Half-life 2 character may be killed off.

Salmon :)D) wants Sheep Hard to die a slow painful death while the G-Man shouts to him:

'You worthless piece of sh!t! Get out of my Universe!'
Killing Kleiner would piss me off. He's awesome. I wouldn't be suprised though, they were going to kill him off in Red Letter Day at one point. Killing Eli is too much of a cliche, it won't be him.

Correct Evo!
Yeah I think everyone expects Eli now so wouldn't suprise me if he survived, Kliener or Barney I say
It IS Barney. I talked to my booker and he gave me 4/3 odds that Barney will bite the bullet.

Now Barney BETTER die, or I'm gonna be making future posts from a cardboard box outside of a wifi-enabled Starbucks.
Well if he does die, it better be bloody memorable, and an awsome last speech eitherhile he is dieing or before he actually gets killed. Would be the best if he actually saves your life at the cost of his own or something
I think the death should be quick, to the point and without the chance to say goodbye. That would cut into me.
Well he could say before going into dangerous territory with ya that he will finally buy that beer for ya when this is all over, THEN, he gets killed. If he saves your life, dies instantly without saying goodbye, just when he talked about what to do after its all over, that would depress me for the rest of the game lol
That'd be too ironic. It'd make his death seem cheesy.

"Boy Gordon looks like this war's almost over. Looks like we'll be able to have that beer after all."


*Barney gets shot*

It's too overhanded. The only way he can comment on it without it being supreme cheese is if he talks about it as he's dying. At the very, very least, he'd have to mention it a long time before he dies, if he was going to say it before he bites the bullet. And I mean he has to say it long before they'd have a battle, or go into any "dangerous territory."
Yes they can.


Weird Al :D

Don't bother the clip, it's the music rules.
I don't want Barney to die saving my (Gordon's) life. To me that would feel like a total waste. I don't need someone to sacrifice his life in order to save mine. I'm Gordon Freeman, I'm perfectly able to take care of myself. I rather have him save the life of Alyx, Eli or Kleiner.

And if Barney dies, I don't think it will be at your side during combat. Because then people could get the impression that wasn't suppose to happen and they can save Barney's life. Some players would be running ahead of Barney, eliminating every single threat in the area. Replaying and replaying the part, but Barney still dies every time. That would be pretty frustrating.

Besides Barney is pretty tough. He has been taking bullets during the entire uprise. He has been on the front fighting Combine soldiers during the entire lost week. I think it would be kind off silly if he now dies in combat by a single (or couple) of Combine bullet. If he does die in combat it has to be a Strider or Gunship ...or an Advisor (I don't think screwing with peoples minds is the best thing he can do).

If he does die, I think it would be in a 'Valve way'. There would be nothing Gordon could do about it. For example (just examples, I don't think any of these situations will actually happen): You get cut of by a ton of rubble and Barney gets killed on the other side (like in Black Mesa East); Barney climbs on a building and gets shot on the roof (like in Anticitizen One); Barney gets executed by Combine soldiers while you are watching it from behind a bulletproof window / when you don't have any weapons / while you are captured in a Stalker pod / while an Advisor is mindraping you.
Aye i like that one, Barney gets captured or something, and they say until Gordon Freeman gives himself in he will be executed, but he is anyway right in front of you. Whoever does die, and how they die, im sure it will be awsome.
I reckon it would be cool if whichever character who will die dies while you hear from the other end of a radio message or something.
That way it cuts out the cheesy sequence and theres nothing you can do about it... much much more emotional imo
I liked the way Valve ended Breen and Gregori, unclear as to their final fate (Well, actually Gregori can die in the end, but he usually just disappears into the crypt) but the supposed death in EP2 will probably be a bit more obvious.
Perhaps Breen will end up in such a way, no real clarification on his death, just the assumption that you know, he couldn't have escaped that reactor chamber. At this point, I feel Breen is most certainly dead, and Valve have no reason to keep plugging us along with such tedious clues. I'm not asking for outright clarity (well, maybe), just perhaps a scene with Eli in which he asks Alyx if there's any chance Wallace made it, and she cuts him off, shaking her head, "I don't think so dad."

