Doom3 = Over hyped

  • Thread starter ElevenDaysPrior
  • Start date


Doom 3 was overly hyped in my opinion, and if i would have known that i would have never wasted my $56.00 on it. Yes the graphic are amazing, but the gameplay is... ehh. Gets boring real quick, no strategy whatso ever, just shoot em up. Multiplayer is TERRIBLE, jerky, hard to find a nice server ect. Yes i know that Doom3 was not made for online game play but they sure made it sound a lot better in the reviews for it, and also i know it just was released so servers are hard to find, but even on the dedicated servers provided by the official company was terrible. Over all my rating for doom3 is 6/10. If i would have known this, i would have waited the long months to christmas and hope to get it as a present, if not a lot cheaper :E oh well, anyone also agree on this?

Final verdict? Well my opinion if you want a game that you will get hooked on and is worth the money and is going to be worth you're time, get either City of Heroes or Star Wars Galaxies. Believe me you wont regret it...

yes i just figured out this is the wrong forum.... oh well sorry i'll be more careful next time...
Mr-Fusion said:
Is there a free trial version of SWG?

no i dont think so :( but when you do purchase it, you get the first month free for both.
Hmm...I was a long time SWG player. Then I started to hate the game. That's what always happens with me and MMORPGS though. I get addicted for awhile, usually like 6 months, and suddenly I start to despise everything about the game. Weird.
DarkStar said:
Hmm...I was a long time SWG player. Then I started to hate the game. That's what always happens with me and MMORPGS though. I get addicted for awhile, usually like 6 months, and suddenly I start to despise everything about the game. Weird.

but that is true about any game, you play it continuously for a while then get burnt out on it.then after a break you come back. i mean, i still play starcraft everyone once in while :p
ElevenDaysPrior said:
but that is true about any game, you play it continuously for a while then get burnt out on it.then after a break you come back. i mean, i still play starcraft everyone once in while :p

Yeah, you get burnt out on games and don't play them anymore sure...but with me I start to actively despise the MMORPS I was once in love with. I'll always go back and play games that I was once bored of. But there is no way in hell I'm ever going to play EQ or SWG again. I seriously hate it.

That said, I'm very excited for EQ2 and WoW. lol.
lol i was never an EQ fan, are all the stories on it true? thus the name "EverCrack"
mmorpgs lose their flair pretty quickly, city of heroes is more appealing to me since its more action oriented, and less "OMG NEED PHAT LEWT" type. but overall I think FPSs have the most life and indeed fun factor.
What the hell is this thread about? MMORPG:s or Doom 3?
Well the guy doesn't seem to be a fan of shooters...
I rest my case.
Doom 3 was only meant to scare you, not offer anything new gameplay-wise. If you expect apples when buying oranges, you're gonna be dissapointed.
KagePrototype said:
Doom 3 was only meant to scare you, not offer anything new gameplay-wise. If you expect apples when buying oranges, you're gonna be dissapointed.

My initial reaction to Doom3 was, WOW gfx kick ASS!, wow awesome setting reminds me of my fave horror movie "Event Horizon"... wow computer terminals, lighting and lip synching are awesome.

the environment was awesome, attention to detail was brilliant.
it wasnt scary at all mind you... it still has not scared me... which really dissapointed me.

in fact the game (now Im like at the part where you
have to vent the gas after Betruger gloats about the fleet coming and taking their ships
) has become really monotonous... everything from sounds to lighting (or lack thereof) to creature spawns.. has become so damn repetitive.

I cant fool myself any longer, the game is not a HORROR FPS, not in the slightest, not even close.
this game is simply a remake of doom, straight up... and although doom was cool... the gameplay does not hold up today.

I think they wanted to please the hardcore fanboys with Doom3, making it just simply Doom with awesome graphics.... they really should have invested more into level design, variety, decent monster designs instead of retarded alien looking POS's.....

and where the hell is the plot?!?! I thought they hired some big name sci-fi writer!!? where the hell is any evidence of story?
its the same premise as doom.. and thats all it appears to be.. the basic premise.

bah Im really steamed at this game, Im praying HL2 doesnt suck.
Mr. Redundant said:
My initial reaction to Doom3 was, WOW gfx kick ASS!, wow awesome setting reminds me of my fave horror movie "Event Horizon"... wow computer terminals, lighting and lip synching are awesome.

the environment was awesome, attention to detail was brilliant.
it wasnt scary at all mind you... it still has not scared me... which really dissapointed me.

in fact the game (now Im like at the part where you
have to vent the gas after Betruger gloats about the fleet coming and taking their ships
) has become really monotonous... everything from sounds to lighting (or lack thereof) to creature spawns.. has become so damn repetitive.

