Transferring Save File



I have a new computer that runs Windows XP 64 bit edition. I want to transfer my Half life 2 saves from my laptop on to this computer. The laptop is running XP Pro. When I copy the save files from one computer to the other, the new computer does not recognize the old save files. Is this because of the computer being 64 bit? Regardless, does anyone know why I cannot load my old saves and what I can do to fix this? Thanks.
Hi, I have the same problem in reverse. I have been using a Windows XP x64 machine, and now the new machine is Vista 32Bit.. Saved game files simply don't appear in the list on the new machine even though I have transferred them. :-( Can anyone help? I really am unhappy to lose all the progress I have made on the original machine.
Unfortunately Source 64 bit saves are not compatible with the 32 bit version. The only help i can give is that you use the "sv_unlockedchapters 15" command to unlock all the chapters from the start, that way to don't have to start all over again.