verry nice l4d movie

That was extremely impressive. I think we've all managed to do those 4 player incaps once or twice by chance on a pub...but these guys have it down to a tee.
Amazing. Pretty sure you can't get 4 hunters on at once though, 'cept for during a tank. Which would then require either one of the hunters to be a bot, or the tank to be, who'm could screw it all up in one swing.

Anyone know the name of the Prodigy song?
hiya the song is like the titel "Invaders must die" and it is verry possible to ghet 4 hunter you just need to waste the boomer and the smoker several times (hunters dont spauwn) but mostly it isent done because it takes to long in official games hoope thad awnser the questions thanks for the nice replys