Operation: CO-IN Update


May 14, 2003
Reaction score

A new site design has been put online for the site of Operation: CO-IN. The mod will feature realistic modern conventional and guerrilla warfare and is one to look forward to if you are into those aspects at all.

With the new site comes a better look, faster loading speeds and more content in the form of conceptual information and more.

Development of the concept is almost complete and any input from fans is appreciated. If you have a stellar idea, post it in the Forums.

We are still looking for new members, in the following fields of expertise:

Player Modeller
Player Skinner
Player Model Animator
Weapon Modeller
Weapon Skinner
Weapon Model Animator
Object Modeller
Object Skinner

Sprite Artist

Coders (experienced)

For more information, pay a visit to the following links:

Website: http://opcoin.city-17.net
Forums: http://opcoin.city-17.net/forums
Media: http://opcoin.city-17.net/media
Concept Info: http://opcoin.city-17.net/concept
How was it intimidating? Oh well, I changed it anyways :P
Argyll, you rmod looks good, and the new site looks good. However, I htink this is going a little too far

*EDIT* took hte picture cause it was fixed and i look like a bit of a dummy without the pic. :/

That seems a little much.... considering you guys have half the media and stuff that other modern warfare mods have....

don't get me wrong, oyur mod looks great, but i htink your banner goes a little too far...
The line under the banner?

Are you saying that because of your mod? I thought your mod is based on the Cold War... which is quite different from Modern Warfare.
Modern Warfare with a Cold War setting....

regardless, you cannot (or should not) proclaim your mod as #1 in a catergory with out some major thign that proclamied it (IE winning a contest, winning a MAJOR(ie not soemthing you put on your site, or was uin tese forums or whatever) poll or soemthing)
If you really want me to go through the difference and concepts behind the Cold War tactics and Counter-Insurgency, I will be glad.

What's that I see written on there?
Well, the line doesn't say the #1 counter-insurgency mod out there, it say the number 1 modern warfar mod....

but igronre my mod fo a moment, i'm just saying in general, you can't proclaim your mod the best, considering none of them have playable componets yet.

Can we get a 3rd opinion? someone?
I've Looked at the mod.. The Stuff that OP:Co-in has completed is better than the stuff coming outa any other modern warfare* Hl 2 modification.
The Cold War started after the Second World War and continued up until the collapse of the Soviet Union. The tactics involved had a heavy reliance on armour with dismounted infantry attacks following the initial assault. There was no major conflict that used these tactics until after the Cold War itself -- the Gulf War. The Falklands War that the British fought would not be considered a Cold War battle despite it fitting the timeframe because they were not fighting a Soviet-Bloc or Soviet-Trained Army. The use of armour was also restricted due to the terrain.

An Insurgency is where a group attempts to overthrow a government. To counter this, an Army or units from it try to thwart the insurgency. This mainly is engaged with ground troops whether it be Infantry or Special Forces. Armour has a minimal impact and therefore has little use (this is mainly due to the restrictive terrain that Guerrillas prefer to fight in such as Urban, Jungles, or rigorous areas). Counter-Insurgency has been seen throughout all ages, but is the way most conflicts have been fought post-Cold War to the Present and will be in the Near (maybe Far) Future. Some examples of recent Counter-Insurgency would be now in Iraq (despite what the Media says, these 'terrorists' are most likely fighting an insurgency that will be dragged out over a long period of time), Russians in Afghanistan, Russians in Chechnya, Vietnam was, and many others.


Counter-Insurgency = Modern
Cold War = not-Modern

With regards to your comment about us claiming to be the #1 Modern Warfare Mod: There is no other Modern Warfare mod out there from what I have seen. The Cold War Melting Point is a Cold War mod, it may feature some modern weaponry, but the overall concept is of a pre-modern warfare era type of conflict. So I believe that it would not fall under the category of a 'modern warfare' mod.

If the line in our banner bothers you, I will change it by taking out 'The #1.' I don't want to have negative relations with any other mods.
because how can your mod be the #1 modification, if it is only concept at this moment, in time, no-one can proclaim that their modification is #1 at all, not at this stage, when the mods are finished maybe, but not by the team, it is by the playing public and Critics that rate mods, not the team, so kindly would you remove it...:cheese:
When you win a major HL2 award that says your mod is the #1, you can use that banner. not until then.
Well you see... in the category of 'Modern Warfare Mods' we are the only one, therefore, #1.


(If you haven't already noticed, I did remove 'The #1' from the banner before I posted the 'Why?' post)
not really. Ther eis a mod called Modern Warfare.... and i'm sure if i looked at the hl2 mod list i oculd find more....
Modern Warfare is what this mod's old name was :)

And could you please find more? I would like to see them.
I've heard about quite a few Modern Warfare Mods.... Search, you'll find some probably on here....I'll look for some if you really, want...

Customer: It's not much of a cheese shop, is it?
Owner: Finest in the district!
Customer: (annoyed) Explain the logic underlying that conclusion, please.
Owner: Well, it's so clean, sir!
Customer: It's certainly uncontaminated by cheese....

Since you two are so kind, I will take you both up on the offer of searching for Modern Warfare Mods. :)

Hehe, Monty Python is the best! :cheers:
Not all of these look very good.... but....

Leave no Man Behind
Depths of War
Operation: Iron Curtain
Cold War: Melting Point

That was jsut looking on city-17 and moddb.
Out of that list, only the following could probably classify as a Modern Warfare Mod:

Leave No Man Behind
Depths of War
Dominican Aggression
Uncertain Peace
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Team Enforcement

Others that would be somewhat 'modern' because they use current weapons, but the storyline either takes place during the future or is an old concept (I personally don't believe that these would fall under the category of 'modern warfare'):

Primal Discord
Operation: Iron Curtain
Cold War: Melting Point
(the 2 above are both a 'what if' story with Communist Powers)
Operation: Carpe Diem

Submerge, we're talking about modern warfare in terms of the military, not gangs.

Those are just some that I found. I really think that somewhere, there should be a big list of HL2 mods broken down into categories to easily identify what kind of mod each suits. I will help make that list.