open. He entered and saw a huge generator firing electrical discharges in random directions occasionally. He was about to push a lever controlling the power of the generator, when suddenly a discharge, not belonging to the generator, it was green, like the kind of discharge a shocker causes. The discharge blew off the lever. He turned around and saw 3 shockers. The quickly shot one twice in it’s eye, killing it. He then ran to the other side and shot another one in the back 4 times, killing it as well. But when he turned around, he found himself face to face with the remaining shocker. He got nervous and fired a series of shots, missing them all. It started to charge it’s ray. He pointed at it’s head and pulled the trigger. *click*. His clip was empty. Then, he heard a rumbling sound coming form the generator. Just as the shocker was about to fry Dick, he jumped out of the way and the generator released an electrical discharge directly at the shocker’s slim torso, causing it to electrocute to death. Dick then quickly reloaded the gun and pumped 5 bullets into the generator. It suddenly stopped making noises and releasing electrical discharges. He sighed in relief and headed back. But, when he was crossing the hall leading back to the area the scientists were at, a small part of the ceiling came crumbling down, along two small, crab-like monsters. He instinctively pulled the trigger and fired 2 bullets into one of them, killing it. The other one jumped for his head, and he quickly evaded it. As the crab turned around, Dick shot it twice and it died. Dick reloaded his gun and proceeded back to the corridor where Wooding and the others were. As he came back, he said: “Problem solved”, and all the scientists sighed and started talking to each other, relieved. Suddenly, another one of those crab things teleported into the hallway. Dick attempted to shoot it, but missed, because the crab jumped at one of the scientists’ head just as he shot. The crab lodged itself onto the scientist’s head and he fell back to the ground. The wounded guard pulled out his gun, but Wooding halted him, saying: “No! Hold your fire! You might hit Johnson!” obviously referring to the downed scientist. They all moved away from Johnson and the crab, and formed a circle around him. Wooding asked for 2 of the scientists to go get a gurney so they could attempt to try and save Johnson. After about half-an-hour, Johnson had mutated into something completely grotesque, and finally arose, the crab still embedded into his head, now his hands were vicious claws, and his torso filled with green balls, blood, and a mouth on his chest. Everyone backed away. Johnson then ripped off one of the fellow scientists’ face off and started to eat him with his chest. Dick and the guard opened fire on what used to be Johnson and after a few placed shots, he fell down, this time dead for good. Meanwhile, Jay crawled through the vents. He moved on and on and suddenly he popped into one of the headcrabs. He quickly bashed it with his crowbar, crushing it to death. After crawling some more, Jay found a way out of the duct. He bashed through the grille and jumped out into a big control room. He found just what he had been looking for…a radio on one of the control panels. He used it to contact Black Mesa. For a moment, there was just static, suddenly, someone answered, yelling nervously: “Who’s there?!!” Jay replied, “I’m a security guard from the New Grounds Research Facility! Listen, an accident occurred, and we accidentally opened a portal to the planet Xen, and the aliens from there are teleporting into here and killing everyone! We desperately need Black Mesa’s help” The man on the other line said “Geez, what a ****ing coincidence!! The same thing happened here! I’m all alone here in this section of Black Mesa! Everyone’s dead and this place is crawling with those extraterrestrial freaks! We can’t send any help!! There’s hardly anyone alive here! We’re as screwed as you! Oh shit! No!! Get away from me!! AAAAGGGHHHH!!!”, and then there was static. It seemed as if Black Mesa was equally screwed.

Continued, of course....
Here's another part

Jay had to get back and report this, but then he remembered he had something else to do…he had to unlock the door from the other side. He made his way out of the control room and proceeded down a hall…he found an infected scientist, and not aware how the hell that happened, riddled it with machine-gun bullets and killed it. He moved down the hall, found another 2 shockers, and killed them as well. He was finding dead security guards and scientists all around the place. He then reached an electronic double door, but before he could move on, he found a yellow dog-like thing, filled with eyes on it’s face, that was kinda cute in a sick way. There was an unarmed scientist cowering in fear in the corner of the chamber. Suddenly the dog-like alien started producing a weird sound and then a sound wave flew out of it. It sent Jay flying back against the wall, whilst the scientist, that was very close, was more unfortunate. Due to his proximity to the alien, his ear drums popped, along with several veins in his brain, and blood ran down his ears and eyes, then he slowly fell down, horribly killed. Jay pulled out his sub-machine gun and shot the houndeye dead. He walked through the double doors, and found the other side of the door, leading back to where the scientists were gathered. He unlocked it from the inside, and reported to Wooding about Black Mesas’ fate. The big group moved on. They walked along the wrecked halls, always looking out for any aliens they might’ve found along the way. The wounded guard had to be carried on a gurney by 2 of the scientists. They found a few headcrabs along the way, but they were easily disposed of, and no one was killed. They were nearing the cafeteria. There, they decided they would take a break and think of some way out. Suddenly, a small pack of 3 creatures that slightly resembled dogs, only they had thousands of eyes, ran in from the corner of the hall. Jay recognized them as the creature he killed back before he unlocked the door. One of the scientists neared them, and they released a powerful sound-wave. The scientist just stood there, until suddenly, blood started slowly running out of his ears and eyes, and he fell to the ground, dead. Jay and Dick quickly pulled out their weapons and blasted the dreaded things, killing 2 and badly wounding the other one. It ran away. Dick and Jay gave chase, but then, they saw something horrifying. The “houndeye” was dead, on the floor, and a massive creature, that was brown and had lots of tentacles on its face was feasting on it. It then looked up, and saw them. As it ran in their direction, Jay took out his sub-machine gun and shot it repeatedly in the face, killing it just before it got to them. The whole group moved on down the hall, and they finally reached the cafeteria. Some took seats, others walked around nervously, others had some coffee, and others tended to the wounded guard. They all started discussing on how to escape the facility. Wooding finally came to a reasonable conclusion:
“Look, the only way out is to reach the surface, and from there, decide what to do next. There might be a search party coming here, and that would really help us. Once we reach the surface, they’ll probably escort us away form this vast desert. You guys have 5 more minutes to rest or do whatever you want, and we’re leaving the cafeteria.”
