Two more DoD:S screenshots!


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
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Now I don't know much about this new-fangled Day of Defeat thing, but it seems Valve have released two new screenshots from the upcoming summer update - due June 28 - of their hitler-busting FPS (note: contains no actual hitler). These new shots are apparently showing of some sort of new technology - what's called the "phong lightning effect" and the "TNT package". Man, don't ask me, I only work here. If this was Dodds: Source I'd be a lot more comfortable. Anyway, it looks pretty cool. [br]

[br]The update will also add a whole panzerfull of other stuff including new maps - the ones shown here are dod_jagd and dod_colmar. Remember, remember, the 28th of June - that's next Wednesday!
I thought it was 2 new maps, to accompany detonation?
You can really see it on the helmet in the first screenshot, but if you look at the soldier's face, it is very subtle but adds a great deal of realism. If only the cinematic stuff were coming out in conjunction with this.
Yeah, I like the way his eyes are all hollow and sunken...

SixThree said:
I thought it was 2 new maps, to accompany detonation?
Er, could be.

/me edits
Glo-Boy said:
You can really see it on the helmet in the first screenshot, but if you look at the soldier's face, it is very subtle but adds a great deal of realism. If only the cinematic stuff were coming out in conjunction with this.

They are, when you go into spectator mode supposedly, color correction and film grain will be used. Then it will fade once its your time to respawn. This was said by the people that playtested this new stuff early this past week, there is a thread on the DoD forums.
Sulkdodds said:
Now I don't know much about this new-fangled Day of Defeat thing, but it seems Valve have released two new screenshots from the ucomiming summer update - due June 28 - of their hitler-busting FPS (note: contains no actual hitler). These new shots are apparently showing of some sort of new technology - what's called the "phong lightning effect" and the "tnt package". Man, don't ask me, I only work here. If this was Dodds: Source I'd be a lot more comfortable. Anyway, it looks pretty cool.!
Tyguy said:
in the second picture
That my dear sir. Is a german SdKfz 222.

A german armoured vehicle.

It goes vroom vroom, bang bang.

- Pax
hehe, well I guess you are right. Looks like the combine car a little, which leads me to believe that either the Germans were in fact the combine, or I had too many drinks last night....


  • sdkfz_222_01.jpg
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Tyguy said:
hehe, well I guess you are right. Looks like the combine car a little, which leads me to believe that either the Germans were in fact the combine, or I had too many drinks last night....
Nope. The Germans are indeed the Combine.
"Dodds: Source" (Dodds?) and "tnt" (in capital letters, please)
Aprime said:
"Dodds: Source" (Dodds?) and "tnt" (in capital letters, please)

Didn't you get that?
It was a silly pun, since the newsposter's nick is Sulkdodds.
I thought it was amusing. ;D
You know, I've always thought that the Combine APC was modelled after WW1/WW2 armored cars. So I'm not surprised that people are confusing them.
Capital letters for 'TNT' fixed.

Yeah, I was taking the piss because I really haven't been keeping up to date with DoD:S news so the whole post was like "er, there's a new...thing...coming out...with" I worked it out eventually. :p
Haud on, does this mean we're getting real time shadows and lighting?
AH_Viper said:
Haud on, does this mean we're getting real time shadows and lighting?

No....We aren't getting a new lighting system till Episode 2.
DiSTuRbEd said:
No....We aren't getting a new lighting system till Episode 2.

I demand to know where you heard this.

And didn't we already kind of get a new lighting system?
We got phong lighting in Episode One (and DOD:S soon)
DigiQ8 said:
why the shadows in the second pic looks weird ?
It looks like a partial implemntation of the new lighting and shadowing system. Partial because it isn't responding to the light from the MG.

They really need to start adding facial expressions to the soldiers. At the very least, they should be turning their heads like in HL2DM. The Allied soldier in the first shot looks like a mannequin.