Left 4 Dead 1/2 Cross-Play Possible?


May 6, 2005
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In an interview with Total Video Games Valve's Doug Lombardi has revealed that they are looking at introducing cross-play between Left 4 Dead 1 and 2.[br]
One of the things that has been floating around is the idea of cross-gameplay with the original Left 4 Dead; is this likely?That's something that we're trying to work out right now, the details of it. So nothing specific to say today, but we understand that it's a very valid thing to be working on and looking at. With the MOD stuff, if you're making stuff for Left 4 Dead it will work in Left 4 Dead 2 with very minor amounts of work to bring it over. So we feel we've made good steps on that side and now we're looking at how we manage that for folks who buy the first game and sequel.
[br]You can read the whole thing here.
I'm going to speculate that this will take the form of L4D2 mounting the original L4D content and allowing you to play it from within L4D2, albeit still using the original characters etc. Whether or not that would extend to modifications or improvements to gameplay stemming from the new engine, I wouldn't like to say.
It makes sense to me to do it that way, anyway.
On a bit less of a technical note, I certainly hope this boosts the chances of the inclusion of the original characters from L4D1.
I suspect only in the way that I mooted. If you have L4D installed, L4D2 will mount the GCFs and make the previous campaigns available.
That's what I assumed you meant, and I assume will happen.
All the bugs from L4D will be included in L4D2.
Hopefully this also means you don't have to leave L4D2 to play L4D with others who do not have L4D2.
Why do I get the feeling this is one of those passing comments that will become a set-in-stone promise in some guys bitching post the moment it doesnt show up.
You're probably right.

Generally, I wouldn't care. However, as an example - I rent a server on which I host and play L4D. When L4D2 comes out, I don't really want to have to pay to rent a second server, so if Valve can make a way to play the L4D content through L4D2, I'll be a happy bunny.
Ohh snap so the L4D2 complainers will love this... Can someone create a Pro L4D2 Fan Club to compete with the whiners?
I'm guessing they will do it that somehow you'll be able to import the content from L4D1 if you own it into L4D2. If they don't do it... Modders will do it... The maps and models/materials/sounds are probably really easy to import... Maybe some of those dialog triggers could cause minor issues, but no big deal... About the characters... They could do it so we could use the original crew, but if they don't do this it wouldn't be such a problem...

I'm really anxious to see these new bosses... Woah... 3 new ones... Charger: Check
What are the others? The Screamer maybe? Even if it is one of them, or possibly a variation, we still have another one, and Doug also said they are working on a fourth... They are just trying to kill our tactics -.- Pure awesomeness :]
No one knows, he showed up a few days ago.
What are the others? The Screamer maybe?
I doubt it's the Screamer, he said they're all playable in Versus and the Screamer was supposed to sit and wait until he saw the players, then hide and scream. I really don't think that would work as a playable class, the same way the witch doesn't.
Yeah, the scremaers game style is way too similar to boomer as well, just atract the horde. I think the Charger was pure genious, did not think of that sort of thing at all.

But yeah, with (3?) more classes to invent, some similaritys are bound to pop up.
Charger is tank for ambushes. The reason the frustration bar was added to the tank is because players who were tank, but acted intelligently and set up ambushes, would dominate the survivors in Valve's beta test of the game. Forcing the player to act like a brute leveled the playing field a bit. The charger allows players to use the ambush tank stuff, without it being incredibly overpowered.
Problem is the Charger is weaker than the Tank and the Tank goes down in seconds anyway. So I fail to see how the Charger will be any more effective against a organised team.
The charge bumps and disorientates a team that are performing a cluster****, you could get them out of a corner and coordinate ur other guys to attack at the same time, I can think of a few moments in Versus where it would come in handy, I am also assuming it will spawn more regular than the tank, plus we dont know what changes they may make to the Tank to make it more of a threat.