Can Valve use the AI director for Half Life 2 Ep 3?

They have their own AI? Which already works beautifully?
Yes they have AI but there's no rhyme or reason to their endless spawning in several levels. AID controlling how when and where they spawn would be no bad thing.
Pesh is in a complainy mood from his l4d thread that he is bringing it in here. I think the Director could be used in some great places. Especially Antlions would help with that.

And Zombie Closets....there would be specific holes in walls/alleys where the zombies would spawn at set times every time....that is what he was talking about. The Director would have been of some great use in Ravenholm also.
Pesh is in a complainy mood from his l4d thread that he is bringing it in here. I think the Director could be used in some great places. Especially Antlions would help with that.

And Zombie Closets....there would be specific holes in walls/alleys where the zombies would spawn at set times every time....that is what he was talking about. The Director would have been of some great use in Ravenholm also.

This would be interesting.
All things considered, all of these variables and the coding necessary to deal with them will be lost (as far as meaning and importance) the moment the player learns how to use the quicksave key to deal with it.
You guys keep saying the same thing, that the AID couldn't be used for such and such a reason - and again I tell you that it would obviously be changed if it were used in EP3.

Is that so hard to understand?

We don't know what EP3 is going to be like. Valve has said a few times now that it is their most ambitious project yet.

Let me put it this way.

HL1 was extremely linear. The only branching paths found were during the On Rails chapter and some parts of Xen. Other than that, there was really no question of where you were intended to go.

HL2 opened things up a teensy bit, but not for the purpose of free roaming, but for exploration instead.

EP1 was also extremely linear.

EP2, however, introduced much larger environments, sometimes with multiple paths to travel.

Remember that battle at the Inn, where the force field stops you and you have to fight the Combine off, back track and turn off the force field so you can drive through?

That battle typical plays out the same every time. I mean, exact positions of the enemies when you kill them changes, obviously... but what if the AID were to alter the spawning?

What if you got a different amount of each type of enemy?

What if snipers appeared in different places?

So on and so forth - there are hundreds of possibilities. Just cause the AID doesn't work that way in L4D doesn't mean it can't in EP3. That's my point.
While the AID in its current form, that is a focus on randomness and replayability, wouldn't be good for the much more tightly controlled player experience of Half-Life I think it would be potentially short sighted to simply dismiss it.

For instance one aspect of the AID which could be useful is with health and ammo. Both of those are defining aspects of a players experience. Their placement and amount are all based on the testers Valve get in and has to support a large range of possible skills and scenarios. Imagine using the AID for a more tailored approach, it could control the amounts and locations of ammo and health. This wouldn't have to compromise Valve's player micromanagement either, the AID itself could be informed by Valve on what they want the player to be experiencing at various points eg, "here we want the player to be on medium level health and have a fully stocked shotgun" or "we need the player to be on near full health by this point" and then the AID would spawn accordingly.

Now I'm not saying that the AID in Ep3 is a sure thing but I'd be surprised if Valve wasn't at least playing around with its possibilities.
You guys keep saying the same thing, that the AID couldn't be used for such and such a reason - and again I tell you that it would obviously be changed if it were used in EP3.

Is that so hard to understand?

We don't know what EP3 is going to be like. Valve has said a few times now that it is their most ambitious project yet.

Let me put it this way.

HL1 was extremely linear. The only branching paths found were during the On Rails chapter and some parts of Xen. Other than that, there was really no question of where you were intended to go.

HL2 opened things up a teensy bit, but not for the purpose of free roaming, but for exploration instead.

EP1 was also extremely linear.

EP2, however, introduced much larger environments, sometimes with multiple paths to travel.

Remember that battle at the Inn, where the force field stops you and you have to fight the Combine off, back track and turn off the force field so you can drive through?

That battle typical plays out the same every time. I mean, exact positions of the enemies when you kill them changes, obviously... but what if the AID were to alter the spawning?

What if you got a different amount of each type of enemy?

What if snipers appeared in different places?

So on and so forth - there are hundreds of possibilities. Just cause the AID doesn't work that way in L4D doesn't mean it can't in EP3. That's my point.

This is the first time you've provided any meaningful way demonstrating how the Director could be used, instead of just endlessly repeating HEY GAIZ I BET U CULD USE DA AI DIRECTOR FOR EPISOD 3?!?!?!?!??!?! So don't act like you're the only guy with eyes in the land of blind.

But yeah, that sounds alright. Item management left to the Director would be pretty cool.
This is the first time you've provided any meaningful way demonstrating how the Director could be used, instead of just endlessly repeating HEY GAIZ I BET U CULD USE DA AI DIRECTOR FOR EPISOD 3?!?!?!?!??!?! So don't act like you're the only guy with eyes in the land of blind.
Why not? Everyone else was just going "NO WAI IT'S KIMPOSSIBLE!" without even thinking about it.
Except the people that were agreeing with him, or the people asking 'provide more details plz', or the people saying 'well, maybe, if this happened...'
OH SHIT I said 'everyone' when it wasn't literally and precisely true. Shame on me!!
You also weild sarcasm as though it were a chainsaw, not a scalpel. D<
With some people overkill seems necessary.
i heard they're tring to implement improvements they've made in L4D into other Valve games...not sure to what affect those will be however.

Would be great in a coop gamemode for counterstrike; the kind where you have to perform multiple objectives, and enemies are pouring out at every orifice