lol GMAN dead before I finish the game -BUG-



So I am playing the buggy map, and so I get to the part where you get the rocket launcher. I save right after I get it... The weird thing right after the save I go up the stairs to find GMAN standing there with that dude who gave me the rocket launcher LoLz!

Anyway If I am slow to get up the stairs I watch GMAN get shot the F*ck down by that aircraft that you have to shoot rockets at.. But if I hurry I can stand in front of him and save him and then like mess around with him and stuff, but eventually he'll die... So anyway what a gay bug, cause I saw GMAN even before I could finish the game, and the funny thing tho is that he is dead! lolz. check the screeny.
I also have the saved game if anyone wants it let me know.
or simply a npc_create monster_gman or something
It's hardly a show-stopper, is it? Especially given that you see G-man at that location anyway (if you're observant). Not really worth complaining about.
He seems pretty calm, considering he's getting hit in the face with a crowbar!!
Well,I met him carrying a suitcase too in the hovercaft level during I open the fifth gate (dam to Black mesa east) he had no respond to my attack
Thats not the gman, its his one of his many stunt doubles. ;)
Hehe funny :LOL: I'm not sure if it's a bug could be some sort of easteregg. I have never experienced it though.
Edgar said:
or simply a npc_create monster_gman or something
give npc_gman I believe. 'srubbish though. You can't hurt him, not even with the blue manipulator. All I want to do is fling his rag-doll around the streets of City 17 and use his corpse as a meat-shield - is that really so much to ask?
I saw the G-Man right after the mines, on the train tracks, past the snipers and the parking lot, you look between the wagons blocking off the level at the extremity, you see him walking off with his suitcase, only a really short glimpse. That was exciting!
so he gives the guy the rocket launcher? I never seen him at that part...that's why I am asking.
Technically he isn't dead in that pic, if anything he just looks dissapointed in you.

Maybe the G-man has clones of himself!? :O
npc_create npc_gman

Something to note, only combine attack and kill the gman.

npc_breen for a fun kill too
I think you might be treading on possible spoiler territory.
tags would be greatly needed.
G-man can be killed, you just need to hit him with rockets and grenades for a looong time.
odd bug, im sure Valve will fix it, although it isnt a show stopper or critical, it spoils the game at that point for the newbie.
basically he put the NOCLIP cheat on to get to the gman then noclip on again. and walking through triggers to start the airship to come