<possible spoilers> Is anyone else pissed off about...


Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
How many of the monsters we've seen or known about before the game was released (assuming you have kept up with the media) ? I would've thought id would've had a little more restraint. I'll go down the list of the enemies on Planet Doom;

The former humans: pretty much all are accounted for in screenshots and videos, except for maybe some of the Marine zombies.

Imp: All over pre-release media, in almost all videos and the infamous 'squarehead' screenshot.

Pinky Demon: Also in videos and screenshots, seen eating the fat zombie in a bathroom (a scene I was looking forward to seeing ingame, but somehow never did).

Lost Souls: Again, seen in a screenshot.

Hellknight: Everywhere, featured on the game box.

Trites: Saw lots of screenshots of them, like the cool one where the Trite had 2 shadows.

Ticks: Never saw them, but they were pretty much the same as the Trites.

Cherub: Like most, in videos and a screenshot.

Wraith: Ditto ^

Mancubus: Hadn't seen it, but we knew it would be in and remebered it from Doom 2.

Maggot: In some G4 video I think.

Arch-vile: Also in a G4 video.

Renevant: Screenshots, videos, you know the drill.

Cacodemon: G4, again.

Vagary: Never seen, but mentioned and described in some magazine.

Sabaoth: Kind of a surprise, one of the only ones.

Guardian: Never seen or heard of, but sort of generic and predictable.

Cyberdemon: Never seen but we knew he would be in and he's similar to his original Doom counterpart.

In short, there weren't any monsters that I didn't see coming because I had seen practically all of them. It totally spoiled the scare factor. I know following pre-release media will spoil some things, but this is just insane. I was really expecting more. It was also missing some that I thought would be in, like the Spider Mastermind. I still liked seeing some environmental and storyline stuff that I hadn't anticipated, though. Don't get me wrong, the game was brilliant, but there were a lot less surprises than there should've been. Let's hope Valve hasn't made the same mistake with HL2
I'm pissed off about a lot of things, i guess i'll add this to the list.
What's a Sabaoth? Was that Sarge? I never played Quack 1/2, if that has anything to do with it.

The ticks were pretty stupid - just trites that did more damage, ooooooooooooh! They should have had the mini plasma spiders from Doom 2 instead - the pinky demon is biotech after all. Speaking of the pinky - where the hell did he go after the first half of the game? Never see him again at all.

Btw, I'd never seen the maggot, archvile or cacodemon since I never saw the G4 video. I didn't really follow Doom 3 religiously, so for someone like me, they were still a surprise (although everything else wasn't, as you mentioned).

Cacodemons were about the worst enemies I reckon, they flew around like retards and flew back so far when you hit them with any weapon so most of the time they didn't even get a chance to shoot at you.
Doom Iii Has A Forum For Its Self!!!

why are people talking about that stupid game!!! DOOM III HAS ITS OWN FORUMS WHY DONT PEOPLE GO THERE???

i seen atleast 20 doom threads on this site!!! am i starting to halucinate?
I'm not really pissed about the things in the game, it was a really enjoyable experience and i'm already on my 2nd run through the game. - like lanthanide mentioned there was some monsters, that after they're initial presentation just seemed to disappear from the game o_O?

I thought that was pretty odd.

In total i think i saw the pinky demon 4-5 times in the whole game....come on!

Maggots i did'nt see, or maybe they just looked so much like the trites that i did'nt care looking at them up close before they were sent back to hell.

Burnie zombie was only seen 2 times.....suck!

HK was introduced way too late in the game.

No gibbing on hellish beings....blows!

Cacodemons were terrible, yeah, most non-scary monster in the game.

Thankfully the good parts outweigh the bad parts - but still...kinda wish they'd done some things differently.....maybe a mod will change most of whats wrong with the game. Although i very much doubt that.
Moron_Mouth said:
why are people talking about that stupid game!!! DOOM III HAS ITS OWN FORUMS WHY DONT PEOPLE GO THERE???

i seen atleast 20 doom threads on this site!!! am i starting to halucinate?

Just dont read the threads - go away troll
There were more pinkies in the game, just they often came in batches of 2 or 3 at a time so you're probably less likely to remember them individually.

Maggot = 2 headed beastie that many people confuse with imps. First seen when you get to the bit with the body hanging on the ceiling with spikes in it and it roars, then about 6-7 maggots spawn and come after you. They were really weak, although fast, but were easy to evade at melee range (short reach and long attack animation).

Burning zombie was in it 3 times on normal diff. The HK was too late in the game, but then once he had appeared, they kept spawning him all over the place, it was a bit silly.
Yeah you're right, now that you mention it - there were a few more in the latter part of the game....completely forgot that, but still its a demon you kinda always think about when the word "doom" is mentioned.....the imp got way more screentime :) than the pinky :(
Actually, I saw quite a few maggots but they are really similar from the wraiths in their size and the way they attack, so when they rush at me they get chainsawed before I can tell the difference. And yeah, it kind of sucked how almost every enemy was for special occasions and the rest of the time it was just imp imp imp imp.