However, after 3 minutes, two shockers teleported in. Dick shot one of them in the eye and killed it. The other one was about to electrocute Wooding, when Richard, one of the scientists, found a shotgun lying near a dead guard. He picked it up and shot, exploding the shockers’ head. Richard fell back and dropped the shotgun. He gave it to Jay, believing he would make better use of it. There was some ammo for it in the dead guards’ belt. They all moved on. They found a staircase. Just before the group climbed it, a bloody scientist ran down the stairs and fell down upon descending it. He had bullet-holes all around his body. He said: “T-The….the rescue party….a-a-all a sc-scam….they’re being sent by the govern…government…they’re going to kill us all….”
He then died. Everyone was in utter shock after hearing the dying scientist’s words. Were the rescue party actually just eliminating everyone to erase witnesses? Seeing how the scientist had been shot several times with military standard-issue guns, it seemed so.
Part 3

“This is just great!” said Richard. “I cannot ****ing believe this! We’re screwed! Not only are these alien freaks killing all of us, now the government soldiers are too! Shit shit shit!”
“Calm down, Richard” said Wooding “There must be another way out. With the military not on our side, this only makes our journey even tougher, but there must be some other way to escape. Listen, we’ll get to the surface….kill the soldiers, if necessary, and then we’ll decide what to do.”
One of the scientists said: “What?! You expect us to kill human beings?! That’s just sick!”
“It’s the only thing we can do” Dick intervened “There’s no other alternative! They’re killing us, we gotta kill them! It’s legitimate self-defense!” The scientist thought a bit and said “I suppose so…” They all ascended the staircase, and found a weapons cache. Jay unlocked it by using a retinal scanner, and they all entered. There were several weapons, including rifles. “Okay guys,” Jay started “Stock up on as much weapons as you can carry. Guns are essential if we want to make it out of this dump in one piece.” All of the scientists took the weapons. Before they left, Richard asked “Err…Jay, before we proceed, may I ask you just one question? How do we use these heavy guns?” Jay then explained to all scientists how to man a gun, and they all (well, most of them anyway) understood. Upon leaving the cache, they walked across another hallway and were faced with another obstacle. A short bridge led to the next area, but it had been broken down by who knows what. Luckily, there was a rope hanging from the ceiling, and they could jump onto it and from there, swing onto the other side of the bridge. Everyone was scared of missing the rope and falling down into the chasm below. However, Jenkins, one of the scientists, felt ready to take the jump. He took some distance, then sprinted forward and jumped. He managed to hold on to the rope and it swung forward. But, as Jenkins tried to let go of the rope so he could land on the other side of the bridge, he couldn’t seem to manage to let go. This rope was kind of sticky, like a tongue… Jenkins looked up to find out that it was not a rope at all, it was in fact, the tongue of a creature that had attached itself to the ceiling. Jenkins struggled, but couldn’t break free from the sticky tongue. The creature started to pull up it’s tongue, and Jenkins started to scream and shake in fear. He started shaking violently to try and break free, but that only got more body parts stuck to the “barnacle creature’s” tongue. It pulled him up to the top of the ceiling, and sucked his head into it’s mouth. Suddenly, his other limbs let loose from the tongue, now he was hanging there, his head trapped inside it’s head and he’d stopped moving completely. Suddenly, It started chewing on him and pulling the rest of his bodies into it’s mouth. As it did so, many bones and entrains fell from it’s mouth down into the pit below. Some scientists couldn’t take the violence and puked. Others got nervous, mourning the death of Jenkins, their colleague. That thing was a problem. They had to find another way around. As they made their way back to where they came from, one of those infected scientists burst through the door. Watson, another one of the scientists in the party of survivors, quickly drew the handgun he picked from the arms cache and shot twice into the zombie’s chest (in the weird mouth area). It staggered back. Watson coldly shot it in the head (where the headcrab parasite had infected the poor scientist) and it slumped against the wall, fatally injured. He then pumped in 2 more bullets to it’s head, killing the now defenseless zombie with surprising marksmanship and efficiency. Jay then commented: “Wow, not only are you a fast leaner, but you also turned out be a pretty good shooter, man. Your efficiency