7,000,000,000, but what number are you?

When you were born, you were the: 5,301,233,230th person alive on Earth
80,363,324,988thperson to have lived since history began
Your country's population is 4,469,900
Average life expectancy is 77.3 years
149 people: the amount the population has grown while you've been on this site

I wonder how they judge "since history began"?
When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
Your country's population is 310,383,948
Average life expectancy is 75.4 years

Too many people here
When you were born, you were the:
I wonder how they judge "since history began"?

The second number includes calculations based on the methodology of scholar Carl Haub, who estimated how many people had been alive since 50,000 B.C. His calculation has been amended by the UN to include additional points in time.

When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
Your country's population is 310,383,948
Average life expectancy is 80.5 years
^ You must be old.

For me:

You were the 4,885,109,561st person
When you were born, you were the: 5,082,120,520th person alive on Earth and the 80,030,962,492nd person to have lived since history began.

Quite interesting!
When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began

Your country's population is 62,035,570

Average life expectancy is 77.4 years
When you were born, you were the: 5,195,232,023rd person alive on Earth
the 80,204,098,212th person to have lived since history began
Your country's population is 310,383,948
Average life expectancy is 75.4 years
When you were born, you were the: 5,520,933,168th person alive on Earth
80,721,095,820th person to have lived since history began
I derived from that calculator than 13% of all humans who ever lived were born in the past 100 years. God damn.
When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
Your country's population is 310,383,948
Average life expectancy is 80.5 years

So you were born on the 30th of January 1971...

Statisticians.. Trying to prove their worth by spewing our figures at random...
A **** could not be given.

edit: Yes you read that censored bit right. I mean ****.

When you were born, you were the:

Pre 5-billion > all.
If everyone who ever lived was assigned a bit of data on a hard drive to indicate their current status (1 for alive, 0 for dead), it would only take up 10.4gb. Damn.
So you were born on the 30th of January 1971...


I hope you just got that from my profile page instead of sitting there entering multiple dates until you found a match.
If everyone who ever lived was assigned a bit of data on a hard drive to indicate their current status (1 for alive, 0 for dead), it would only take up 10.4gb. Damn.

that would have been a lot of data a couple decades ago
When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
When you were born, you were the: 5,615,884,252nd person alive on Earth
78.1 Male average