
I love GOG.com and yes Sacrifice is totally worth it.
Fantastic RPG/RTS hybrid.
We've had threads about this before, it's a great DRM-free way of getting older games without feeling bad.

but who feels bad? lololo
I never heard of the site before. I guess it says beta under its title too, so maybe its new to a lot of people. it seems like the majority of games on there are amazing and worthwhile, plus cheap!
GoG is great for old games, lovely site to use, I don't use it enough to be honest :D
As soon as once of these services gets Homeworld and Homeworld Cataclysm...
I won a speed running comp on their site a while ago :D
I used it to buy Fallout 1 and 2. Awesome site. Also provides additional things like a PDF version of the manual, wallpapers and screensavers. Basically anything additional to the game can be downloaded when you buy it.
Beneath A Steel Sky is a great game, I played it under DOSBox long before GOG existed.

Anyway GOG is a good site, but generally, I don't buy games from them. Why? Well in many cases I can get equally priced retail originals, and in the few rare cases I can't, the game's usually semi-abandonware anyway, which means the dev etc is defunct, so buying it is(for me) a waste of cash, since I only buy games to support the developers who made'em.
yeah material possessions will be a thing of the past pretty soon. everything is going digital, even toys are now. i know there will still be a lot of things created physically, but i too love having the real copy. I'll even buy the digital copy of something or download it just so i can have both readily available without damaging the real goods. which sickens me because i still don't have a HL2 game/box.
Reason they're going digital is because it makes it harder to sell second-hand games.

It's a shame not more companies do it like Paradox, they own an download-store called Gamer's Gate, but here's the great thing, if ou buy one of the games they publish, you can just enter the serial on the site, and you get the downloadable version as well.
You lot should get Freespace 2. With its Source Code Project you can get texture and model upgrades to make it look better as well.
The Freespace games are on my long list of things I will get when I actually have money again.
i saw a BSG mod for this game and it looks worth it just for that alone! this site is amazing

Total Conversions like "the BSG mod" (Beyond the Red Line) and The Babylon Project are completely free, since the engine is open source. You can legally download them via torrent or filesharing sites.

Freespace, however, is not freeware. Buy the damn game.
Total Conversions like "the BSG mod" (Beyond the Red Line) and The Babylon Project are completely free, since the engine is open source. You can legally download them via torrent or filesharing sites.

Freespace, however, is not freeware. Buy the damn gamn.

Buy the damn gamn.

the damn gamn.

damn gamn.

Beyond The Red Line is pretty much vaporware these days, aside from the old demo.
Buy the damn gamn.


Beyond The Red Line is pretty much vaporware these days, aside from the old demo.

That's because the majority of the dev team got into a fight with the team leader over creative differences and left to form their own BSG mod.

The new mod is called Diaspora, and it'll be a fair while before it sees a release, but they've been releasing regular media updates, and it's likely that it's going to turn out to be what Beyond the Red Line promised. You should see their basestar.

Wing Commander fans should also check out the Wing Commander Saga, which has also released a demo and base gameplay to edit, though again, it'll be a while before a proper release with complete assets occurs.
I've actually spoken to one of the leaders of the Diaspora team and it's shaping up quite nicely and should not be too long before a first public release actually.:)

I hang out on the official SCP channel so. Which means I am cooler than you and knows more than you do about FreeSpace!:D
The IRC channel?

I last heard their release was dependent on the release of 3.6.11, or at the very least certain features of 3.6.11, which doesn't really fit into a timetable.
GOG sure is awesome. A few days ago I tried installing Sacrifice (I've owned the original copy since its release), but sadly found out that the disc was corrupted. With GOG's prices I didn't hesitate getting a new copy from them. Works like a charm.
Wow, you sounded just like one of those happy customers in infomercials just then.
The IRC channel?

I last heard their release was dependent on the release of 3.6.11, or at the very least certain features of 3.6.11, which doesn't really fit into a timetable.
Yes the IRC channel.

I have a question, GOG claims to have no DRMs on any of their games, how do they prevent people who buy their games from simply distributing the installers to all their friends?

Surely there has to be some form of DRM procedure to prevent this?