was surprising, especially considering it was the first time you ever shot something, let alone the fact it wasn’t even human” Watson then replied: “Heh, thanks. What can I say? I guess I got the hang of it.” They all moved on. Even though every once in a while, some of them died, the crew was still pretty big in numbers. There were still about 15 of them. Most of them had all banded together when they saw Wooding was barricading the path. Perhaps they would be safer as a group. And, guess what, it payed off, they were now heavily armed, and strong enough to defeat a whole lot of alien freaks. Teamwork got them this far, maybe it would take them even further. Many of the survivors had hopes of reaching the surface and escaping. Others were not so optimistic, and believed they would all eventually be killed. And some of them simply didn’t have a clue as to what was going to happen. Whatever the case, they would all continue on this mission to escape New Grounds. Some might not have that much hope, but at least they’d die trying. The current worry at hands was finding an alternate route out. Of course, even though many passages were blocked by debris and destruction, it was still a huge complex and there were many available paths. The doubt was, which one would get them faster and safer to the surface? They had no clue of what creatures were lurking around which sections of the facility. They had to take a shot at what they thought would be the best route to take. After taking some time to think about it, they decided they were going via the main lab in Sector X. At it’s very end, there should be another tram leading to some other Sector in the facility. After roaming Sector X a little, trying to find the lab complex, they finally reached it. It was now a dark, silent, and all-around eery scenario. Some of the scientists got creeped out. It was kind of scary. With the power out, it was really dark, and as far as they could see, there were no aliens nearby. For some strange reason, although the light was out, some of the computers and control panels were still working, and the only thing that could be heard in the dense, creepy, lab complex was the occasional bleeping and chirping of some computers and panels. They all cautiously moved down the first room of the lab.
Yet another part

They could really use a flashlight right now. Jay remembered he had one, it was standard-issue for the New Grounds Facility security guards. He turned it on, and now they could be more aware, should there be any hidden assailant somewhere in the labs. Everything was incredibly silent(save for the monitors and so), until all of a sudden, a strange noise echoed throughout the lab. Dick remembered this noise. He stopped to think for a while, and then figured. It was the noise of a creature teleporting in. Suddenly he saw a shocker right behind the party, and they all screamed in fright and scattered throughout the lab. It stated charging it’s ray and fried one of the scientists, but was then subsequently riddled with bullets by Watson, Jay, Dick, and some other scientist. Many more creatures then teleported in. A headcrab jumped on one of the scientists’ head. A scientist got too close to a shocker, and it slashed him to pieces with it’s sharp claws. The wounded guard on the gurney was dropped by the 2 men carrying it, and was killed by one of those tentacle monsters. It neared him and ate him alive. Screams were heard all around the lab. The scientists were being slaughtered to pieces by the horde of aliens that just teleported in. Jay picked off 3 shockers, while Watson killed the menacing “Bullsquid” tentacle beast, as he named it. A scientist named Reagan killed some headcrabs, but was killed by a shocker, that was in turn, killed by Dick. After approximately 15 minutes of crunching sounds, screams, and gunshots, the battle was over. All of those creatures were killed. To compensate, many of the scientists were killed, and the rest scattered throughout the labs. Michaels, one of the survivors, was alone in one of the rooms in the complex. As soon as the battle started, he ran as far as he could, firing some random shots with his shotgun all the way, and hid behind a big console. He was very scared. He’d pissed his pants. He had a firm grip on his shotgun. Suddenly, as he turned around, he saw an abomination. It was a humongous alien, at least 3 meters tall, covered in some sort of armor. It had 3 arms, and there was a weird arm that looked like a gun. It fired some wasp-like creatures out of it, and they homed into Michaels’ face, popping on contact. The “wasps” tore huge holes in his face and killed him. Meanwhile, Dick gasped and panted, after that huge face-off against the aliens. But his problems weren’t over yet. As he looked behind his back, a squad of government soldiers walked in. the leader said:
“Take no prisoners.”