I cant fool myself any longer, the game is not a HORROR FPS, not in the slightest, not even close.
this game is simply a remake of doom, straight up... and although doom was cool... the gameplay does not hold up today.

I think they wanted to please the hardcore fanboys with Doom3, making it just simply Doom with awesome graphics.... they really should have invested more into level design, variety, decent monster designs instead of retarded alien looking POS's.....

and where the hell is the plot?!?! I thought they hired some big name sci-fi writer!!? where the hell is any evidence of story?
its the same premise as doom.. and thats all it appears to be.. the basic premise.

bah Im really steamed at this game, Im praying HL2 doesnt suck.

Or maybe you've just outgrown games, and can't apreciate one with extremely high production values :)
scribblehead said:
Or maybe you've just outgrown games, and can't apreciate one with extremely high production values :)

Mr Redundant is right.

2 hours into the game, I was like this is the "best game ever created!". An hour later after that, the game became the same thing over and over again.

I tried SO MUCH to love this game, but I just can't - the gameplay isn't my type anymore. I'm a dieheart Doom fan, and other than the technical work, D3 failed to impress in gameplay and most importantly in creating a horror like experience. I just didn't feel scared. :|

Id starts the game out very well, but screwed it up in the end. One monster at a time and the challenge and sound/atmosphere to take him down is a great idea - but by the end it was just killing by the numbers.
That was a joke btw :p

"2 hours into the game, I was like this is the "best game ever created!". An hour later after that, the game became the same thing over and over again. "

'scuse me but that statement could be said about any game - Even HL :eek: - just change the "2 hours" to "4 hours"
No it isnt overhyped and it will probably be one of the best selling games to date.

Yet again, ill say it again. This game is not ****ing HALF LIFE and is not a TACTICAL FPS, SPEND 1 HOUR FIGURING OUT HOW TO DO CERTAIN BITS GAME EITHER.

Im telling you if you all carry on like this HL2 will be worse than Kreed because you are really overhyping that game and i dont think it will be even half as good as most people think its gunna be, it will have good MP (<--the part i WANT the game for most), the SP wont be nothing revolutionary at all.
Be clear: this is a great game. But alos be clear about what Doom 3 is, and what it is not. In 1994, we said of Doom II: "It's Doom all over again, but with more of everything that made it great in the first place." That's still true, but today it's as much a word of caution as of recommendation.

I think PCGamer uk sumed it up nicely there.
scribblehead said:
scuse me but that statement could be said about any game - Even HL :eek: - just change the "2 hours" to "4 hours"

seeing as hl is longer than doom3 by far, and was DEFINATELY more entertaining, i still play hl to this day. doom 3, once i beat it, consider the game lucky if i play it again, ever.
scribblehead said:
Or maybe you've just outgrown games, and can't apreciate one with extremely high production values :)
... I sure as hell hope not.


the gameplay becomes way too repetitive.. its more prevelant in Doom3 because well.. thats all there is once you get past the absolutely mind blowing graphics...

walking from place to place flipping switches reading e-mails and killing monsters that spawn predictably.

in HL I was more immersed because I felt that I was part of this awesome story, I had a reason to do things, and went on mini-missions...
it didnt get boring after 2 hours or even 20 hours, because the game kept me in the story, it kept pushing me forward.

in Doom3 its very static "checkpoint"-find pump station-"checkpoint"-get to monorail" etc.... I dunno.. Im not tired of games at all.. this one simply becomes to monotonous.


and the whole "it was over-hyped" thing is passe.. because I didnt have any interest in Doom3 until I heard the gold announcement.. in all honesty it never looked impressive (from what I saw and heard).. I only picked it up because it was something to do in this damn dry gaming year. (can only play through farcry so many times)
speaking of which, even farcry had better gameplay than Doom3 (it wasnt a better game however)

Doom3 would have owned seriously if it were more Horror fps (ala clive barker's Undying, or even AVP2) rather than straight up mindless ID action game (ala doom1&2 I guess).
I pray so badly that hl2 doesnt suck. Cuz Doom 3 had my attention pretty well. Then once i played it was sorta dissapointed. I hope to GOD hl2 doesnt suck. Oh well @ least we'll have cs:source and hl: source.......and the mods to come.
guinny said:
seeing as hl is longer than doom3 by far, and was DEFINATELY more entertaining, i still play hl to this day. doom 3, once i beat it, consider the game lucky if i play it again, ever.

