Polygons are for losers!

I like how high res and sharp those textures are.
dem sand trails
Is this in any way related to those other guys that were doing voxel stuff that we were looking at months ago? This guy didn't sound like those guys. Voxels still look like an assload of pixels...
"But now, it's more like the engine is a generator, a constructor and reconstructor of volumetric data, and all of that is physics [something]. The rendering is just a, um... a side product of all of this."

This type of engine is the future. I'm calling it now.
Aren't voxels rendered via polygons anyway in the video card shader pipeline and thus PIXELS WILL NEVER BE OBSOLETE!?

Though actually I guess they could just be rendered as pixels through the pipeline. I dunno.
Aren't voxels rendered via polygons anyway in the video card shader pipeline and thus PIXELS WILL NEVER BE OBSOLETE!?

Though actually I guess they could just be rendered as pixels through the pipeline. I dunno.

i think you meant "polygons" and i think you're somewhat right , if the voxels are hardware accelerated then they indeed need to have some form of polygonal representation. But there are efforts being made to do it in a software renderer.
Yeah I meant to say polygons, not pixels. Not sure why I said pixels. Probably because I was thinking about the next line I was going to write, which had pixels.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but voxel based engines are not a new technology. I remember old games (Comanche series) using them, but the industry never focused on them. In my opinion, voxels have pros and cons, so I remain skeptical about the mass adoption of this technology.
It's not completely new technology, it's just being used in a new way.

Looks cool, even though I couldn't understand a christing word he said.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but voxel based engines are not a new technology. I remember old games (Comanche series) using them, but the industry never focused on them. In my opinion, voxels have pros and cons, so I remain skeptical about the mass adoption of this technology.
Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 use them too. It's not new, it's just that now we have powerful enough PCs to A: Make them look good and B: Do interesting stuff with them.
Everyone knows the best game that used voxels was Outcast!

Shame I can't get it to work well with XP.:(
I've never heard of this voxel stuff. Brb, must research.
Blood also used voxels on some of the objects inside the levels. I remember stuff like chairs and the crystal ball in the carnival level were made of voxels.