Valve Stuns Gamers - EA Conference

wilka91 said:
I don't give a rat's ass about TF2
:flame: Die in a fire. :flame:

Alright perhaps that was a little harsh, but still. TF2 is second in the world of vapor pie-in-the-sky products only to Duke Nukem Forever. Speaking of which ... First we got Prey, now TF2, DNF would bring the trifecta into play. C'mon, 3DRealms!!! :D
-Crispy- said:
I wonder how the Source engine would handle that, though.
Nice post. Why ask the above though? Multi-seat vehicles have been in the Source pamphlet since it was first made. A long time ago, TF2 was like the old design, after all. ;)
Right now I'm most excited about Portal, that gameplay sounds kickass. I'd imagine a Zelda/Ico/Half-Life type puzzler thriller :D

And if vehicles are in TF2, they better handle better than the vehicles in HL2. Vehicles in BF2 handle well, I'd like them to be like that.
Just because it is not implemented does not mean that the engine does not handle it.

It's like saying "Well I don't see a gun that shoots pink bullets, I bet the Source engine can't handle that."
Varsity said:
Nice post. Why ask the above though? Multi-seat vehicles have been in the Source pamphlet since it was first made. A long time ago, TF2 was like the old design, after all. ;)
Well vehicles usually implies covering large distances. I was thinking more about the mapping side of things than the vehicles themselves (but there's always clipping issues for fast-moving vehicles to consider). Isn't Source supposed to be designed for primarily small, contained environments?
-Crispy- said:
Well vehicles usually implies covering large distances. I was thinking more about the mapping side of things than the vehicles themselves (but there's always clipping issues for fast-moving vehicles to consider). Isn't Source supposed to be designed for primarily small, contained environments?
I hope not, otherwise Episode 2 is f*cked.
The thing i was hoping tf2 was was a really realistic, squad based, dark multiplayer game. Not Toy Story with guns.
Razor said:
The thing i was hoping tf2 was was a really realistic, squad based, dark multiplayer game. Not Toy Story with guns.

**** off and play BF2

TFC was ALWAYS about the good times and NEVER about the details.
^Ben said:
It's like saying "Well I don't see a gun that shoots pink bullets, I bet the Source engine can't handle that."
Funny story: someone on the Red Orchestra forums once told me that Source couldn't possibly handle a realistic game because all of the ones that had been created for it so far have been arcadey. :rolleyes:

-Crispy- said:
Isn't Source supposed to be designed for primarily small, contained environments?
That's all changing for Ep2. Just wait till we get the new trailer. Epic bridge collapse (physics-powered, I might add) by the guy who organised LOTR's destruction effects! :)
-Crispy- said:
Isn't Source supposed to be designed for primarily small, contained environments?

A lot depends upon your scaling. The original Source engine did have certain limitations regarding map size, however given the outdoor environment we've witnessed in the EP2 footage it seems likely that Valve have probably bumped the engines capabilities up a notch or two. It might well be that EP2 is where Valve start moving into image-based rendering (something Gabe talked about a long time back) as a means for Source to handle larger game environments.

I hope EA put those showcase trailers out pronto.
-smash- said:
Update: Some conflicting reports from various reputable game news sites, such as Shacknews, have claimed that Team Fortress Two nor "Portal" will ship with the console versions of Episode Two. I've managed to confirm with Gabe Newell, Valve's co-founder, that both titles will come with the Episode Two console releases.

FYI - Incase the confusion has been ongoing since yesterday.
If TF2 and/or Portal come bundled with HL2 Ep2, there's no way they'll sell it at $19.99. Since I have no interest in anything but Ep2, I hope it will be available stand-alone on Steam.
incorrigible said:
If TF2 and/or Portal come bundled with HL2 Ep2, there's no way they'll sell it at $19.99. Since I have no interest in anything but Ep2, I hope it will be available stand-alone on Steam.
EP1 came with Half-Life Deathmatch Source and it was only $20.
Sparta said:
Where is everyone getting the idea that TF2 is just going to be a cartoony port of TFC? I mean if Valve says the aim of TF2 is to make the best-looking and playing class-based MP game, do you really like they'd simply change the art direction of the original game and call it a sequel?

Are you guys that dumb?
I didn't say it's going to be an exact port of TFC, I said it's not going to be Brotherhood of Arms. And I'm not dumb, it's actually logical to think that way because if you have cartoonish-looking characters you're not going to stick them into a "real war"-style atmosphere. It'd be like watching Small Soldiers or something.

I don't think Valve would go and make a complete port of the old game but from the way it sounds, y'know...seems like it'll be closer to TFC than to the original design of TF2.

Funny thing is, it really shouldn't come as such a surprise. Remember a couple months back, I don't think it was fully a year ago, but awhile back some guys took a trip to Valve and Valve showed them designs of the TF2 characters, and said they were exaggerated-looking versions of the original cast.
Darkside55 said:
I didn't say it's going to be an exact port of TFC, I said it's not going to be Brotherhood of Arms. And I'm not dumb, it's actually logical to think that way because if you have cartoonish-looking characters you're not going to stick them into a "real war"-style atmosphere. It'd be like watching Small Soldiers or something.