Entirely up to the person playing the game - personal preferences aside i had atleast as much fun with hl as i did with D3....playing it the 2nd time around now :p

Lets be honest here, ppl who were let down, surely was expecting something on par with hl - ppl you can't just assume that iD will totally deviate from its well known - and believe me, well tested recipe.

As i was installing the game i realized that i did'nt actually have any predetermined idea on how the game was going to play, i mean sure i was expecting great gfx's.....but hell, other than that, well that was just icing on the cake.

Now with HL2 i expect a good story - gfx here aren't a plus, but more of a perk since i'm more interested in the HL legacy.
Totally the other way with D3 . - getting my drift here?
dudeee if hl2 sucks (whitch i HIGHLY dought) i will cry!
im pretty sure that it will be the best gmae i have ever played
It appears that I made a correct choice and waited. There have been so many disappointed people, and even though I haven't played the game yet, I'm starting to feel that way too.

If it wasn't for Far Cry, I would have purchased DOOM3 on it's release date. Now I'm a more cautious gamer. I think long and hard before making my purchases (partly because I'm poor shmuck :LOL: and almost all my money is now going to school).

Oh well. When the demo comes around, I'll download it without hesitation.
Alig said:
No it isnt overhyped and it will probably be one of the best selling games to date.

Yet again, ill say it again. This game is not ****ing HALF LIFE and is not a TACTICAL FPS, SPEND 1 HOUR FIGURING OUT HOW TO DO CERTAIN BITS GAME EITHER.

Im telling you if you all carry on like this HL2 will be worse than Kreed because you are really overhyping that game and i dont think it will be even half as good as most people think its gunna be, it will have good MP (<--the part i WANT the game for most), the SP wont be nothing revolutionary at all.

It wasn't overhyped by the media. It was overhyped by the fans. The fans expected it to be revolutionary and ground-breaking but after playing games like Halo and Far Cry, Doom 3 can't stand its ground compared to them.

And its kinda stupid to say we'll carry on about HL2 not being a tactical shooter because it looks like it is going to be one judging on all the video's. But yeah i doubt SP will be revolutionary, nothing's really been revolutionary since System Shock 2 and Deus Ex.

But just because it isn't revolutionary doesnt mean it can't be fun :D like all the games mentioned above. Anyway i'm gonna go play some more Doom 3 now
Lets look at the history of hyped games in the past year.

Far Cry

Before: Looked absolutely stunning and seemed to have quite an in depth storyline and gameplay.
After: Plastic, stupid ai, lamest story ever, basically an eye candy game.

Deus Ex 2
Before: Thousands of Deus ex fans going nuts saying dx2 would be the best game EVER and how so many ppl were looking forward to it.
After: While i personally enjoyed it, the mass gaming world considered it incredibly pathetic and weak, and it paled in comparison to its predecessor.

Doom 3
Before: Possibly a hl2 killer, possibly an any game killer.
After: Barely on-par with the average fps. MANY dissapointed people.

Now that HL2's next in line, we should worry. Will it fall with the rest of these supposed-to-be-great games? Or will it stand tall?
I think alot of games are depending on great graphics to drive a game to the victory line, while it gets them off to a great start it just can't do it all. Great graphics are nice, but story is what wins it with me at least. The same can be said about movies.
Doom3 rocks in the beginning, is boring for the middle, and picks up again towards the end.. Im enjoying the poopz0r out of it again now that Im almost finished with it.

*shrugs* its just the middle seems half-assed.
guinny said:
Lets look at the history of hyped games in the past year.

Far Cry

Before: Looked absolutely stunning and seemed to have quite an in depth storyline and gameplay.
After: Plastic, stupid ai, lamest story ever, basically an eye candy game.

Deus Ex 2
Before: Thousands of Deus ex fans going nuts saying dx2 would be the best game EVER and how so many ppl were looking forward to it.
After: While i personally enjoyed it, the mass gaming world considered it incredibly pathetic and weak, and it paled in comparison to its predecessor.

Doom 3
Before: Possibly a hl2 killer, possibly an any game killer.
After: Barely on-par with the average fps. MANY dissapointed people.

Now that HL2's next in line, we should worry. Will it fall with the rest of these supposed-to-be-great games? Or will it stand tall?

