We Are Up, Time To Win


Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
[br]So, we had some site downtime and?now that we are back up I want to see what everyone did with their free time, since you were not able to visit your favorite site halflife2.net.?Our awesome site technicians are still at work to make sure it doesn't go down again, so in the meantime,?please?"comment" to this "*EPIC*" news post with stories detailing what you did to pass the time.[br]

[br]You can explain with words, images, or art that best describe what you did while we were down. The two individuals who best explain will win:[br]

[br]Keys to Killing Floor. Thanks to Alan from Tripwire I have 2 keys and will be giving them away to the best suck up.? I will send you a private message via the forums with your key.? Let the suck up begin![br]

I slept and played Quaratine 2019 which blows UD out of the water. Too bad I'm staff and can't win this, I'd love a copy of Killing Floor. May the best manchild win!

'Nuff said!
Been watching L4D2 vids.
It rock the socks.
Why have none of you bastards been writing cool content for the site?
I played Left 4 Dead, as usual. Today, I recently got the achievement "Zombie Genocidest", which means I killed 53,595 Infected from the day I first started playing to now. It took me a long time, but I got it. I played all of the L4D game modes, too.

In real-life news, I got a haircut. Now my hair is short and fuzzy :)
I air guitared around the house blaring metallica! kicking over couches. Then got absolutely dizzy and fell on my ass which just so happened to be the coffee table thus breaking the coffee table!

I also managed to watch apocalypse now videos with heavy metal guitar in the background :D!
First winner is Jaboo224. Any person who got hurt and decides to register and join our site wins. Congrats pm you soon.

1 more key left. Who wants it?
Took the new guy out to lunch, got him hammered. He later fell down the stairs.
I was watching my cats have a duel to the death until one fell asleep.
Passed a microsoft exam and proceeded to celebrate like any normal person would. With pills, booze and porn. Then the wife walked in....
Puppy pooped on the floor when I was in the bathroom.

I was bored out of my mind after Halflife2.net went down, so I began to stare at the computer blankley for what seemed like 2 hours and finally got up, but not without a price. As I began to walk around I got very dizzy and I hit the wall numerous times and fell to the ground in pain. I then proceeded to eating some chinese food which made me feel all happy, and so I resumed my day and looked at halflife 2 mods for an hour or so, and finally I am here back on the site typing this epic story, before later tonight I got out for my birthday dinner ;).
Epic story? You walked into a wall. How the hell do you manage that?
Kyorisu, have you ever been on your computer for a long time and all of a sudden get up? You will get dizzy and when you get dizzy you can't balance. But yah, still makes for an epic story.
Well seeing the HL2.net was down, I decided to go to


But after finding an article on there, I was feeling like watching some


After that played some


while drinking some


because I love


I went back and watched some more.

It then occurred to me that I have no life and I cried...
but HL2.net came back up and I was happy again!
Great Grizzly is in the lead but this contest is going to end in a few hours so suck up already. Thanks for the love.
So it began as a normal day, I had just awaken and I got out of bed. I came soon to realize that it was only 9:40 a.m and decided to get up anyway. I then proceeded to sit on my chair and get onto my computer while being annoyed by my brother. While ignoring him, I went onto the internet and went onto the nfl website aswell as the Chicago Bear and Arizona Cardinal forums only to find that nothing new was happening. After that I proceeded to Halflife2.net but it wouldn't load so I opened a new page and tried again only to find that there was an error which angered me because I had 2 threads i had posted in and wanted to see what was happening. So after being angered by that, I just sat at my computer for a few minutes blankely unsure what I should do, so I proceeded to go onto moddb and saw a new message from someone from the mods. The message contained info on a Wolfenstein mod but thats nothing I can go into. Anway after replying and going back and forth through the forums and mods I came back to halflife2.net only to find that it was still down. With my renewed anger, I tried to calm my self by having some chinese food which tasted really good and I also watched some tv. Bored out of my mind again, I decided to look at the game artists forum and create some models in 3ds max which ended up in me giving up fairly quickly. Done with that I played madden on the pc for a while and into the second half of the game, it crashed which pissed me off, but I gave up and logged back onto halflife 2.net finally to see that it was back up again and that there was a new competition, So here I am typing it and am leaving to my Birthday dinner in 1 hour..... well thats allllll folks.
You all suck, Left 4 Dead is bullshit.


I went outside and almost died. Please don't let the site go down again!
Seeing that hl2.net wasn't working, I decided to visit chat and see if anyone else was having the same problem. Apparently they were.


I joined in the rage for a while, but after being spammed on


to play a game, I decided to join me buds in a friendly game of Men of War. Of course, inevitably, this friendly game turned into massive rage as all my stuff blew up.


Following that, dinner arrived just in time to settle my rage.


The deliciousness soothed my senses and, what luck, by the time I came back from dinner, HL2.net was back up and Bluewolf was GRACIOUSLY INFORMING the chat (like the good man he is) about the competition, at which time I visited this thread and figured out nobody else knew about it yet from the chat, even though someone had already won.

I've been watching Evangelion.



..also chatting with my new favorite content writer in the GROUP CHAT for hl2.net, Wolfy-sama~.
I masturbated

and since I cant post the pics I post the words
I prayed to the halflife2.net-gods and also made small offerings (fruits, meat, assorted juices) to the halflife2.net-shrine that I built in my house. Afterward, I sacrificed two chickens and one calf to the halflife2.net-gods outside in my backyard, in order the insure the safe return of this website. Then, me and my dog went for a walk around the neighborhood, chanting sermons about how amazing halflife2.net is and how meaningless humanity would be without it. When the site returned in what seemed like ages (my anxiety added to the downtime) later, I cried out with happiness and quickly ran to my shrine to thank the halflife2.net-gods for their generosity.
Thanks blue wolf.


I was going to post the boobies from my other post on here, but I fixed the link there.

I am committed to keeping the bewbs up as long as possible!
Newbies should be barred from contests. Bottomline, all these ******s registering just for a key only to never post again. Also I didn't even know hl2.net was down but I spent a year and a day jerking off to rape hentai and harassing everyone in chat. Then pay Audiosurf for several hours and then butt.