They then mercilessly opened fire on the scientists that were still left behind, killing 3 of them. Dick managed to run and jump behind a console as they shot at him and he managed to perform so unscathed. He heard shooting and screaming. He wondered where the elderly Dr. Wooding was, Wooding was old and slim. He couldn’t possibly have made it out of the battle against the aliens, let alone the recent soldier invasion. He wondered how many were left. Was Jay okay? And how about Watson? What of Richard? Did anything happen to that funny fellow, Peterson? As cold as it may have sounded, it didn’t matter right now. If he kept mourning their possible deaths, he would eventually be blasted to death by those soldiers, who were still shooting. After around another minute, they stopped. Dick’s heart rushed. They’d stopped shooting, which meant that something had happened or was about to happen. Out of a sudden, one of the soldiers yelled: “Fire in the hole!” Dick spent some time of his life isolated in an underground facility, but he was no idiot. He knew what that meant. They were going to lob a grenade, surely destroying the section he was hidden is. He had to act quickly. It was life or death. He turned around from the console he was hidden behind and saw a soldier in an oxygen mask preparing to throw the grenade. He took out a rifle he previously collected from the weapons cache and shot the hell out of the soldier. As he did this, the other soldiers, which were 4 in total, opened fire on Dick. Dick, luckily enough, wasn’t hit. The grenadier soldier didn’t die immediately because naturally, he had a bullet-proof vest, but after a few shots from the high-caliber rifle, Dick tore a hole through the vest and killed him. The soldier then fell down, grenade in hands, with pin already pulled off. The soldiers freaked out, started screaming and started shooting madly and inaccurately in Dick’s direction. He just ran. He heard the explosion coming from 2 or 3 labs behind. He might’ve accidentally taken a fellow scientist or 2 along with the troop of soldiers, but there was no other way out. As he ran, another horrible surprise befell him. That quartet of soldiers he just disposed of was merely one of the squads invading the lab complex. He came face to face with 6 soldiers. They locked and loaded. There was a short “Moment” between Dick and the soldiers. Either, for some reason the soldiers didn’t shoot at him immediately, or Dick was living this “Moment” in slow-motion. The soldiers just stood there, pointing their guns at him, as a drop of sweat trickled down the side of his head. He jumped to the right, behind a control panel just as they opened fire. They shot at the panel and it caused short explosion all over it. Dick ran away from it just as it had been completely destroyed, and then as he ran, seeking for another place to take cover from enemy fire, one of the guards tackled him and he banged his back against another control panel. He was cornered. It was the end of the line for Dick Jackson, Phd in Physics, 49 years old, yet extremely athletic for his age. The leader said: “Time to swat you, you irritating fly”. But just as he was about to blow Dick’s brains out, he heard a bizarre bursting sound. The soldier stood there, motionless. He dropped to his knees, and died, revealing a hole in his back. As Dick and the troop of soldiers looked up to see what the hell that was, they saw it. The armored monster that had killed Michaels.
Part 5 of crappy tale without paragraphs

This wasn’t good. Or maybe it was, for Dick at least. He got up and ran to the next room in the complex, as a battle between the alien grunt and the soldiers ensued. He heard those weird bursting sounds and machine-gun fire. He sat in between two computers and hid there, listening carefully to the battle to know when it finished. He could just move on to the tram, which wasn’t so far away now, but he wasn’t about to leave any comrades that might have survived the battle. As he looked to his side, he saw Richard, dead, on the floor, his chest opened up completely. Those damn aliens got to him. Richard was a nice fellow, and although he didn’t know him before the accident, Dick grew to like him. After about 15 minutes, all the shooting stopped. Dick assumed the battle had ended. He decided to leave his hiding spot. He was going to see who won in the aftermath and was going to “Mop up” any survivors. However, as he turned around, a soldier, bleeding heavily, his armor and helmet seriously damaged, pointed his M16 at him. But just as the wounded surviving soldier was to pull the trigger, a shot rang out from behind and hit him straight in the back. As the soldier fell he was shot again, and died. It was Jay. Dick was so excited to find a colleague after that rough battle that he ran up to Jay and hugged him, thanking him for saving his life. Jay got kind of flattered, seeing as most scientists are rude to the security guards in New Grounds, and then sad: “Alright, we gotta move on now. The tram is right ahead, and I fear there’s another group of soldiers in the lab complex.” To which Dick replied: “But what about the others? We can’t just leave them here!” Jay said “There are no others! Everyone died, and if anyone possibly survived, he must’ve already taken the tram! And that’s what we should do! Now!” But Dick said: “Look, Jay, let’s just wait here for another 5 minutes for any survivors. If we find none, we move on. Okay?” and finally, Jay said: “Whatever, man! Whatever! But keep in mind that we may not have those 5 minutes!”
