The origan of leet speak

May 15, 2003
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I decided to ask Some Hackers about where leet speak came from, but that sounded like a lot of work, so I just asked my mate Tim instead, and this is what he came up with:

"Pre-pubescant hackers are probably the most downtrodden group of geeks ever, right, so they needed to feel superior to others, so they said 'Let's make our own language, and talk with punctuation and numbers' 'yeh, and with our superior fast-typing skills it means we ARE superior' and leet speak was born. Having solved this problem, they now needed to solve the other problem facing pre-pubescant hackers: women. The conversation went thus: ' lets model big penuses and mail them to all the girls online, and then they'll think we are hot' 'I'm skinning mine in photoshop!'.... and they were satisfyed"

hope that clears things up :)
I believe they prefer the term script kiddie, not hacker.

On thinking about this. I prefer the term script kiddie. Because thats basically what most of them are. And its really annoying.

Interestingly enough though Hacker started off as a term for anyone who could write a program. You would basically hack a program and that would be writing it. Funny old world really.

Anyway. How does your mate Tim know about this exactly.
Its interesting stuff but I'm just curious as to where he gets his knowledge.

I heard once that it was people on message boards that had special access and they started using that term. I guess they're lots of myths but the other one is prob right :p.