Eli and Breen were once friends and colleagues, and there are hints of that in their conversation. It would only be natural for Eli to want to put his mind at rest.
Perhaps Breen will end up in such a way, no real clarification on his death, just the assumption that you know, he couldn't have escaped that reactor chamber. At this point, I feel Breen is most certainly dead, and Valve have no reason to keep plugging us along with such tedious clues. I'm not asking for outright clarity (well, maybe), just perhaps a scene with Eli in which he asks Alyx if there's any chance Wallace made it, and she cuts him off, shaking her head, "I don't think so dad."

Eli and Breen were once friends and colleagues, and there are hints of that in their conversation. It would only be natural for Eli to want to put his mind at rest.

Don't say that man. Breen is my favourite character. He had the best lines in the game. Besides, they went for a lot of foreshadowing about his fate, so I doubt he's dead. I mean, the characters might say he's dead, but I doubt he really will be.
They repeated the "host body" speech twice, so I'm expecting they'll follow through.
Don't say that man. Breen is my favourite character. He had the best lines in the game. Besides, they went for a lot of foreshadowing about his fate, so I doubt he's dead. I mean, the characters might say he's dead, but I doubt he really will be.

I love Breen as well.
Breen is the best villan in a game ever but keeping him has no purpose. He was the face of the Combine for the propaganda but that has no use now, having him as a slug seeking revenge just seems distracting from the point; the Combine are pissed and want to kill everyone (well, if that is the point, we still can't be sure what exactly the Combine want). The Discworld series of novels has an incredible number of books and has some great villans but they don't return, they die and that's it (except for the auditors that is) because their purpose is gone, they're defeated and there are no clich?ed comebacks, I hope Breen is like that too.
Perhaps Breen will end up in such a way, no real clarification on his death, just the assumption that you know, he couldn't have escaped that reactor chamber. At this point, I feel Breen is most certainly dead, and Valve have no reason to keep plugging us along with such tedious clues. I'm not asking for outright clarity (well, maybe), just perhaps a scene with Eli in which he asks Alyx if there's any chance Wallace made it, and she cuts him off, shaking her head, "I don't think so dad."
Why do I read every space between these words as "DUN DUN MECHA BREEN DUN DUN!" He's like Arnie, walking forth from the burning citadel! Rarrrggghhh!!!
They repeated the "host body" speech twice, so I'm expecting they'll follow through.
That depends on whether the intention was really that they were highlighting the 'Host Body', or simply indicating that the emerging scene was taking place within the room from which the advisor originally talked to Breen from (the player is being asked to recall what was in this scene from another angle, not what is significant about the words of the scene).

It works either way, but there would be something disappointing about not ultimately facing the Half-Life 2 advisor. In the same way that the Citadel loomed over the beginning of HL2 because ultimately you would be blowing it up, the advisor was this unreachable enemy set up by the first game who we will be challenged to destroy later in the continuity. The combine advisory is foreshadowing this. For the first time, we're catching up with the advisor, treading where she* has before us. To make the antagonist a Breen advisor, would undermine whatever the first game was trying to set up with those occasional glimpses in Half-Life 2.

* Well, wouldn't it be interesting if it was female?
Why do I read every space between these words as "DUN DUN MECHA BREEN DUN DUN!" He's like Arnie, walking forth from the burning citadel! Rarrrggghhh!!!
That reminds me... where -was- the host body? You could see Breen all the way up in that funky bubble-thing - at what point was he going to make the transfer?
The thing is, if Breen died, he went out in a truly unsatisfying way. There was no resolution there at all. You blow up the core, he goes "you need me!" and then he falls. That's it.

Anyway, I disagree about the advisor. It would be more poignant if Breen became one of the slug things, because Breen was always the one going on about human evolution and the rise of man and benefits of Combine rule and all that. It would be interesting for Breen himself to have recieved the benefits of immortality... as a giant slug. It would be plotty.
Yeah they could make it sinister, like you see one of the Combine advisors, and before mind raping you, its just looks at you for a few seconds first before exiting. Alyx or whoever is with you could make a slight reference on the strange feeling about that last slug, before shrugging it off.
* Well, wouldn't it be interesting if it was female?

