


Hello everybody! This is my first thread on here, well anyways I have just came out with a map called ce_beta1... its the beta of ce_runaround but here is the link on where to download it http://download.filefront.com/42795...28749aa3d43cb06f3372e53f3bf8fc170207ad5804e57
thats the link :)

Story: I was planning on making all my maps start out with ce_ but then I found these awsome maps made by a guy playing on the map at the time so I decided to switch to his first tagging, so now its going to be zh_ (zombie hunt)... when ever I make the final for beta1 I will still leave it as ce_

http://freewebs.com/cemaps :afro:


... why does this deserve a new prefix? It's just a a bunch of really big rooms...
eh don't waste our time until you put some actual effort into your work
Its beta...

I think people should expect not that great of quality when a map is beta so please dont complain, im new at map making. + its fun to own bots in it :)
There's no cover. On higher skill settings bots would be approximately 0.000000000000000% fun on that map. I understand you're new but there are some basic things that people look for when they play multiplayer maps. One of them is multiple routes. Your map seems to have one route meaning no flanking and your movement from room to room is limited to a straight line.

If you're new I'm pretty sure 9/10 people you ask will forgive basic box rooms just as long as there's an OK layout. You've been given 3 dimensions with the Source engine, why not try using them all?
Before said:
I think people should expect not that great of quality when a map is beta so please dont complain, im new at map making. + its fun to own bots in it :)

Just because you consider it a beta doesn't mean it has to suck. What do you expect your next version will look like? We're not trying to be mean or anything here, but I'm sure you can do alot better.
all it is is like three massive rooms lol. theres no need to post your fist map on here. get a pen an paper and actual design a map.
Before said:
I think people should expect not that great of quality when a map is beta so please dont complain, im new at map making.
I think you may be confusing Beta with WIP (work in progress).

The Beta stage of a map is when it has fulfills the basic prerequisites for a gameplay scenario and needs stress-testing for further feedback to be collected. The first Beta version of a map will be the first time it's actually played on by players. These players don't have to be human, they can be bots. But normally a Beta will happen when a map has enough substance to provide at least (for example) 30 minutes entertainment. If it gets boring before 30 minutes are up then it probably won't be worth testing on other players, as the players won't want to play it for long enough to be able to give in-depth feedback.

WIP (for a map) is when a map is still being worked on. This includes every version of the map up until 'final' release, or release 1.0 to be more precise.

If you do want to get better at mapping you're going to have to listen to people's advice, even if you don't act on it and even if it sounds harsh. We're all prepared to help you, you posted in the right forum, but you also have to help yourself out. For many new mappers, part of the learning process is realising that you already have a lot of the answers, you just have to ask yourself the right questions.

Ask yourself things like:
"What do I like about this map?"
"What makes this map play well?"
"What makes this map look good?"
"What would I add to this map to make it better?"
"Why did the mapper put a door on this side of the house and not on the other side?"
"Why is this room small and not big?"
"Why is this area cluttered with cover and this other area wide open?"

Everything in a good map is like that for a reason. Sometimes the reasons are purely aesthetic (for style) sometimes the reasons are practical (for gameplay). Sometimes things can be both. Sometimes you'll find something by accident that works really well and you can leave it in because it makes a beneficial addition to the map.

The theory of mapping is actually really simple when you break it down into its basic elements, by asking yourself basic questions. Hope that helps :)