CS:GO Key Giveaway – Create A ValveTime Tagline

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Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Each week we will be giving away CS:GO Beta keys! This week our competition involves designing taglines for our site, ValveTime.net.

We’re looking to add 3 new taglines to our rotation, with each winning tagline grabbing a beta key for CS:GO. Feel free to poke fun and humour at the Valve Time concept or be informative about ValveTime.net as a hub for all Valve and community news. The choice is yours!


You can enter by posting your tagline in the comments below. We’re also accepting entries via our Facebook & Twitter. You may enter only once on each of our accepted entry methods. Competition closes 6th April at 23:59pm GMT. Good luck!
ValveTime - where all other time-space continuum means fail.
When does Episode 3 release? Only ValveTime can tell!
"Valve News - Delivered faster than Valve can"
Lobster you're only allowed post one entry, which is just as well because only your first one was any good! (meant in a joking rather than harsh tone)
Valvetime.net- Membership count dropping at a faster rate than Gabe's life expectancy
Valvetime.net: For your viewing pleasure
Valve time - Do not lose time in vain!
Valve time - it's every time!
in my opinion is better in tune with the slogan that would have been.
sorry, my english shit!:rofl:
ValveTime.net -- The right website with the wrong domain can make all the difference in the world. (I keed, I keed)
ValveTime - Keeping you up-to-date on Ricochet, and all other popular Valve games.
Valve Time - For when you want to vent some Steam.
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P.S. Just to be clear, does "enter only once on each of our accepted entry methods" mean we can submit a different entry in each of the three methods? For example enter one here, and enter a different one on Facebook?
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