You know, yes it would.

The thing is, if Breen died, he went out in a truly unsatisfying way. There was no resolution there at all. You blow up the core, he goes "you need me!" and then he falls. That's it.

I thought it was a good death. He was trying to escape Earth, his story was pretty much over. "You need me!" is a great way to finish off Breen, excellent infact. Breen was the 'middle' where there was human and Combine. He could have been implying that without him the Combine will move to wipe us out. And they are. Good death.

Anyway, I disagree about the advisor. It would be more poignant if Breen became one of the slug things, because Breen was always the one going on about human evolution and the rise of man and benefits of Combine rule and all that. It would be interesting for Breen himself to have recieved the benefits of immortality... as a giant slug. It would be plotty.

Why would an Advisor be his host body? It doesn't make sense. Also, there goes Breen's character if he's reduced to a slug.
That reminds me... where -was- the host body? You could see Breen all the way up in that funky bubble-thing - at what point was he going to make the transfer?

The transfer process occurs on the other side of the portal. He would escape to another universe, another planet, and be fitted into a body that can survive those conditions.

I thought it was a good death. He was trying to escape Earth, his story was pretty much over. "You need me!" is a great way to finish off Breen, excellent infact. Breen was the 'middle' where there was human and Combine. He could have been implying that without him the Combine will move to wipe us out. And they are. Good death.
It was a great ending, sure. But it's not an EPIC ending until you face off against Breen's head in a glass dome wired into a synth body, charging at you and firing pulse rifle bullets out of arm cannons and taunting you with things like, "Your demise is inevitable, Dr. Freeman," and "I told you your struggle was pointless, Dr. Freeman," and "I'm the goddamned Mecha-Breen, Dr. Freeman."
It was a great ending, sure. But it's not an EPIC ending until you face off against Breen's head in a glass dome wired into a synth body, charging at you and firing pulse rifle bullets out of arm cannons and taunting you with things like, "Your demise is inevitable, Dr. Freeman," and "I told you your struggle was pointless, Dr. Freeman," and "I'm the goddamned Mecha-Breen, Dr. Freeman."

I would rather "You have no chance to survive make your time" ;)
Why would the Combine waste time on ressurecting him anyway?
It was a great ending, sure. But it's not an EPIC ending until you face off against Breen's head in a glass dome wired into a synth body, charging at you and firing pulse rifle bullets out of arm cannons and taunting you with things like, "Your demise is inevitable, Dr. Freeman," and "I told you your struggle was pointless, Dr. Freeman," and "I'm the goddamned Mecha-Breen, Dr. Freeman."
Reminds me of Quake 4.
...but I was being sincere...

I just want Dr. Breen back. He can't die. I need him. ;(
I liked the way Valve ended Breen and Gregori, unclear as to their final fate (Well, actually Gregori can die in the end, but he usually just disappears into the crypt) but the supposed death in EP2 will probably be a bit more obvious.

Well, Grigori got himself maybe blewn up in Citadel explosion or got killed by zombies.

But it would be awesome tom get him back, this what I would like:
"Gordon and Alyx are in room, then Combines get in there and arrest them. Player can't move and use weapons, like in HL1 when soldiers trap him, but then the episode ends and you hear shotgun + HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
1: I knew he was being sarcastic
2: That doesn't stop his post from reminding me of Quake 4
3: Gregori uses a winchester rifle, not a shotgun
all of you guys are wrong, dead wrong, retarded down syndrome wrong.

Rebel Male #5 will be the one who dies. Cut down in his prime while he tries to shoot a strider with an mp7. Then later again by a grenade he didn't react fast enough to. And then once more when he keeps ignoring the headcrabs to shoot at the zombies and falls to the crabby attacks.

And every one of his deaths will be meaningful and powerful and make you want to curl up with some icecream and cry your eyes out for hours.