Steam final is out


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
Fileshack has it, but with long lines. There is also a secondary link but is going at 1.75 kbs a second. :(
I noticed as I am downloading CS 1.6 that in the changes it says they removed the bots.. I really hope that they will add them back because I like to sometimes play offline with my son against the bots on our lan. Or at least they let us use Podbot with my waypoints in it.

Damn CS is downloading slow.. this does not sit well with me as I will be buying retail and Steam versions of HL2 , but don't want to wait til HL2 is 2 months old before my download on Steam is complete :D
What connection are you on Taz?

I am on 2mbit, and therefore don't really see much of problem when Half Life 2 is eventually out. Unless your on 56k modem (ewww!)

Maybe you should just truddle off into the shop instead, when HL2 is released?
I am on highspeed cable.. the first time I downloaded CS over Steam, after many months of beta when most people already had it, it finished it 17 minutes.. was fast and I was like, sweet, that means Hl2 will download in less then an hour.

But now, with the release of Steam non-beta, I decided to redownload CS and it's going on 3 hours now.. says 1 second left and yet still nothing... WTF?
I had it downloaded; installed and configured in under an hour.

However, ATM it's shagged because I can't connect to a single server in CS. In fact CS ends up 'Not Responding'.

Gah!!!! Waited up really late last night, and now this is going on :(

But hey, I'm sure there's a good reason and I have no doubt that Valve are working their butts of to resolve any issues.:eek:
Where can you get what? Steam 1.0? If so, then look at my first post above.
Oh sorry, looks like is down again.

It sucks don't it ???
I would almost say my PC is allergic to the word steam.

My system freezes when I:

- update steam
- click on a button in steam
- try to download cs 1.6 from steam

Even when I try to go to my internet explorer freezes. My PC is allergic to steam, and so am I. I want to buy HL2 with steam, how the hell is that gonna happen, if it doesn't work.
I've got a similiar problem to TAZ... I've been downloading CS 1.6, DoD, and Half-Life the whole day, and it still won't load.. been restarting steam 2 times also, but no difference.. it keeps downloading, but nothing happens.