Is it possible to disable or even delete specific parts of Half-Life 2 maps?


Feb 11, 2012
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Basically I want to make certain pieces of the worlds brush (you know like a room that is a brush) to become either disabled or killed at any point that I enter a trigger or an event takes place.

Why? Well When I combine 5 different maps such as all the Trainstation maps I experience a memory error. So basically I want to disable say d1_trainstation_02 through d1_trainstation_06 until I reach the end of d1_trainstation_01 where the first part of d1_trainstation_01 are disabled EXCEPT the parts where the player walks. Then when the player reaches where the loading trigger would be normally the player would instead warp to another location without invoking the loading screen.


To disable/delete certain parts of a maps brush such as a part of the floor or a room even. I want to do this so that I can have later maps disabled and I can easily go to them WITHOUT going through a loading screen.

**what I have tried**

1. I have tried to convert the worlds brush into a func_brush and then having a trigger disable this brush. It works on small rooms but not on large maps. I constantly experience memory errors. I am not sure what to do. Any help is appreciated.