So they patiently waited in the last room in the lab complex, near the tram. Any survivor would head there, for obvious reasons. 2 minutes had past, and they met a pleasant surprise. Watson and Thatcher showed up down the hall. Thatcher had some cuts on his arms, and a bullet hole in his hip, but he said he could go on. Watson had a huge cut going through his cheek. Just before they left, Wooding, Matt and Eldon, another 3 surviving scientists ran down. Matt shouted: “Quick! Quick! Start the tram! The soldiers! They’re….*pant*….they’re coming!” Dick immediately pulled a lever to start it up. He looked ahead. Behind Wooding and the others, there were 5 soldiers. Jay, Dick, Watson and Thatcher quickly hopped in the tram, that had started to separate itself from the platform. The soldiers opened fire and hit Eldon in the arm. He continued to run. His survival instinct pushed him on. Wooding, despite the fact he was very old, pulled out a machine gun and shot at one of the soldiers killing him. One of the remaining soldiers was faster than the others and ran to the tram. As he jumped onto it, Watson kicked him and he fell into the chasm below the tram. There were still 3. Just as the tram became near unreachable, Eldon jumped onto the train and Dick and Jay held him by the arms and pulled him in. Meanwhile, Matt was halted by a guard, but he kicked him in his unprotected testicles, and the guard fell down in pain. He ran as fast as he could and performed a spectacular flipping jump and made it onto the tram. However, there were still 2 guards up and running, and they opened fire on the tram. However Wooding, who was behind the 2 soldiers, shot one of them dead and tackled the other one. He said: “Go on without me! I’ll hold these guards off!” Dick said: “No! You can’t! You’ve got to come with us!” But Jay said: “It’s too late! We already started the tram! There’s no going back! Wooding died for us! He saved us, and was willing to give his life to do so! I’m sorry, but we can’t go back right now!” The tram left Sector X as Dick caught a last glimpse of the soldier wrestling Wooding, whist the other one still held his crotch area in pain. Dick never really found out who won that wrestle to death. It was probably the soldier, but you never know. He saluted Wooding as the tram moved away, as a last farewell to the wise scientist. They were nearing Sector D now, and from there, they could reach the surface. As the tram stopped, they all hopped off. Eldon was bleeding quite badly from the bullet wound in his arm. Luckily, they were near an infirmary. Arriving there, they encountered another scientist. His name was Doctor Brooks. He had been taking care of all wounded scientists and guards that he found along the way. So far, not many had made it. There was a security guard named Cole with some bandages around his arm. His injuries weren’t so bad, but the others weren’t so fortunate. Some were lying in gurneys on the floor, bleeding badly, with horribly disfigured features. Matt felt sick upon seeing such gruesomeness. Brooks treated to Eldon’s wound, and they asked if the old doctor wanted to come along with them on their attempt to escape. But Brooks decided he would stay. He had to treat these wounded people. He had already accepted his fate. He would stay in New Grounds till the end. Thus, the sextet proceeded through Sector D. there was a shocker in the next room, and they shot it down. They moved down the halls, killed a few headcrabs and houndeyes, until they finally reached a dead-end. There was a grille leading to the sewage system, and that was their only way through. Jay bashed the grille with his crowbar. It was a long way down to the sewers, and they needed some sort of rope to descend. They searched around and found it in one of the janitor’s rooms. They used it to climb down into the sewers. As they moved through the tunnels, they were all very cautious, and Jay turned on his flashlight so they could see better. They were bound to encounter some sort of creature in the sewers, sooner or later, so all six of them had their weapons in hands, fully loaded. As they searched for a way out, a shocker popped out from one of the corners and slashed up Thatcher, killing him. Matt, who had been a little trigger-happy since he obtained a weapon in the arms cache, nervously shot at a pipe on the ground, and caused it to explode into a mass of water. Everyone was sent flying by the huge jet of water, and the group scattered once again. Dick ran down the tunnels shouting the names of his colleagues, in hopes of finding them. None replied, until he heard Watson shout back after a while. They met up on an intersection between two of the tunnels in the sewage system. They had to find the rest. Eldon held his arm, running nervously down the tunnels. He was scared shitless. He heard some weird noises coming from all around. As he moved down, he eventually felt a stinging pain coming from his bullet-wound. He stopped for a while to hold it, but then heard something behind him. As he looked back, he saw a bullsquid running in his direction. He started to run, but just before he turned in a corner, the bullsquid tackled him and ate him.
I dare you to read so many consecutive lines without paragraphs!

