Tooooo scary


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
This game is too scary for me and I am never going to play it ever again. Ever.

I thought the first two levels of No Mercy in the demo were pretty scary but they inevitably got overplayed and it became routine expecting a Hunter to jump out of that corner over there or for that coughing noise you hear to be from a Smoker that could be hiding in one of two places. We all got to know the levels so well that we became efficient and business-like in removing the zombie infection. But now, we have 20 levels to memorise. And they're not all in cushy apartments or familiar train stations. They're in foggy woods and abandoned sewage factories and dank sewers.

The zombies hiding in the trees in Death Toll almost made me crap myself at this time of the morning.

Never again. I am taking the game back and going to huddle in a corner for the rest of my life.
Why don't you give it to me. I'll trade it for my extra copy of half life 2.
I was hoping this game would be more scary. Can't say I've been truly freaked out in this game. You just come to expect it all.
The scare factor can only be temporary. But I did notice zombie bosses were a lot scarier in the woods than in the city because you can't see through the trees to where they are.
The game is a shitload of fun but scary it aint :D No zombie movie has ever freaked me out.

So yeah...pussy.
this game is NOT scary. its the first 18-rated game ive ever played, NOTHING was scary[only played the demo, but im getting the real game].
this game is NOT scary. its the first 18-rated game ive ever played, NOTHING was scary[only played the demo, but im getting the real game].

Yes, demo isn't scary. Full version is. Especially the forests.
I thought it was going to be scary. But it wasn't.
STALKER is scary. FEAR is scary.
This isn't scary. It's just startling.
hey come on guys!

I obviously called dibs. So he should give it to me.
I was begging ZT long before anyone else. And begging to one HL2.netter is begging to all of them.

The demo is scary the first two or three times around, but then, it just becomes routine. I'll try the game on Friday, so I'm excited (hooray, it's available on cyber cafes tomorrow). Thanks to your advice, the first one I'll lure my friends into, will be Blood Harvest.
You played it with me a while back and you were ok...I think...

Or was it the 1 bar'd lag that scared you so? D:
Lol at all the pussy jokes.

I gotta play this game. Tomorrow, alas, tomorrow.
I don't know. It revealed how much of a pussy Reggie is.
A staggeringly good advertisement for my place in the L4D tournament. :|
I got creeped out by it. And I wasn't even PLAYING it. I was just watching my friends play it. It's not as scary as Dead space though. God I hate Dead Space.