I don't think Valve would go and make a complete port of the old game but from the way it sounds, y'know...seems like it'll be closer to TFC than to the original design of TF2.

Funny thing is, it really shouldn't come as such a surprise. Remember a couple months back, I don't think it was fully a year ago, but awhile back some guys took a trip to Valve and Valve showed them designs of the TF2 characters, and said they were exaggerated-looking versions of the original cast.

since when does art direction dictate gameplay? i think some members here need to chill out on dissing a game they know zero about.

btw, where is FF? whats taking so long? its no wonder why valve has been railing against modders holding projects back. these guys need to use the cs, dod, dystopia model, and get the game out and continue to update. you dont need 2 dozen maps for a game to be good. all it takes is one, the rest can follow when you get the core gameplay right.
Kadayi Polokov said:
A lot depends upon your scaling. The original Source engine did have certain limitations regarding map size, however given the outdoor environment we've witnessed in the EP2 footage it seems likely that Valve have probably bumped the engines capabilities up a notch or two. It might well be that EP2 is where Valve start moving into image-based rendering (something Gabe talked about a long time back) as a means for Source to handle larger game environments.

I hope EA put those showcase trailers out pronto.
This information makes me warm and fuzzy inside and wet and sticky on the outside. I would thank you personally, but as you can see, I've got my hands full at the moment.[/ickiness]
nvrmor said:
since when does art direction dictate gameplay? i think some members here need to chill out on dissing a game they know zero about.
Well, like I said about Small Soldiers and Razor said before me about Toy Story, it'd look out of place to have such gameplay with that kind of art direction. Cartoonish models stands to reason that game mechanics will also be a bit exaggerated, like in the original TF. I think that's where everyone's getting the "TFC:Source" argument from. Sure Valve could try and release a game that had TF2's original gameplay with Pixar models, but it'd seem off-balance, don't you think? Gameplay should follow design, and vice-versa.

And I'm not dissing, I'm just saying I'm disappointed. I still said in another thread I'd spend over $100 just for TF2 if Valve asked me too, just because I've wanted it so damn bad, even if it isn't what I was expecting. I could NEVER diss TF2. Ever. Not in a million years. You don't know me, man. I breathed TF2.
That looks ****ing sweet. Screw anyone bitching about it beeing a cartoon.
That looks fine. I just hope their gameplay is up to par.

incorrigible said:
If TF2 and/or Portal come bundled with HL2 Ep2, there's no way they'll sell it at $19.99. Since I have no interest in anything but Ep2, I hope it will be available stand-alone on Steam.

100% must buy with or without @ any price tag :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Hahaha, those giant plugs behind them only serve to reinforce the "toy soldiers" look. I will say that it looks interesting though. Sort of a Mignola-esque art style, ain't it? The engineer reminds me of the guy from the Dire Straights "Money for Nothing" video, too.
-Crispy- said:
Like someone said earlier, Ep 2's supposed to have vehicles. It might make sense that TF2 might feature some 2+ player vehicles a la UT2K4. I wonder how the Source engine would handle that, though.

Source handles that kind of vehicles just great. We could go public even now and have a team deathmatch + vehicles + spawncapturing kinda game on source in our setting, but we'd rather release our own gameplay which will take a little while longer.

As for the problem with map size, really, if you make maps at the max HL2 size you can drive far enough with vehicles to make them essential to gameplay. The real trick there is to make sure you either split up your map visually so you don't get a lot of heavy fps drops, or to keep it visually simple so open spaces don't bother that much (maybe the cartoon style helps there ;) ).

So yes, it's an option for TFC:S, especially since they have access to a lot more code than us and could do vehicles even a lot better. That said, I doubt they're gonna do it. Seen how they handled CS: S and DOD: S, I don't have much reason to believe the new team fortress is gonna be anything else but a new graphically revamped TFC without much "new" content; *especially* since it's released as a bonus to episode 2.
Then they would have called it TFC:S and not TF2. Just wait and see. I doubt that after all of those years we are just going to get an overhaul of TFC.

Anyways , the design rocks.
Seen how they handled CS: S and DOD: S, I don't have much reason to believe the new team fortress is gonna be anything else but a new graphically revamped TFC without much "new" content; *especially* since it's released as a bonus to episode 2.

I'd love to see source-forts style physics junk in a TF setting...
holyyy crap!!! do you know how great this is?!? i will be able to play Half Life 2 and all the episodes on my 360 (or ps3 if it really does have slightly better graphics)!!! not only that, but i can play them on my 42 inch Sony HDTV!!! i can play Half Life 2 in HD!!! wow a dream come im off to Jamaica for 5 days, laterrr

Unless you were playing it on 640X480 res, it was highdef anyway....and indeed you can prolly plug your puter into your tv and play right now. (unless it's a POS)
um that's odd definition of high def right there
but ya I can play hl2 on my pc at 1920*1200 and my 360 can't touch that
Now all we need is a DoD:Source and CS:Source pack for the 360. Yes I have it on the PC but I prefer gaming from my couch.