Dick and Watson heard his hopeless screams as he was killed by the bullsquid in another part of the sewers. Meanwhile, Matt ran around the sewers looking for someone, anyone, to help him. 2 headcrabs assaulted him from behind and he blasted them with his gun. As he turned another corner, he saw Eldon being eaten by the bullsquid, and shot it to death. As he made yet another corner, he stumbled into Jay. They moved down the tunnels, trying to locate Dick and Watson, to no avail. Dick and Watson were, in fact, pretty far away from Jay and Matt. Both groups were completely lost in the vast sewer complex. Jay and Matt continued to search desperately for their 2 friends, but were halted by yet another shocker. It was very near to Matt, and he, in a fright, ran away from Jay, who was left to kill it, and he did so with his sub-machine gun. Matt ran into Dick and Watson, and the threesome proceeded, looking for Jay. As Dick, Matt and Watson moved down one of the tunnels, they found a dead end and stopped there. As they turned around to go back form where they came from, they met a bullsquid, that was surrounding them. Before anyone could draw their weapons, it spat a green, acid-like substance straight at Matt, and parts of his face dissolved due to the bullsquid’s bizarre chemical. Dick and Watson were horrified. Just as the bullsquid was going to finish them off, 2 shotgun bullets hit it and killed it. It was Cole, the security guard they met at the infirmary. He decided to follow them. They searched around for Jay and found him, and the quartet all left the sewers together, onto a new part of Sector D. It was a vast personal headquarters complex. It seemed empty and silent, yet the feeling that something lurked there was inescapable. The 4 survivors were all starting to feel fatigued and tired after their long journey. They decided to sleep in one of the rooms. Sure, there was a great risk that they could never wake up, but it’s better to sleep in a bed than to faint in the middle of a fire-fight. They couldn’t take it anymore. Not until they had some well-deserved rest. They picked a random door, and entered one of the quarters. There were 2 bunk-beds, just what they needed. There was a key lying by a desk in the room. Cole took it and locked the door. They were slightly safer now, but there was still a possibility that something would teleport or break in. Still, they had to take the shot. First, they all sat on their beds and discussed their current situation and what to do next. They decided that upon waking up, they would all head to the nearby office complex in search for survivors and clues on where to go. They slept, and to their luck, nothing attacked them over night. Dick was the first one to wake up, and he then awoke all his partners. They left the quarters and reached the office complex, killing a few aliens on their way. It was crawling with horrendous creatures and dead bodies, no survivors were found. They gave up hope on finding someone, and decided to move on. However, just before exiting the complex, they saw a wounded scientist inside a locked office, slumped against the wall. Upon seeing them, he unlocked the door to the office and let them in, and then slumped back down against the wall. They asked him what to do, and he said: “A small group of survivors banded together and escaped to Sector O, in the abandoned labs. They are taking tests and trying to reactivate the machinery so they can create portals out of this hell-hole. To get there, you’ll have to take an elevator to the surface and then descend a big ladder leading to Sector O. Oh, and by the way, even though you’ll reach the surface, there’s no way out. It’s just a working area on the outside, but the exit isn’t there. Be quick to get to Sector O, for a squad of soldiers invaded Sector D and sealed off every single place. They haven’t found me yet, but unfortunately, the aliens have, and that’s why I’m this way. Be quick---and g….good…luck.” The scientist tilted his head to the side, closed his eyes, and died.
OBSERVATION: This next part makes little or no sense at all....

They made way to the surface. It was a long way till the elevator, and it was full of monsters, and a few soldiers too. They finally reached the elevator, however they were ambushed by a squad of about 10 soldiers. Their leader, a man in a beret with an evil look on his face, introduced himself as Sgt. Darren. He said: “So, another group of survivors headed for the surface, eh? Tough shit. We sealed off all exits, and there’s no way out. Anyone who got this far since we arrived in Sector D was killed, and you twirps will be no different. They opened fire on the quartet. They all ran for the elevator, but Cole was hit on the arm he had previously treated to in the infirmary, and he fell to the ground in excruciating pain. Jay dragged him along while Watson and Dick ran for the elevator. All four made it to the elevator and escaped Sgt. Darren’s grip, but Cole was now badly wounded in the arm. They bandaged him with a first-aid kit they found in one of the crates up in the surface, and moved on. Not before leaving a grenade in the elevator so it would explode and Darren couldn’t give chase, though. Darren and his men were stuck in Sector D. He was pissed out his mind for letting them escape. Gradually, almost all of his squad was killed by the aliens, save for 4 of them. One of them complained about being scared, and Darren promptly shot him. “Anyone else scared?” he asked. “No, sir!” was the immediate answer. With the elevator destroyed, they’d have to find an alternate way to the surface. “I got and idea”. He pulled out a case in one of the offices they settled at. “This came with us in the chopper that dropped us off. It’ll come in handy for blowin’ that malfunctionin’ elevator up there. He opened up the case. There was a Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher in it. They returned to the elevator and Darren blasted the elevator to pieces, literally, in two shots. Now there was a clear elevator shaft for them to ascend. They had to reach the elevator’s cable, that was still intact, to get to the surface. There