Which version of Doom 3 did you play? My version of Doom 3 is one of the best first person shooters I have ever played.
Doom 3 IS NOT on-par with the average FPS. It's MUCH, MUCH better than that. Just look at the video disk movies and all the little attention to detail in the PDA (mails, seperate recordings with different voices of people in voice logs), I mean no average FPS would concentrate so highly on these little details - yet D3 does. Unfortunately, game sites like some half-assed objective tab button system which is to the point as in Far Cry - they didn't even appreciate D3's innovative PDA objective system - it's much more authentic.
A pda system isnt innovative. You cant put pda and innovative in the same sentence. dozens of other games have done the exact same thing, some have executed it even better than doom 3. i loved doom 3, it was a break from the shit most companies have been delievering, but it was nowhere near amazing or jaw dropping.
I think guinny meant Doom 3 is average gameply-wise.

The parts where it seems to excell are those that have nothing to do with the actual shooting part:
The graphics, the sounds and the hyper-detailed world created through the little hidden jokes and the PDAs.

But the game: the levels, the AI, the shooting and the missions are all pretty generic.
I expected far better. The most appropriate summation of the game is countless (read: repetitious) encounters with demons who lurch out from behind rediculously unoriginal fake-panelled storage rooms that 'conveniently' have enough space for that demon, with nice graphics. Part of the intrigue of this game was thinking that monsters were crawling up the walls behind you for an unexpected attack. I believe iD could have done a FAR better job as far as scripting zombie/monster encounters goes, because no gamer who has played Doom 3 can deny that the gameplay does get stale.

As someone who has closely followed the fruition of this game for over a year, it saddens me to know that I will be uninstalling Doom 3 before I even complete it. The game simply has no substance.

Here's to hoping HL2 lives up to its hype. :thumbs:

edit: bold
hype.db said:
I expected far better. The most appropriate summation of the game is countless (read: repetitious) encounters with demons who lurch out from behind rediculously unoriginal fake-panelled storage rooms that 'conveniently' have enough space for that demon, with nice graphics. Part of the intrigue of this game was thinking that monsters were crawling up the walls behind you for an unexpected attack. I believe iD could have done a FAR better job as far as scripting zombie/monster encounters goes, because no gamer who has played Doom 3 can deny that the gameplay does get stale.

As someone who has closely followed the fruition of this game for over a year, it saddens me to know that I will be uninstalling Doom 3 before I even complete it. The game simply has no substance.

Here's to hoping HL2 lives up to its hype. :thumbs:

stick with it, although the gameplay is repetitive, things do get cooler towards the end.
Erg, I edited and didn't even fix the typo.
"I believe iD could have done a FAR better job as far as scripting zombie/monster encounters goes, because no gamer who has played Doom 3 can deny that the gameplay doesn't get stale."
Man...I'm only a couple hours into the game and I can't make myself get into it. The gamesplay is a total flop so far IMO.
If the gameplay and level design was more like System Shock 2 it would've rocked
CrazyHarij said:
What the hell is this thread about? MMORPG:s or Doom 3?
CrazyHariji I dont see my name on your sig WHY ! :p
****ing hell this is the third time i've had to type this ****ing thing up because this laptop is a piece of shit, here goes

Doom 3 review

Graphics: Best there is, period. Unless Half-Life 2 really comes out with a bang, this is it.

Sound: Good, nothing special for a scary game

Story: More in depth then Far Cry thanks to PDA's. I gather someone at iD had played SS2 and thought it was a great idea (which it is) and decided to implement this feature in Doom 3. However the story could've been developed more through the PDA's if iD really REALLY knew how to create the ultimate "horror" atmosphere
For example
By developing the characters through email's and voice logs and slowly having them descend into paranoia and madness like in System Shock 2

Gameplay: Repetitive after the first few hours, however once you reach Hell things really pick up again and you forget about the repetitiveness and start having even more fun

Scare Factor: Small, one or two scene's scared me but that was it, i wished they had mess with your mind a bit more then they do. I was playing System Shock 2 sometime last year whilst waiting for Half-Life 2 to come out (seems forever) and i got into the final levels being too scared to progress through the....shall we floor (those who have played it will know what i mean). Doom 3 didn't do this for me though. For a scary FPS it aint scary, just gruesome.

Multiplayer: Whats to say? 4 - 16 players but only 5 maps? Its fun for an hour or two but i'll wait for the mods .Well, at least its better then Far Cry, which it is

Overall : Kickass game with the best graphics ever. It does get slow in some parts but just keep playing until you go to Hell and it gets a whooooooooole lot more fun after that. Probably the best FPS game to come out this year, but its been a pretty poor year for FPS so i'm not sure what that says exactly.
