Steam News: 05/25/06

We only have a few days to wait anyway :)
So she will randomly beat zombies like that without any sequence? By the way did anyone notice how polished everything looks? Not sloppy HDR, it looks like very realistic lightning. (Especially when they show the hall)
*cracks knucles*

We only have a few days to wait anyway.

Oh yes, I cannot wait any's time for the G-Man to show himself and start answering some questions. And I'm sure Alyx's AI will not dissapoint.
I'm excited to learn the answers to a lot of questions that Half-Life 2 left us with, but I'm scared of all the new questions they'll probably pose :D
Might as well ask here. Has there been any info on any Collector's Edition like the Half-Life 2 GOLD package or similar?
I doubt it. Seems like they wouldn't do that for the first of several episodes.
Alec_85 said:
Might as well ask here. Has there been any info on any Collector's Edition like the Half-Life 2 GOLD package or similar?

The episodes are being done in a trilogy, so you'll more than likely get one at the end.
I dont think they will answer that many in this Ep1. I think that later one maybe EP2, EP3 they will start the hardcore answers.
What further encourages me to buy this when it comes out is the fact that some asshole whill make a thread called "GMAN IS GORDONS FATHER" (or whatever) and spoil the whole game. :|
This game is looking more hawt with each new bit of news. Good job Valve.
Ennui said:
I'm excited to learn the answers to a lot of questions that Half-Life 2 left us with, but I'm scared of all the new questions they'll probably pose :D

Let's hope it doesn't pull a "Lost" on us by saying things will be revealed...but when the episode is finished nothing has been revealed, though new mysteries have arose.
Anyone know the exact time yet when it will be released?
is Gordon in it? If not how do you think they'll make an episode equally balanced with both characters?