were a few metal platforms on the edges of the shaft they could jump on until they reached the cable, and from there they would climb up to the surface. “Uhh…sir, I’m not sure that this is such a great idea.” “Really?” Darren shot down the soldier who disagreed with the idea, and the remaining threesome ascended through the shaft. Upon reaching the cable, all three started climbing at the same time, one of the soldiers in front, Darren in the middle, and another Marine in the back. After the first soldier made it to the surface, Darren had almost reached it as well, but he kept sliding a bit down due to the weight of the soldier below him. He got pissed again, pulled out his combat knife and cut the cable beneath him, sending the Marine plummeting to his death down the shaft. Darren was an evil bastard indeed. Meanwhile, Dick and co. had already descended the ladder leading to Sector O. It was basically a huge, abandoned lab. They moved through the vast lab, until they reached it’s core, where 8 or so scientists were gathered. Upon seeing them, one of the men in the group of scientists greeted them: “Ah, another group of survivors seeking shelter in Sector O. Welcome. Right now, we’re almost done with the process of opening a portal to Xen. You see, a survey team from Black Mesa was sent there to import some supplies into New Grounds, but they were all killed by the aliens. Right now, we need an important tool so we can actually open a portal to the main exit to New Grounds, but every one is too scared to go to Xen, and we are looking for volunteers. Would you kindly do that for all of us?” Dick and his partners thought for a while, and all decided to go. The scientist who had talked to them, who was called Carlson, thanked them and moved over to a catwalk on the second floor to operate the portal control device. He successfully opened the portal, and told them to go to a rendezvous point full of survey team members, which is where the tool was located, but before they could enter the portal, Darren and his man entered the labs. They started shooting at the scientists, and killed 2 of them. But, all of a sudden, aliens started coming out of the portal and attacking everyone. Darren’s man then slipped on the floor while he was being chased by a bullsquid. He begged for Darren to help him, but the cold sergeant just ignored him, and he was eaten to death. “Quick, jump into the portal NOW!! I’ll contact you on this radio!!! Here, have it!” said Carlson. He threw a radio at Jay and he grabbed it, then the foursome jumped into the portal. They all fell in a platform in the middle of space. There were several other platforms all around them, and there was a central platform, bigger than the others. Xen was some sort of gas giant filled with these platforms, which is where the fauna and flora lived. They were attempting to get used to the surrounding environment, when suddenly, Darren teleported in. He’d managed to jump in amidst the chaos in Sector O. He immediately pummeled Watson in the head with his machine gun, and Watson fell unconscious. Dick instinctively jumped to another platform, and to his surprise, Xen’s gravity was rather low in comparison to that of Earth. Jay followed suit and jumped to the next platform, carrying Watson’s unconscious body. Cole was left alone to fight with Darren. They had a fearsome fist-fight, in which they both fumbled for a weapon, but one punched the other before the other could get his weapon. After a violent battle, Cole managed to throw Darren off the platform and he was sent plummeting down onto the distant, central platform. He fell down into the black, and they lost track of his falling body.
Nearly over!

Meanwhile, Darren hit the huge, central platform with a crunch, and writhed in pain. He was bleeding in several points. As he tilted his head upwards, he saw a gigantic blue creature with a single eye, and huge arms. Had he been working at Black mesa, that had been researching Xen long since, he would recognize this creature as the Gargantua. He tried as hard as he could to move away from the monster in his broken body, but it neared him and burnt him to a crisp with huge flamethrowers coming out it’s big arms. Whilst Darren met his horrible, yet more than deserved death, Watson finally awoke, a small spot of blood coming out from his fore-head, that had been previously hit by Darren’s gun. They jumped down the platforms, killing a few aliens on the way, and they finally reached a really big platform. They were radioed by Carlson. He said he had escaped the main lab complex and locked himself in a small control room along with 4 other survivors, where he would operate the portal control machinery. He told them that on the biggest platform of the area they teleported into was where the survey team had established itself. They walked a bit, and finally found the survey team, dead, surrounded by machinery. There was a modern looking apparatus, the shape of a kobold stone, which was the tool they needed. They radioed Carlson, and he prepared the portal. However, he warned them the portal would only be opened for a short amount of time, so they would have to be quick. Cole collected the tool, and in a few minutes, the portal opened. But just as they were going to enter the portal, a fireball hit Cole, killing him and sending the tool flying across the ground. There were several aliens with huge brains floating around the sky shooting fireball like the one that killed Cole. Someone had to collect the tool form the floor, and it was a few meters from them, and it was very dangerous to run there, what with all the floating monsters posing a threat. Watson decided he would sacrifice himself so the others could escape. They hesitated, but he commanded them to leave him. He pulled out his shotgun, flipped forward and went for the tool. He grabbed it and threw it at Dick. He caught it and him and Jay ran into the portal, while Watson covered them and blasted the brain monsters. Just before Dick entered, he looked back one last time at Watson. Watson looked at Dick, smiled at him, and gave a reassuring wink, then Dick smiled back and jumped into the portal just before it disappeared. Dick and Jay were now at the control room where Carlson and the others were. Dick handed Carlson the tool, and he proceeded to install it on one of the control panels. In about 15 minutes, he was done repairing it. The seven men could all hear distant sounds, those of aliens. They didn’t have much time left before the hideous creatures broke in the control room. The monsters started knocking on the locked door. Just as Carlson readied the teleporter, the monster broke in to the control room, destroying the door. Right after readying it, Stevens, one of the scientists, quickly jumped in the portal. One of the aliens quickly smashed one of the scientist’s head and killed him. Briggs and Jones, the remaining scientists other than Carlson and Dick, volunteered to stay and fend off the aliens while the others escaped, but Carlson ordered them to enter. They tried to stay, but Carlson pushed them into the portal. Dick and Jay shot off a few of the oncoming horde of aliens with their machine-guns, and signaled Carlson to jump in the portal, but Carlson informed them that if all 3 were to escape, the aliens would reach into the portal and kill them, Carlson had to stay, shut down the portal and stop the aliens from getting too close. He opened a small cabinet and picked one of Black Mesa’s experimental weapons, the Gauss Gun, that was also shipped into New Grounds, and then told Dick and Jay to quickly enter the portal. They jumped in, and Carlson started to blast at the aliens. When they were nearly reaching the portal, he pushed a few buttons on a console, and shut down the portal. Soon after, the alien mass caught up to him and ripped him to shreds. Meanwhile, the 5 survivors came out in an old, empty lab, with a huge computer at the center. Briggs explained that he would have to activate yet another portal, which would lead to the garage, where they would secure an SUV and would escape New Grounds for good. He would take a short while. Everyone waited anxiously as Briggs and Jones worked on the main computer, and after about half-an-hour, a huge portal appeared in the lab. However, as they were about to enter it, a gigantic creature came out of it. It was tremendously big, and a mixture of purple and green, filled with tentacles, eyes, claws and other weird limbs. Upon teleporting, the creature impaled Stevens with one of it’s tentacles, killing him. Dick and Jay opened fire on the monster, but it seemed to have no effect. Jones quickly told Dick to climb the staircase leading to the experimental X-300 rail cannon, and maybe with that, he could destroy the thing. Dick quickly ascended the staircase next to him, and reached the main New Grounds control area. There was a badly wounded man slumped against a wall, holding a bleeding wound near his hip. The man said: “A survivor! My God, I can’t believe someone else lived through this! My name is Tyrell Banks, I’m one of the members of the Main Experimentation Science Team. After all Hell broke loose, I quickly took refuge in the main control chamber, where all the monitoring cameras and communication radios were, but before I arrived, I got hit by one of those things, and it only got really bad a short while ago. The government contacted me here at my station, and they said, not too long ago, that they were going to nuke New Grounds to destroy all evidence of this, and to contain the alien mass. You don’t have much time! That thing out there is one of the leaders of the alien planet, and it’s extremely powerful! You gotta blast it with the rail-cannon and get the hell outta here before the government blasts this place! I’m too beat up. I can’t go with ya. Good luck, man.” Dick quickly charged up the rail cannon just as the alien was about to kill the surviving group, and vaporized it with the cannon. Dick ran down the staircase, and the 4 survivors stepped in the portal to the garage. All 4 sighed in relief and drove away in one of the SUVs, away to their freedom. Meanwhile, Banks used all his strength to get up and stagger to the chair, where he sat down and looked at the security camera monitors. He looked at the garage monitor, and saw the foursome, Dick, Jay, Briggs and Jones, driving away, and smiled. 20 minutes later, a plane dropped a bomb on New Grounds. Banks looked through a monitor to the surface area, and pointed the camera up, and then saw the bomb falling down onto the base. He smiled again, and thought to himself: “It was good while it lasted. Now this nightmare is all over, once and for all”. The missile came falling down and destroyed the base. As Banks said, the nightmare was over.

Well, that's it! Sorry there's no paragraphs(as if anyone read the whole thing)
Call me ignorant, but I'll read it if you put it into paragraphs.
I'm the ignorant one, actually...whenever I write something I compeltely forget to divide it into paragraphs, as unreadable as the final result'll work on it I guess....thanks
The_Great_Walter said:
“Big day today, Jim!” said Dick...
well, i was gonna read the whole thing, but that stopped me.
EDIT: a better idea is to copy it all to a word document, put it into paragraphs, then simply zip file it and upload it, it would't take too much time ey?
Yeah, I'll try that out, thanks. Right now, I'm leaving but I'll see if I can do anytihng to change this god-awful story
It was pretty good, so don't beat yourself up to bad. Although the scientists aren't 1 man armies like Freeman, they pretty weak and are scared easily so I think a squad of soldiers could take them. Besides that though, you should keep writing, mabye even do different points of view like Opposing Force....:thumbs:
HighTech_RedNeck said:
It was pretty good, so don't beat yourself up to bad. Although the scientists aren't 1 man armies like Freeman, they pretty weak and are scared easily so I think a squad of soldiers could take them. Besides that though, you should keep writing, mabye even do different points of view like Opposing Force....:thumbs:

Wow...positive feedback...*has orgasm*...I really do feel embarassed having posted this fanfic though...I really think it's shitastic...oh well thanks a lot!!!